AN: Alright everyone. I wrote this story YEARS ago… Like well were pushing five years now. I was only about 15 when I wrote it 16 when I started to post it. My grammar bit and I was not very good at composing my thoughts into words. Because of this some idiot decided to report me and have the story removed JUST as I started to rewrite it and correct all the grammar mistakes. I got depressed and discouraged and stopped not only trying to rewrite this story but its sequel as well. Lucky for all you one of my old fans e-mailed me asking me when I was going to put it back up and my spirits soared again. Thanks SeaSquall for the encouragement. I enjoyed writing this story the first time around I know I'll love writing it a second time. I don't remember every detail nor do I have a copy of my old work because since that time I have moved and gotten married. So even if you have read this story a long time ago please read it again. I promise it won't be the same. This is gonna be a whole new story but it will still have the same main plot.

ENJOY!!! This chapter is dedicated to SeaSquall for the encouragement.

Accidental Saiyan

Chapter 1 Memories

Theme Song Thanks for the Memories by Fall Out Boy (watch the video there are chimps destroying everything)

Destruction, that is the only word to describe what lay in front of me. No sounds, just the eerie feeling of being alone. How could this have happened? I'll tell you, it was all because of them. They came and destroyed our world, my world, without a second thought.

Now as you know the world wasn't perfect before this happened there was war and death but nothing compared to the death and destruction those… those CREATURES brought down upon us. Very few people are left, alive, once they discovered how weak our species were they stopped trying to enslave us and decided to just eradicate us.

My name is Bulma Briefs. I am twenty-one years old and have bright blue hair and blue eyes. I'm exotic even for a human which makes me stand out even when there were plenty of humans around. My father was once the owner and founder of Capsule Corporation.

But that isn't what makes me special, no neither my family history nor my exotic looks define me now days. You see a long time ago I befriended a young boy who had a tail. His name was Goku and he was different then any boy I had ever met before. He was a few years younger then me and he had the oddest disposition I had ever seen.

Goku you see is a Saiyan. What is a Saiyan you might ask, well they are beings from another world. They look human, mostly, but they have monkey tails and superhuman strength. They have extraordinary control of ki, the energy which is in every living being.

Well on with my story, Goku whom I befriended was a great kid, very strong. My father was interested in him because of his strength and also because he tended to heal at a much faster rate then most humans do. Now that I think about it I believe my father always had his suspicion that Goku was an alien.

So Dad did tests and created a healing chamber using Goku's DNA. It was shortly after dad completed the chamber that I was attacked and nearly died. So as most of you might have guessed I became the test dummy for the chamber. Lo and behold when I emerged from the chamber I had been transformed. After extensive tests we discovered that Goku's DNA had infused with my own. That was how it saved me. But in turn it also turned me into a half Saiyan.

I now have my own tail which I constantly keep hidden under my baggy shirt. It would freak out any human that saw it but I can't even think of removing it. It is the source of my power, and that power allows me to protect my family.

Alright enough about me and my history I should get back to telling you about the Saiyans and how they destroyed my world.

Well it was a typical day on earth when three space pods came crashing down onto our humble little planet. It was near a city so of course it was caught on film and idiotic news crews decided to check it out. Soon three men came out of the pods.

The first to emerge was a tall man who looked to be over seven feet tall, how he could have ever fit in those tiny pods I could never even begin to explain but he did. He was bald and his tail was curled tightly around his waist the tip flicking with anticipation.

The second was a shorter man standing about six and a half feet tall. He had hair that nearly reached the ground and it seemed to spike in every direction.

The final man was short only standing a few inches taller then me, if you don't count his hair, with hair that stood strait up. He composed himself much better then the two men that were with him.

Before anyone could even speak to the demons they had blown up everyone and everything around them. Within a week they had destroyed most of the planet searching for Kakorott, whom I later discovered was Goku.

They found him and without saying a word triple ganged up on him and knocked him out. Of course his son Gohan got mad and beat one of the men up but he too was eventually knocked out and removed from our world.

