AN / Hello again everyone I hope you enjoy the story I'm TRYING to update frequently so that I can get this story up and completed. Please no flaming people… Please keep reviewing the more you review the quicker I update. OOOO and a quick fun note, watch out for a new character in my story. This character is ACTUALLY a REAL character in DBZ but unless you've seen the new OVA than you might be thrown for a loop so please be warned as it is a slight spoiler.

Chelseabaabyox3: Thanks for the review

chubbycheekz90: Guess you'll just have to wait and find out… as for her trusting Eniza no matter which way I play it she is surrounded by males 3 of which destroyed her world. Wouldn't you trust someone who saved your life over to the three males who just killed your parents and destroyed your home planet? Bulma is smart but she's also depressed about her parents being dead and the whole of the human race being exterminated she's trying to cling to the hope that she can trust someone on the ship. But as for Eniza being good or bad you will have to wait and see… just a little tip Eniza is me in my own little way… if you think I'm evil and would backstab someone than Eniza prolly will if you think I'm miss goody two shoes than Eniza might be… it could go either way.

Loneshinobi: What Bulma has to do for getting Gohan back we will see could be something bad could be something good… only time (and I) will tell but either way I think it will really enrich the story.

Champion of Justice: Thanks for the review I'm working on updating quickly mostly on my days off from work.

Ashley: OOOH one of my original fans. Thank you for reviewing I'm glad you enjoyed OAS but I'm glad that you are giving NAS a chance I feared that some people might not want to read it because they remembered the old version and didn't want to see it changed. Please keep an eye on this story I'm going to attempt 2 updates a week the old version was 40 chapters long but I'm hoping to make this one shorter but with longer chapters but we will see.

Will Kaisen: Thanks for the review and yes you'll all have to wait and see what the isolation time did to poor Gohan though you won't see it very much in this chapter I think he's just happy to be back with his dad… you know the whole shock and what not so just enjoy.

Vegeta Lover: I'm trying to update but my work is being mean to me and they keep changing my schedule on me evil people I promise I'm writing this story/Chapter bit by bit but it takes time because when I leave the story I get confused and lost, of course it takes a bit to get my mind back on track to start up the process again.

Disclaimer: I don't own DB/Z/GT but I do own original chars such as Eniza

Accidental Saiyan Chapter 7: Table news

I hadn't seen Gohan since he was four years old and Radditz had taken him and Goku away. The small half Saiyan had grown a lot over the last year and a half that he had been stowed away on this ship though I suspect that if he had been properly cared for he would have grown even more. His wild hair had grown and seemed to resemble Radditz' more than Goku's at the moment. He was a bit dirty and I guessed they had kept him in a cell of some type. The more I watched Goku and Gohan interact I knew no matter what my debt to Eniza was it was well worth it.

More had changed with Gohan than his appearance, you could tell he was very excited to see his dad again but he kept an arms distance between his body and Goku's. His eyes seemed dull and you could read the emotional pain that he had experienced over the past year away from his father and family.

Goku seemed oblivious to the turmoil that poor Gohan was going through as he boisterously introduced him to Radditz who was not introduced as Radditz but Uncle Radditz. The small half Saiyan seemed to glare for a moment at Radditz before turning his attention to Vegeta. Gohan had never seen Vegeta since he had not arrived planet side until nearly a year later to destroy the occupants of earth.

Nappa had vanished into his room the moment we had entered and I was half heartedly debating on taking a note from the idiots guide and retiring to my room to get some rest. Before I could even turn in the direction of my room a small hand tugging on my pant leg took my attention back to the room. "Hey Aunt Bulma, I'm glad you made it. I was told earth was gone and I had worried about you."

I knelt down and embraced the small boy plucking at his hair. "I'm glad you're ok too Gohan your dad would be lost without you. You know he's no fun to spar with when he's worried about you. Now that you are back maybe I can get a decent spar in Radditz and Nappa are no fun and you're dad is too distracted. How about in the morning I can cut this mane you call hair and then you and I can have a little spar ok?"

