Disclaimer- Supernatural and all its characters belong to the CW and Kripke.

This came from the bunny bank at the SFTCOL(AR)S website. The bunny was: Sammy is about seven or eight, or whatever. Little!Sammy. Yey. Anyways, he finds a puppy and he ends up taking him home to whatever hotel or apartment they're staying at. John is just getting home from another hunt and he has to try and hide the pup from his dad and older brother. Eventually, they'll find out and make him give it up, but in some way the pup helps with the hunt.

Thanks for the awesome bunny, spellbound!

Sammy Winchester sat on the swing at the state park watching his big brother. Dean was engrossed in a discussion with one of the park rangers. Dean and Ranger Gates had hit it off the minute they met. Dean had convinced the ranger to teach him how to track animals by saying that he wanted to impress his dad with his tracking the next time he went hunting. Ranger Gates had agreed, and the boys had spent every afternoon since in the park, Sam playing while Dean learned.

Sam didn't remember ever going hunting with their dad. "Maybe that's what he does when he's gone," he thought. Eyeing the ranger and his brother once more, Sammy got off the swing and walked away from the playground area. He plopped down on the grass beside the big oak tree at the edge of the park. Digging through his backpack, he finally came upon the object of the search. Sam snuck a glance at Dean. Satisfied that Dean wasn't watching, he carefully began laying out the bits of muffin and bologna that he'd saved at lunch. Sam tossed the empty bag back into his pack as he stared intently at the big bush next to the tree. A couple of minutes later the leaves at the bottom of the bush started moving. As he waited and watched, a small nose appeared followed closely by a head.

Tiny blue eyes looked around before landing on Sammy. Little ears listened attentively for any whisper of danger. When nothing frightening was seen or heard, a teeny puppy emerged from the bush and walked timidly over to the food. After giving Sam a final once over, the pup quickly gobbled up all the scraps. Swallowing the last bite, the puppy looked pleadingly at Sam. Grinning, Sammy slowly set his hand on the ground, palm up. Hesitantly, the puppy wobbled over, sniffing at the air. Assured it was safe, the pup leaned down and took the bit of bologna that was in the boy's hand.

Sam thought back to when he had first seen the puppy he'd named Muffin after its favorite food. He had seen it while swinging and had immediately run over to the bush to play. Frightened, Muffin had scampered back into the bushes and growled at Sam. He started bringing bits of food after that hoping to befriend the mutt. The first few days the puppy wouldn't come out until it saw him walk far away. It slowly adjusted to having the little boy nearby. Yesterday Muffin had let Sam pet it for a few seconds before scurrying back into the bush.

Sammy was startled out of his thoughts when he felt something on his legs. Looking down, he was surprised to the puppy curling up in his lap. Sam placed a tentative hand on the small dog's head and started petting it. Contented Muffin laid its head down and fell asleep. The youngest Winchester sat quietly petting the pup for a long time. He didn't want the day to end. He wanted to sit here forever with his new found friend and never let it go. But he knew Dean would be calling him to go home soon, and he'd have to leave the tiny puppy again. He didn't know why he couldn't take it with him. There was nothing to do in the house they were renting, and Dean was too busy to play with him. Muffin would be the perfect solution to his boredom. But daddy had made it clear that they couldn't have a pet which sent him back to square one.

A plan slowly formed in his mind. Maybe he could keep Muffin anyway. He knew the puppy was homeless because it didn't have a collar. Nobody would miss it or be looking for it. Daddy was gone wherever it was he went when he left them, and Dean was so preoccupied he'd never notice the new addition to the family as long as Sam was careful. "It's perfect!" Sammy thought.

After looking back to where Dean and Ranger Gates were still talking, Sam cleaned out his backpack the best he could. He placed the handkerchief Dean had made him carry in the bottom of the bag before carefully picking up the puppy and putting it on top of the handkerchief. He zipped the backpack up leaving it open a little at the top so Muffin could breath. "Don't worry, Muffin" he whispered, "We'll be home soon." With Muffin secured Sammy started walking toward Dean and Ranger Gates thinking of all the fun he'd have with Muffin. After all, what could possibly go wrong?