I had been there that day and smartly kept my tail hidden and my Ki suppressed. They left without a second glance at the small group gathered. We tried to track them down but they quickly killed everyone but me.

The only reason I survived was because of Yamcha, my boyfriend, he demanded I stay behind and protect my family, so I did. And they all died without me. So it has been my personal quest to protect the few survivors at my family's bunker.

Today I was out on a scouting trip with my father and mother. Dad wanted to get some blueprints from our old shop and mum wanted to get more makeup she left behind. Seriously that woman even if the world was burning around her would worry about her looks.

I was just a few feet away playing look out trying to make sure it was safe. It was getting close to sunset and I knew that the three of us needed to be heading back soon. So I started towards the back of the lab.

As I walked I sighed closing my eyes for a moment remembering a small clip from my past. Goku and I searching for Dragonballs, playing tag and training here in this back yard.

All of a sudden I ran into something hard. "Hum… that's weird, walls aren't typically warm… nor do they… Breath?" I opened my eyes to see a spiky haired man standing in my way.

"Shit" I growled as I tried to turn and escape but a large hand stopped me.

"My my what do we have here?" A large bald man said with a bit of a smirk in his voice.

"Double shit" I growled out trying to free myself from the man's grip. I knew I was in major trouble I needed to get them away from here and fast. My parents wouldn't stand a chance.

Before I could do anything I heard a large BOOM and out of the corner of my eye I saw my parent's lab collapse. I quickly scanned for my parents low ki and felt nothing.

"NO! MUM DAD!" I screamed and pulled out of the burly man's grip. I flew quickly over to where I had last felt their ki and started to dig through the rubble all the while ignoring the two shocked Saiyans behind me.

"All done Prince Vegeta" Said a third Saiyan as he walked around what remained of the building. But he saw the strange look that his prince and err friend had. He followed their gaze to the blue haired female then looked back at the prince.

"She… she got out of you're grip Nappa, how?" growled out the spiky haired man behind me.

"I'm not sure sire, I had a rather good grip on her for a human. She was around when we captured Kakorott, perhaps he trained her?"

The Prince let out a snort knowing that no matter how much training these humans had they typically couldn't even manage to get out of a Saiyan grip.

I found my mother first, her blond hair looking black with from the blast and the dirt. She was dead, so was my father, I had known that from the start but I had to see it for myself. Tears fell down my face as I let out a roaring scream "NO!!! YOU KILLED THEM!"

While the others were still ignoring me and discussing how I got out of the big oafs grip I shot a large ki blast at the one called Radditz "YOU KILLED THEM!"

It hit the long haired idiot like a ton of bricks and sent him flying back. Without knowing my tail had come away from my waist and was lashing behind me in my fury. The others were too stunned to do anything as I flew at Radditz using all my strength to lash out at him for killing my family.

"Do you see what I see Sire?" Nappa asked totally stunned at the fact that not only had the blue haired female knocked Radditz away but the fact that she now had a tail swaying behind her.

"Hum… but I thought they were all dead…" Muttered the Prince before he phased behind me and hit me on the back of the neck "Interesting" were the last words I hear before I fell unconscious.

11111111222222222223333333333 Time Elapse 3333333333322222222222221111111

My head was throbbing and my stomach was upset. Something must have happened before I went to bed to cause such an aching in my body. But then it all rushed back to me. It hadn't been a dream, my parents really were dead.

I shot strait up from the bed I was laying on and looked around. The walls were white, ugly plane white. The smell was that of metal and sterilizer. I wrinkled my nose, how could anyone stand the scent that surrounded me. Slowly I got up from the bed and walked to the door that was near the corner of the room.

I looked for a handle but found nothing, not even a small crack to place a card in or anything of the sorts. Sighing I reared back my fist and slammed it into the door letting out a yelp as it didn't even budge.

"LET ME OUT!" I hissed and screamed. I repeated that same phrase for what seemed like two hours until my voice started to fade and crack. It was useless, I wasn't dead, it was worse, I was a prisoner.