The small Saiyan nodded than broke from my grasp to return to his dad's side. I got up turning to go to my room and give the small family group a little time to themselves. I could feel a presence following me and I knew Vegeta was trailing me to play twenty questions about how Gohan had gotten from the holding area to our quarters.

The moment I entered my room I plopped down Indian Style on my bed with my tail swaying slightly back and forth across the rather plain sheets. It made a strange noise but one that seemed to sooth my nerves. I watched the door to my room knowing that any second the short Saiyan prince would enter and demand an explanation. My guess was correct as not even a minute later the door to my room slid open and Vegeta stocked in.

"WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE WOMAN!" He growled out the second my door had fully shut. I knew my room was soundproof the whole ship seemed to be and our conversation would be private because of that fact no matter how loud he screamed… or I screamed. I wasn't sure if that made me feel better or terrified.

I finally blinked and just seemed to relax shrugging my shoulders "Goku was distracted with his son being kept away from him. So I asked Eniza to try to get him turned over to our custody. Now you will have a fully attentive sparring partner and I'll not have to worry about my brother having a nervous breakdown."

Before the words had even fully left my mouth he had stalked up to me and was in my face growling. "You had no right to do that, I am the Prince of Saiyans I make the decisions around here not mutts like you. That half breed shouldn't be here"

I returned the growl getting even closer to him so that our noses were just a hair apart. "And I say that he belongs with his family and his own kind. Now I am the only human left and you four are the only Saiyans left. You my dear Prince may have had to deal with the loss of your entire race but that little half breed and this MUTT had to not only deal with losing one of our races but BOTH."

I leaned away from him turning my head trying to push down the emotions that were bubbling up inside of me. The pain of losing my parents and friends was still fresh. The distraction of this ship and the return of Goku and Gohan to me could only divert it for so long. I felt like I was drowning in the sorrow but the stern Saiyan Prince kept me anchored to the world around me.

Vegeta stood glaring at me and I just returned a death glare of my own. "Lay off Vegeta I did what I had to do to protect my family and the last of MY race. Gohan and I are the only two humans left even if we are only half human. He was isolated and who knows what the demented creatures that inhabit this ship have done or would do to the poor kid"

By that time I had slipped and tears were falling down my face. I wasn't as emotionless as the Saiyans that surrounded me. They had years to deal with the loss of their race but it was still a fresh wound on my soul. Sadly other than my pillows my room was empty of items to throw at the stoic prince that seemed unaffected by the pain that was tearing at my heart.

Before I could really focus on the prince I felt a sharp pain slide across my face, it took me a moment to realize that Vegeta had slapped me. "Get a hold of yourself woman, what is done is done. We cannot change the fact that both the Saiyan and the Human races have been removed from existence why must you dwell on it."

I reached up feeling the swelling already beginning in my face and I growled at Vegeta before pouncing on him punching him in the gut growling. "My emotional state is my own business, if I grieve the loss of my friends and family, of the loss of my future and hopes of marriage than that is my business!"

He quickly grabbed my wrists holding them in one hand. His grip was tight enough to prevent me from my continued assault of his body, but not tight enough to harm me. "Look woman you need to calm down"

I looked at him through puffy eyes "Why? Why should I be calm, I've lost everything Vegeta what hope do I have left? What goal do I strive towards? I'm not like you Vegeta I'm not strong enough to get revenge and even if I was who do I get revenge on? Nappa, Radditz… you? Freeza may have ordered the destruction of my planet but you three were the ones to complete the mission it was Radditz who killed my mother and father and you killed my best friends and boyfriend. I have no one but Goku and Gohan left but they are surrounded by other males of their own species. I wasn't born a Saiyan Vegeta, my emotions and reactions are human."

He seemed to sigh and watch me before releasing me. He didn't say anything as he got up and started towards the exit my room. "Pull yourself together than meet me in our training facilities."

The door slid shut behind him and I was once again alone in my room. It took me nearly ten minutes to fully get my emotions in check before I left the room and made my way down two floors to the training facilities.

As I crossed the common room it was silent, my guess was that Gohan and Goku were in his room bonding… or had left to fill their never ending stomachs and the other two had either joined them or joined Vegeta in the training facilities. My whole body seemed to drag as I forced myself to follow the command of the deranged male that called himself a Prince… why couldn't he just leave me alone to wallow in the sorrows that were haunting me. Every woman needed time to stew and right now was mine… Jerk.

In time I made it to the training room she was amazed that the room was completely empty save the stoic figure of her 'prince'. Taking a deep breath to calm my angry nerves I entered the room with a scowl that could rival his plastered on my face. My tail lashed back and forth in irritation but even with these outward signs of aggravation I remained silent stopping a few feet from him and crossing my arms over my chest.

In my mind's eye I was doing an impeccable job at imitating him though I knew by his look of irritation that he didn't appreciate it. After nearly ten minutes of him glaring at me he finally moved a bit tilting his head up the slightest bit.

To me it seemed like a concession as if he was silently asking for a truce from out glare down. My heart was screaming to not let him be to be angry at him for making me crawl out of my room and face my demons but my head was saying that even though he was an insensitive jerk at times he had done the right thing.

I sighed and relaxed my stance slightly conceding to the truce and he started to lift into the air. I quickly followed suit and kept pace with him. It took a moment before he stopped but before he could do anything else I just had to ask the question that was echoing in my mind. "Where is everyone? This place is rarely empty other than at night and even then only for a few minutes between sleeping shifts."

He snorted giving me an are you an idiot look. "I'm the Prince and I told everyone to leave… you need some where to blow off steam and I need to punish you for talking to me as if you were my equal."

I lost it at that point my mind took a momentary vacation and I started to laugh, not an evil cackle but a full out I'm going out of my mind belly laugh. This man in front of me, this killer of worlds had just lied through his teeth making stupid silly excuses for trying to help me fight out my frustration.


After nearly three hours of Vegeta beating the pulp out of me I had finally had enough and had the anger beat out of me. I slumped on the ground panting with my eyes closed. Vegeta sat on a bench a few feet away panting slightly but unless you listened closely you wouldn't hear it.

"Sometimes the person who causes you pain is gone before you can take revenge. Some of us shift the hatred toward others while others use their hatred to better themselves in one way or another. You don't know anything about the destruction of our world, MY world so don't just assume that everything is black and white when it comes to my revenge and what motivates me"

To say I had nearly jumped out of my skin at his abrupt words would be an understatement. But as he spoke I listened, I couldn't catch my breath to do otherwise at this point. As he got up to leave I reached out grasping his wrist I seemed to have startled him slightly at my quick movement but he paused to see what I had to say. It took me a moment to catch my breath but I finally did. "Why were you so upset about Gohan? I mean I know he isn't the strongest but leaving him on his own in this ship would have meant his death and another loss in our numbers. There are only three full Saiyans left in the Universe and two half"

He looked at her for a moment than pulled out of her grasp and started towards the door. Just before he exited she heard his voice softly echo in the room. "Four full Saiyans Table is still out there pathetic weakling that he is. Sometimes it is safer to not be the center of Frieza's attention"


I know this was a small and short update but I've been busy with work and school and my mind has given me a blank… I know Vegeta is a Bit OC the end of this chapter but well He's got to do something for Bulma to start liking him Non… Oh and hope you like the Table reference… YES that is TRULY the name of Vegeta's younger brother. Reference the new OVA The Return of Son Goku and friends. Find it on Youtube if you don't believe me.

Stoic: A person who shows no emotions weather pain or happiness. A rough definition of the word for those whose vocabulary isn't as annoying as mine.