
Tequila: Continuing the tradition of having things come into my head and stay there until I write them down…

Justin: She just kept bothering me about it until I gave up. Taking care of her is exhausting….

Tequila: I'm going to write the Alice bits

Justin: And I'm doing Jasper's POV

Tequila: ENJOY!!!

Disclaimer: By deciding every path that we could possibly take and holding Alice hostage, we have discovered that…. This story still does not belong to us. Dang!

1929: (autumn, just outside of Biloxi)

I woke up. There was light everywhere: glorious beautiful light. It beamed gently down on me, where I lay in a clearing. For a moment, I caught a glimpse of trees and sky, but then something different swept through my mind, overtaking all else. A pair of eyes, bloody red but at the same time gentle, filled with all the love I could ever ask for, deep as the sea. And then, suddenly, I was back in the clearing, dazed. What was that? Where was I? I waited a moment, but nothing came to me except a name. Alice. Me. I was Alice. Now I knew who, but where? I was looking about when suddenly I was somewhere else, again. A pair of hands, touching, wearing rings. One was mine—and one I knew instinctively belonged to the man with the eyes. And then I was back, back to pine trees and blue sky and glorious, lovely, sunlight.

I stood up, and was surprised by how quickly I moved. Did I usually move this fast? It felt wrong, somehow. I wasn't sure. I tried to remember how I walked, to bring up images or thoughts or sounds, but nothing came into my mind. I would walk that way, I decided. There was nothing for me here—and suddenly there was a man in front of me—a hiker?—and he smelled so good I couldn't stop and suddenly he was dead and there was blood dripping from my throat and—I was back in the meadow. I blinked. Perhaps I would go this way instead, I thoughtI was thirsty, so thirsty my throat was on fire, aching for the bliss of blood, so thirsty that when a herd of deer passed by me, I reacted without thinking and leapt on one; it soothed the thirst removing my desperation—and again I was standing still in the clearing… what was this?

The whatever-it-was seemed to happen when I made a decision. So I would make decisions, and see what happened. I decided to jump in the air. Nothing. I decided to climb that pine tree—I perched high in the branches, surveying all that passed below. I caught glimpses of more trees, a river glinting somewhere—and then the trees from a normal height again. So, long term decisions? And I saw the results? I was puzzling this over, and puzzling out my thirst. Now that I had noticed it it seemed to grow stronger. Judging from what I had… seen… it was a thirst that could only be assuaged by blood. What did that mean? I searched my mind, which was surprisingly blank, and found nothing… nothing but a word. Vampire. Was I a vamp—those eyes again, deep burgundy red, loving and gentle… from a slightly different angle, and I could see more of the face: fine boned, with an aquiline nose and blond hair… a crowd in the background—again. But this was a vision -ahallucination? - I was glad to have. He looked so kind, so gentle, that man. Why was I seeing him? I had made no decisions, had not even moved. This was pressed to the back of my mind as the thirst grew ever stronger, clawing its way out of my throat and into my mouth. Even if I was a… vampire… I wasn't going to drink the blood of people. Never. But in my vision? -mirage?- I had alleviated the thirst with deer. That I could handle. So I would look for some deer—a rush of air, contact, and then sweet blood running down my throat—yes. I would find some deer, it seemed… if I could trust these whatever-they-weres. I got up and began walking

A/N: We kneel at your feet in supplication, begging for reviews…