Slowly I sank down onto the floor letting reality sink in. Resting my head on my knees I looked at the bloody knuckles. The blood was dry now, it hadn't mattered how many times nor how hard I hit the door nothing ever happened. This door was keyed to match my strength which made me fear the worst. I was not only captured by the Saiyans but I had been taken back to somewhere that had their technology.

How long had I been asleep? There was no Saiyan technology on Earth other then their pods. Somehow they had packed me up and brought me back to their home, where ever that maybe, and locked me into this room.

It was only a few minutes later when the door slid open and one of my captors walked in. It was the short one and by the snear on his face he was not happy. "Finally awake and quiet woman?"

I growled getting ready to jump up and lung at him but I stumbled back exhausted from my anger earlier. He just laughed and shook his head "Idiot woman… wasting all your energy on throwing a hissy fit"

I just growled from the floor my tail lashing behind me but I didn't get up again. I knew I didn't stand a chance against these men. I had known that for a long time, they had captured Goku without even working up a sweat and Goku had trained me.

He watched me for a moment before shaking his head "Get up Woman, we have a few questions to ask you and there are a few people we need to take you to meet" With that he turned his back on me and left the room leaving the door open.

Now I was curious, I know that I am weak but to turn your back on me, there had to be something going on. So a bit reluctantly I got up and though stumbling a bit I made my way to follow him.

I now noticed why I had so much trouble getting up. The gravity of this place was stronger then I was use to. I hadn't noticed it at first because of my anger but once that had dissipated as well as my strength it weighed down on me like a lead weight.

As I emerged from the room I was in I found what appeared to be a small living room. There were six doors including my own. A small couch and table sat in the middle of the room where I noticed Radditz sitting playing with what appeared to be cards.

I growled and started to lunge at him but was stopped by the one called Nappa "Hey, what are you doing out here?" He growled squeezing my arm tightly.

"Release her Nappa, I let her out, we need to find out where she came from." I was shocked that the big burly idiot named Nappa listened to the short spiky haired guy. You would think it would be the other way around right?

"Fine Prince Vegeta, but I still don't like her being around here" he snorted but marched over plopping down on the couch.

"Alright Woman, sit down so we can figure this all out" I had personally had enough.

"Bulma, not woman BUL MA get it through your THICK SKULL" I growled shoving a chair away from me sending it into the wall. "And as for where I came from, you should know that, I was on earth and you brought me here."

Before I could blink the one named Vegeta had me pinned against a wall by my neck growling "I will call you what ever I wish to, I am the Prince of Saiyans, and seeing as you are a Saiyan I am YOUR PRINCE, show me respect WOMAN"

He released me letting me fall to the floor coughing and rubbing my neck "I'm not a Saiyan, I'm human" I croaked out my voice harsh from being choked.

"That is not what your tail indicates" Replied Nappa from the couch.

"That was an accident, some experiment my father did, it got my DNA mixed up with Goku's… well you called him… Karot or something like that but it combined my DNA with his… So I'm what you would call a half Saiyan like his son. So you see I'm HUMAN now take me back home"

Vegeta stood there watching me as I went on my little spat. But at the end he had this evil smirk on his face "I'm sorry, but you are home. You see, your planet is no more, your parents were the last humans alive, and seeing as you had a tail we brought you with us and destroyed that mud ball."

I was furious. I flew at Vegeta with the last bit of my strength and slammed my fist into his gut. He let out a little oomph but didn't move. His eyes narrowed as he reached up grabbing me by the hair pulling my head back so I looked him in the eye. "If you weren't the last female Saiyan alive, I would kill you right now"

And with that statement rolling around in my head he punched me in the face and yet again I feel into darkness to let the fact that my family and my world were gone. Not only that but life as I knew it was about to be changed permanently.

AN: Alright everyone. How did you like Accidental Saiyan Chapter 1? I know it's a bit different from the first go round but I think because of my maturity and age its gonna be a bit different. Less grammar mistakes and no spelling mistakes this time around. Please RR and tell me what you think. Hopefully I'll get this finished soon and can restart on the sequel. Enjoy K
