Spoilers: Nope.

Disclaimer: Whatever. I trust you all know I'm not actually trying to claim the show and/or the characters as my own. If you don't realize, then I question your motives in reading fan fiction. Hehe.

Author's Note: Okay, so: Last chapter! Sad, sad, sad. BUT! On the bright side: I did, in fact, finish it before school started up again. Anyway. Last chapter. This one was really, really fun to write! And I want to thank all you awesome people who reviewed and/or favourited, alerted me and/or my story! Y'all are the only reason I update! Thank you, and I love you all!

"Okay, Parker, bath time!" Booth said, trying to sound excited.

"Noooo!" the boy whined emphatically. "Daddy, I hate baths!" They looked imploringly at Brennan, who was trying to keep a straight face. She held up her hands, keeping herself out of the argument.

"Come on, Buddy!" Booth tried. "It's seven o'clock; Mommy's going to be here in an hour, and I don't want her thinking I don't take care of you," he said, almost as despairingly as Parker.

"But can't I just tell her you take care of me? I don't need to have a bath!" he spat the word, pulling a face. Brennan couldn't help but laugh this time.

"Please, Parker? Mommy won't want you to come to Bones' house if she doesn't think we keep you clean!" he begged. This time, it worked. First rule of parenting: Threaten, he thought happily.

"She won't? But I like it here!" he panicked. Booth shook his head, putting on a sad face. "Okay! I'll have a bath!" he cried, desperately. Brennan looked at Booth skeptically as Parker ran into the bathroom, basically stripping as he went. Booth followed him into the bathroom, Brennan trailing behind, and started running the bath, sending Parker into the bedroom to get his clean clothes.

"You lied to him, Booth!" she exclaimed after he left, somewhat amused. Booth laughed bitterly.

"Unfortunately, I don't think I did," he said quietly as he tested the water temperature. Brennan put a hand on his arm, then removed it just as quickly.

"You really don't think Rebecca would let me see him?" she said, trying to keep the dread out of her voice. He laughed quietly.

"I don't think she has a say. She feels threatened by you, Bones. Any excuse will do," he added thoughtfully. Brennan looked at him, amazed.

"What! Why?" she scoffed. She really couldn't see where any animosity was coming from on Rebecca's part.

"Because...I don't know...I suppose it's because I-"

"Daddy! I'm ready!" Parker yelled from the doorway. Booth and Brennan swiveled instantly, to see Parker holding a pile of clothes, now clad only in his underwear. Brennan made a noise that sounded like surprise, and turned back around to face a now laughing Booth. He grabbed her shoulders, not bothering to suppress his amusement.

"Squeamish, Bones?" he asked, eyebrows raised in mockery. The tables are turned!, his mind cried. She frowned at him.

"I'm just not used to...I'm going to go...be out there..." she stuttered pathetically, turning away, closing her eyes as she left the room, only just missing the doorframe on her way out. Booth continued to laugh, as Parker finished undressing, completely unaffected, and climbed into the bath.

Booth considered his position for a moment, then peeked out the door to make sure Brennan was occupied and out of hearing range. He turned back to Parker. He began to talk as he shampooed Parker's hair. "So, Buddy, what do you think of Doctor Bones?" he asked innocently.

Parker smiled and drove his hand into the water making 'space ship' noises. "I like her, Daddy! She's nice. And she's really funny!" Parker said excitedly. Booth chuckled, wondering how many of those times she'd actually intended on being funny. Not many, he decided with a grin.

"Yeah? Tip your head back. I like her, too," he continued conspiratorially. Parker nodded, partially drowning himself in soapy water the process. He coughed, then began to laugh with Booth. "Y'okay, Buddy?" Booth asked, mostly amused, but still worried; the typical father.

"Yep!" was all he got in response as he brought up his other hand to create a sort of space-ship pile-up on the edge of the tub. Booth laughed at his son's antics, then decided to continue with his line of inquiry.

"What would you think if I asked Bones out on a date?" he asked. He was almost asking Parker so he didn't have to make up his own mind. He knew that Brennan probably wouldn't agree anyway, but he figured it was worth a try. After this weekend, she couldn't exactly ignore their...whatever they had.

But then, she's the Queen of Denial, he thought bitterly. He was brought out of his thoughts by Parker's loud, "Really?" Booth laughed at the enthusiasm, then joined in Parker's grin.

"Yeah, Buddy, really. I like Bones very much, you know?" he ventured. He didn't want to pin anything on the poor child, but he did want him to understand. Parker finally stopped his space ships and looked up at Booth.

"I know, Daddy," he said in a voice that seemed all too solemn and knowing for a six-year-old. He went back to splashing innocently.


Brennan was startled out of her book by the sound of Booth's laughter, followed by a loud shriek that could only belong to Parker. She realized from the direction of the sound that they weren't in the bathroom anymore, and she figured that Booth was getting him dressed. She stayed put.

Brennan looked up from her book again when she heard Booth's voice. "One...two...three!" She meant to call out to find out what was going on, only to find herself laughing and ducking as they both launched themselves at her from across the room. Before she could move, Booth had her pinned down as Parker jumped on Booth's back, reaching down to tickle Brennan with his little hands.

Brennan squealed like a child, and squirmed. He had obviously been taking lessons from his father in how to tickle Booth-style. She looked only partially playful daggers at Booth as he joined in. She managed to wriggle her way under Booth so she could shove them off her without hurting them. Well, at least, without hurting Parker. She got up and started running towards her bedroom, seeking cover, crying with laughter.

