Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto!

All These Games

Ch.1 - Introduction / The News

Naruto raced down the street as fast as he could. He was looking for three people - two of whom should be considerably easy to find in a crowd, yet he had been looking for about two hours.

"Well, have a good day, Billboard Brow!" a familiar voice chirped out to the right of him.

"You too, Ino-pig." a girl chuckled back to her friend.

"SAKURA!!!" Naruto screamed as he darted towards the voices. "I've been look for you everywhere!"

Sakura turned to face him, knowing all too well who it was. "What's up, Naruto?"

The boy grinned happily. "First, we have to find Sasuke-teme and Hinata-chan."

Oh, yes. Sasuke had come back about three years ago after killing Itachi. He keeps saying that he has to fulfil his second goal, yet no one has ever seen him talk with a girl without some there with him, let alone a girl that's more than a friend

Sakura sighed. She had done so well avoiding him over the past years since he came back, too! Sure, she would see him a few times here and there and when Team Seven reunited and started doing missions together two years after his return.

He had finished being under surveillance and was once again allowed to leave the village, just not yet alone. That would be in another six months or so. But, even during those, now weekly training as a team, and the missions, they had never really talked.

Sakura sighed. "Do we have to, Naruto?"

Naruto stopped dragging the girl and looked her directly in the eye. "Sakura? Do you not like Hinata? She's my girlfriend, you know. I want you two to be friends."

Sakura burst out laughing. "What a ridiculous thought! Hinata, Ino, and I are best friends. Kind of Temari and Tenten, too! I wasn't meaning Hinata..." She stopped laughing.

Naruto got the point and they continued on in their search. "Sakura-chan!!! You have to see Teme sometime. Besides, I know he misses you, even if he doesn't say so."

Sakura shot him a dubious look. "Um... Sure, he does." Then she added, under her breath, "Missing the annoying twit. That's a laugh!"

Naruto glanced at her, confused and was about to ask what she said, when he saw another one of the people he was looking for. "HINATA-CHAN!!! OVER HERE!"

The shy girl turned around to see Naruto bouncing up and down while waving his hands energetically. She giggled fondly at him, and looked to the person beside him. Her smile grew bigger as she saw one of her closest friends shaking her pink head and readying her fist. Hinata ran over to them, hoping to save Naruto from an extra lump on his head.

Just before Sakura got to punch him, another hand beat her to it. She looked up and saw Sasuke.

"Be quiet, Dobe. You're giving us all a head ache." He growled to the energetic blond.

Naruto pouted. "I've been looking for you three for hours and then suddenly you all just show up." He thought for a moment then added, "Teme!"





Sasuke stopped for a second then mumbled, "Dobe."

Naruto apparently didn't catch that because he started prancing around and was gleefully laughing.

Hinata giggled at her boyfriend's antics while Sakura and Sasuke just shook their heads, sighing in unison.

Sakura then realized that she and Sasuke were right beside each other doing the exact same thing, and decided to just get this over with.

"Naruto! Why were you looking for us anyways?"

Naruto snapped out of his laughing fit and grinned. "Gaara's coming!"

The other three blinked. "You were seriously looking for us for how many hours just to tell us that the... KAZEKAGE'S COMING?!?!" It all clicked into Sakura's mind at the end of her sentence what was going on.

"Oh my gosh... I forgot Gaara was Kazekage." Hinata mumbled. "Is he still planning on, well, you know..." She trailed off.

Sasuke looked back and forth between the nodding Naruto, stunned Sakura, and the nervous Hinata.

"Planning on what?" He asked slowly.

"Oh yeah! That's right, you weren't here for it." Naruto sighed and started walking down the road, motioning for the others to follow. "Gaara's planning on coming here to pick a bride and get married here. We have to plan! He's coming this Sunday!"

"Married? Why would he get married? And why would he come here to pick some one?" Sasuke was completely confused as he strode along in between his best friend and Sakura.

