The Hylian League

A crossover by Star Wars nut

Authoress note: This is a crossover between Storm Hawks and the Legend of Zelda video games (mostly Ocarina of Time with a little bit of Twilight Princess, for those of you who play Zelda), but even if you have never played Zelda of even heard of it, this is still going to be mostly Storm Hawks and I'm trying to write this so, hopefully, you'll get it. Well, here goes nothing!

Disclaimer: I do not own Storm Hawks or Legend of Zelda. If I did, the Hylian League would be in the show.

Chapter 1

"I think we finally shook 'em off," Aerrow said, sounding relieved. They had spent the last few minutes trying to lose a particularly stubborn group of Cyclonians, and now they were safe, although not entirely unharmed. The Condor had taken a couple of pretty bad hits, as Stork pointed out, ending with, "Unless we can land somewhere and make repairs, we're all gonna die." Junko looked out the windshield and, pointing, asked, "What about that terra over there?" Finn, looking where Junko pointed, said, "You mean the one with the guards on skimmers flying around it?" Aerrow looked out then asked, "Piper, where are we, anyway?" Piper looked over her charts before answering, "I don't know. I can't find this terra on any of my charts."

"Well," Aerrow said, standing up, "sitting here won't do us any good. Who knows, maybe those people over there are friendly." Everyone got up but Stork, who said, "I think I'll stay here and uh... keep an eye on things. You know, see what I can do here." Finn, who was last to leave, shrugged and said, "Suit yourself."

The Storm Hawks (minus Stork) then proceeded to get on their vehicles, fly out to the terra, realize that the people (who seemed to be all women, incidentally) were in fact not friendly, put up a good fight, get their rear ends kicked, and, finally, each get tossed in individual cells in a large fortress on the terra. This was not good.

Yazmin, the leader of that particular group of guards that had brought the intruders in, was now sitting on her skimmer, studing their carrier, and wondering whether it was worth the risk to check it out. On one hand, there could be something important or valuable on that ship that she would be rewarded for finding. On the other had, the intruders could have backup in there, and she and whoever she took with her could end up dead. After a bit of thinking, she decided it was worth the risk, called over a couple of her fellow guards, and headed to the ship. To her disappointment, all she could find was a slightly insane Merb. Oh well, she thought, at least we're sure they don't have any backup on this ship, and they're not likely to have any nearby. Because she had also found that the carrier had taken several nasty hits and was in desprate need of repairs. If they did have any help nearby, they surely would've gotten mechanical aid from them. Wouldn't they?

Authoress note: Yeah, I know that this chapter was short, but it was really more of an intro than an actual chapter. Sorry. And now I'd like to ask my readers something. Aerrow's going to escape from the cell he's been chucked in soon; should I include the part where he breaks out, or should I just skip that part? Please let me know in a review!

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