Parker grabbed her around the waist, before Booth picked Parker up and tossed him over one shoulder. Brennan laughed when he did this, then screamed in laughter as Booth bent down and threw her over the other. Booth made a noise Brennan identified as the kind of noise an alpha male would make after conquering his herd. Parker thought he sounded like Tarzan.

"Booth! Put me down!" Brennan said between laughs, trying futilely to sound assertive. Parker only shrieked again as Booth began to move towards the bedroom, when suddenly he stopped.

"Rebecca," he said simply. Brennan didn't realize it was a greeting until she heard a reply.

"Seeley...I, uh...I heard screaming, and the door was unlocked..." she said, trailing off. Booth slowly set Brennan and Parker down, but kept his arms around them protectively; his hand on the small of Brennan's back. Rebecca looked between the two of them, taking in their bright red faces and fading smiles as Parker ran over to her.

"Mommy!" he called. Rebecca hugged him tightly, before placing a hand on his shoulder, turning back to Booth. Her expression was unreadable; far too complex for Brennan. To Booth, he detected every negative emotion known to man. Anger, confusion, rejection, distaste, bitterness. He bit his lip.

Booth was shocked when Brennan started talking. "Would you like to come in?" she asked politely. She wasn't quite sure of what to make of the situation yet, either. But she wasn't bitter. Rebecca shook her head violently, but managed a small smile.

"No. Thank you. Drew's expecting us soon, so we should be off. Seeley, do you have his things ready?" she said detachedly. Booth nodded dumbly, and looked between Brennan and Rebecca before heading into the bedroom to get Parker's things. Rebecca looked down to Parker, who had watched the interaction with innocent confusion.

"What do you say, Parker?" she asked flatly, obviously forcing calm. Parker's eyes lit up in acknowledgement.

"Oh!" he ran over to Brennan, shocking both women by hugging her tightly around the waist. Brennan slowly put one hand on his hair, the other on his shoulder. She couldn't resist the smile that crept onto her face. "Thank you for having me, Doctor Bones!" he said happily, looking up at her.

Brennan grinned back. "You're welcome, Parker. Any time you want! I hope you weren't too bored," she added as more of a doubtful afterthought. Parker shook his head wildly.

"Nope! I had lots of fun! And you know what?" he asked, eyes wide. Brennan shook her head.


Parker pulled her down to his level so she was the only one who could hear. "So did Daddy!" he whispered emphatically; cheekily. When he pulled back, he winked dramatically, and Brennan smiled at his antics as Booth entered the room with Parker's bag, pausing when he saw Parker hugging Brennan. He smiled, for a second completely forgetting Rebecca's presence.

"Parker?" she called, reminding them again that she was there. And why. "Come on, Baby." Parker nodded and hugged Brennan again before running over to Booth.

"Bye, Daddy! I love you! Can I see you again soon?" he asked. Brennan watched the emotions flash through Booth's eyes with sympathy. Booth picked him up and hugged him tight, giving him a kiss.

"I love you, too, Bub. I love you, too. And yeah, we'll see each other soon!" he said, trying to sound positive, but shooting Rebecca a meaningful look as he did. Parker nodded and Booth took him over to Rebecca, setting him down reluctantly. "Bye, Parker," he whispered, dropping to the boy's level to give him another kiss. Parker threw his arms around Booth's neck, before taking his mother's hand.

Rebecca looked between a somewhat distraught Booth and a very uncomfortable looking Brennan. "Bye. Thank you. Nice to see you again, Doctor Brennan. Seeley, I'll see you later." Booth nodded and Brennan returned the greeting.

Parker waved as they left. "Bye, Doctor Bones! Bye, Daddy!" he called. Both stood at the doorway and waved at him before closing the door quietly. Booth blew out a deep breath before heading to the couch. Brennan was still unsure what to do, so she sat with him, taking his hand.

"See? I always tell you you should lock your door," he stated dryly.

"I'm sorry, Booth. When will you get to see him again?" she asked quietly. Booth shrugged.

"I don't know. Probably another month before he actually stays with me again." He looked around the apartment regretfully, finally settling back on Brennan. "Well, I suppose, since Rebecca's got Parker now...I should go; leave you in peace finally," he stated, attempting a smile. Brennan frowned slightly, then looked back at Booth before speaking.

"No. Stay," she said simply.

"It's okay, you don't have to. I mean, we were...'hiding'. In a manly fashion," he added, giving her a Charm Smile. She smiled back, unable to resist. "Now I don't have anything to hide from," he said as he pulled Brennan onto his lap, nuzzling his face into her neck. To his surprise, Brennan laughed.

"You may have to hide from me if you keep doing that, you know," she said.

Booth kissed her neck; something they'd both come to enjoy. "What? This?" he asked innocently, kissing her again. Brennan rolled her eyes, smiling.

"Yes, Booth, that. Oh! And that!" she added as he laid them both down on the couch, pulling her on top of him. Brennan grinned as he looked up, smiling. To his shock, she bent her head and pressed her lips to his; something she hadn't done before. That had always been initiated by him. He grinned into the kiss before pulling back just enough, his lips still on hers.

"You know what, Bones? Maybe I will stay."

Tell me what you think? I hope it was an adequate ending...