"He's being forced to get married by the Suna elders. Apparently they need more proof he'll stay stable and he can't choose anyone from Suna because most are already paired up with some one, are too young, too old, or are his fan girls." Naruto explained.

Sakura and Hinata nodded. "Luckily for you, Hinata-chan, you and Naruto are together. He's not allowed to pick people who already have some one." At this, Naruto took Hinata's hand in his, yelling 'Dattebayo'! Sakura sighed. "Too bad I don't have some one and Gaara and I are close. I have a lot bigger chance then some..." It was Monday that day, which only left six days.

Hinata glanced at her friend, pityingly and Sasuke's eyes widened at her two last sentences.

Naruto furrowed his brow. "Why is that bad, Sakura-chan? Don't you like him? Besides, you have a huge chance and he is the Kazekage... You've got a lot of his favour, saving his brother, saving him, killing Sasori, and all..."

Sakura shook her head. "I like him, sure, but I don't want to be forced to marry some one I don't love, and I don't love Gaara."

Sasuke let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding. "Who do you love, Sakura? You have been on a few dates in the past couple years, after all." Sasuke's breath caught again at Naruto's statement and question.

Sakura laughed as the foursome entered the Konoha Park. "I don't love anyone, Naruto. But, I'll admit some of those dates were fun!" She grinned.

Hinata giggled and asked, as she noticed a whole bunch of people, mainly girls, running around setting some things up up, "Is this where the dance and wedding will be?"

"Yup! I'm going to help out." Naruto chirped. "Are you guys?"

Hinata nodded, while Sakura hesitated a moment, then agreed. They all looked at Sasuke, waiting for his answer.

Sasuke frowned. Were they seriously asking him?

Sakura sighed. She should have known better than to-

As soon as Sasuke had heard Sakura sigh, he rethought and quickly nodded. "I'm in."

Sakura stared up at him in astonishment. "Really?" she asked.

Sasuke shot her a look and she decided not to question it any more.

Two hours later

"Hi-na-ta-chaaaaan!" Naruto whined. "I'm bored of setting it up. Don't you think it's done yet?"

Hinata laughed and helped Naruto off the ladder. When they had gone in to help, they immediately got put into groups of two. Sadly for Sakura, she was with Sasuke. Hinata and Naruto hadn't seen the two since they started. They had been putting streamers, lights, and doing bits of cleaning all over one side of the rather large park. Sasuke and Sakura, however, had been sent to the other side of the park doing the same job.

"It was your idea, you know Naruto-kun." Hinata told him. She had always been patient with him.

"Yea, you're right, Hina-chan." Naruto agreed, begrudgingly.

"Hina-chan?" Two voices asked, one rather dazed but still joyous, while the other just sounded surprised.

One of the voices came from Hinata, obviously, while the other they both turned around to see Sasuke and Sakura looking completely worn out.

Sasuke was smirking and Sakura looked over joyed for her friends. She had obviously been the one to ask. Then again...

"What?" Naruto asked. "Did I say something wr-" His eyes widened as he laughed rather sheepishly. "Oh! Sorry Hinata-chan"

Hinata smiled gently at him. "No, it's OK... Naru-kun!"

The three laughed, while Sasuke, the only one not laughing, did a bigger smirk.

An hour and a half later, the tired yet happy couple, went home. Sasuke and Sakura were also heading home, when they realized that they had to take the same road to get home.

About half way through, Sasuke stopped and faced her. "I'm sorry about that."

"About what, Sasuke?" Sakura asked coldly.

He cringed. "You know... While we were setting up."

She glared at him. "Nothing happened as far as I'm concerned. It was an accident and now if you'll excuse me, this is my street."

Without another word, she turned sharply down the road and into her house.

Sasuke sighed. He really didn't mean to... Did he?

AN: Well, that's it peoples! How do you like it? XD I'm actually rather proud, but if you can review, I'll know for sure if it's good or not! See ya peoples in the next chapter! Sorry it's kind of short but the next chapter will be longer, promise! Just let me get started... :D REVIEW PLEASE!!!