Okie Dokie I'm going to fix this story, so that way it can make better sense. And once it's been done you'll get more than one chapter.

:( Sorry for making you guys wait. And sorry if this chapter is short.


"Immortal or not I should just cut his head off in his sleep and hide his body where no one would find it…..but that's a waste of my time. What I really should be doing is finding more wanted posters for money."

"You have a real fuckin' problem talking to yourself Kakuzu-Channnnn."

"Hidan get lost."

"No can do masky. Leader said in a squeaky voice that we have a mission. So let's go I've wanted a fight for a while now." Hidan cracks his neck while walking past his angry partner.

"And what type of mission is it that we are suppose to do?"

"I wasn't listening I was too busy laughing at his squeaky voice, I just heard something about fighting some boy whose name is weasel something."

"Uchiha Itachi?"

"Yeah the weasel boy! He better be a challenge or someone's gonna die."

"I seen the way he fights so you won't be disappointed Hidan."

"Good gooooooood."

End of Recap

"Ukon you know I'm sick of you right?" Tayuya told the cloak covered figure.

"You say that everytime i'm around Yuya-Chan and yes I know that you're sick of seeing my face as well."

"Just reminding you and if you call me that again I swear there's going to be body parts flying everywhere."

"You're so unlady like."

"Oh shut it lipstick boy."

"I told you I'm not wearing lipstick."

"Then what happened? Orochimaru tied a rubber band around your lips and they turned green and shiny?" Tayuya said with a smirk on her face.

"…." Ukon pushes the hood of the cloak back onto his head to hide his blush.

"Thought so! Lipstick boy now get over it." Tayuya said while patting his shoulder.

"Your even more eviler then Lord Orochimaru, Tayuya."

"Blah Blah Blah! Stop complaining and just lead the way to the girl asshole. By the way where are the other two?"

"You mean Jirobo and Kidomaru?"

"Yeah boulder butt and eight legged freak."

"You've made names for everyone but Kimimaro. Why is that?"

"...That's none of your business!"

"Oh really?"

"Yes now shut up and get moving before I call my summonings on you."

"Whatever you say Tayuya."

"Tch asshole."

"What do you mean she tried to kill her mother? Is Kihana okay Fugaku?"

"Yeah she's fine, but nobody is exactly sure whats going on with her daughter." Mikoto unties her husband before backing away.

"I say we should get prepared if Orochimaru is indeed in the village. A lot of people could be in danger."

"I just hope Sasuke and the others make it back okay."

"Don't worry Mikoto Itachi and Shisui is with them so everyone will come back. Now lets go handle the sound ninja."

"Neji it is very unyouthful to keep hitting yourself like that."

"Well may be if you stop with the whats youthful and whats not youthful speech I wouldn't have to hit myself in the face."

"But Neji-"

"SHUT UP! YOU QUACK!" he starts breathing hard while hid eye starts twitching.

"Wow Lee-San I didn't think it was possibly for Neji-San to lose his cool."

"I didn't think so either."

"Stop talking, we have a Tenten to save! And Lee one more youthful speech you make you end up in the hospital with a tree branch up your nose"

"Yeah he lost it Lee-San... and that's kind of funny."

"No it's not Konohamaru-San... I seen him do that to someone before from calling him a girl." Rock Lee and Konohamaru qucikly tries to catch up with the angry Hyuuga.

"Hm seems like Konoha is having a bit of trouble."

"What would you like me to do sir?" he bows down on one knee awaiting his orders.

"Find Orochimaru and you know what to do."

"Yes sir." The boy bows before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

"Soon everything will go according to my plan."

Okay so it stops here. See you guys soon. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter :)