DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters's do you?

This felt right. It feels like a gigantic weight has been lifted off my shoulders. A weight that has been bringing me down, A burden that had been deterorating me for the past year now. I finally feel at peace. Like I'm coming back together. More than that even. I was supposed to be here. I'm following my destiny. I don't know what my fate is exactly, but I know one thing; All that's happened to me in the past couple months was a sign that I had to move. Then when I didn't want to listen.. My destiny pushed me and forced me to move. Move back to Forks. My fate is somewhere in Forks. Crazy right? But don't get me wrong. I didn't want to move here and leave Renee. Forks isn't exactly what I would call a lovely wonderful place to live. In fact, if someone told me that I had to move here just a couple months ago, I would laugh and say that I would never set a foot on that soggy ground even if someone paid me. But now…. It feels right. This is my home now. I still hated leaving. I knew Renee didn't want me to go either. But she also wants best for me and she and I both know I had to leave Phoenix. I had to leave to save my sanity, my well being, and my life. Yeah, I'd still be alive in Arizona but I wouldn't be living. There is a very distinct difference.

There were so many sign! I'm looking back now and thinking, I should have left Arizona the first sign… or omen I received. In the beginning it was subtle. Like the homeless guy who said that all the musk of the heat and such dry land wasn't good for a young girl like me, that so much sun wasn't best for me, that the big lushes green plants up north are want I needed. I remember scoffing at him and stomping away. I should have listened. That was ten months ago and I should have left and took his advice. That was one of the earliest of warnings. I should have gone then! I should have left sooner, maybe then… maybe if I followed that odd pull…. If I just…. If I just left sooner, maybe then… I could have….

"NO!" Bella pleaded to herself as she put her pencil down… or more like threw it across the desk. "I'm not going into that. Not now. Not ever again. Not while I'm here and settled in." Bella thought to herself. "If I think about that, I'll start crying. And I've done enough crying. I've done enough crying for an entire third-world-country!" Bella settled down again and laid back on her bed, still thinking to herself. "But I'm stronger now. That's a good sign. I'm stronger that I have felt in a while. This place. This place is making me stronger. HA! I'm probably stronger then I was ever before!" Then she thought of one of the things that happened to her. " Dang it. Never mind."

Bella looked up at the clock by her pillow and jumped up.

" Holy crow! I got to get ready." She yelled aloud.

School started at eight and it was now seven o'nine. She had plenty of time to get ready and still be there earlier than everyone if she got ready now. Which was her plan. "I have to be perfect for the first day." Bella threw the journal she had written in under her pillow then she grabbed her toiletries bag from her chair and headed for the one small bathroom in her new home.

She got ready slowly, making sure everything was as good as it can get. When she emerged, she had perfectly straight hair then was shaped around her face in a simple, lovely way. Bella put on her best looking long sleeve t-shirt and some dark skinny jeans. And a pair of sturdy well-worn tennis shoes. She sighed. "The shoes could be better." Bella smiled at her thought. "I'm getting better. I haven't thought about what I looked like in so long." She twirled stared at herself in the mirror, and smiled an even bigger smile.

"Ok deep breathe Bella." She obeyed herself. "Ha, It feels as though I haven't taken a good deep breathe in a year." Which was a bit of an exagerassation but not by much. "I'm am going, going, to make a good impression."

Bella spied herself in the mirror and giggled as she skipped down stairs. She hadn't skipped in under a year either. But it was probably best that she still didn't. Bella tripped down the last couple of steps and blindly grabbed on to something to hold her steady. Whatever it was wrapped itself around her. When she focused her eyes she saw Charlie grinning with humor in his eyes.

"Morning Isa….I mean Bella. I don't remember you being so clumsy." Bella's dad smiled awkwardly. Bella shyly grinned and edged around him and head for the kitchen for some cereal. One thing she really did not want to talk about with her dad was her newly found inner klutz. Yep, there's the proof that I'm not stronger. Even though she knew she wasn't like what she used to be, she still had hope that maybe Forks was going to take back what her calling forced upon her. But she immediately put that thought aside. I'm in Forks and everything is going to go back to normal.

" Normal. How could things go back to normal? I'm in this awfully dreary place with someone I barely know and even though I love him too, I miss my real family". She paused and stopped stirring her spoon in her milk.

Don't be such a pessimist! You are home! Silly. Never forget that. See you are already feeling fine. Well as fine as you can right now. She smiled sarcastically at herself. "Ugh, your right." She continued her conversation with herself. This is your destiny. Something going to happen today. I can feel it.

"Bells, shouldn't' you be going if you want to be there early?" Bella jumped and for a split second was wondering why her voice was so deep but then realized it was Charlie calling from the entranceway.

"Oh…. Uh… yeah." She was still a bit shaky from believing it was she herself that spoke. Bella put her bowl away and headed for her coat. "What is wrong with me?" She asked herself. You know exactly what's wrong with you.


Charlie asked if I wanted a ride with him to school. I really didn't want to. How embarrassing! But I knew that it was probably for the best. At least for a little while until I get a hang for the roads here. Even then it might not be enough. But I had to stick to what was best, the plan.

Lately it was all about 'THE PLAN'. What was the plan? The more important question was why do I have a plan. But I told myself that I was going to think positively today. (That was part of the plan) The plan was that if there was a safer option, I was going to take it. I would try to keep a low profile. It probably wasn't a good idea to hang around people too much out of school. And most importantly… I couldn't tell the truth. That was so obvious that at first I didn't even consider it as part of the plan. But, obviously, it is. Well, it wasn't that I couldn't tell the truth. That would be ridiculous. I just couldn't tell the truth on certain things. The big thing that was connected to anything else I had to lie about was, why I decided to move here.

I was a horrible liar. But if I practiced enough, I could get away with it. I had my story down pat, so I was pretty confident. I felt bad that I had to lie. But it was necessary. They would put me into the insane asylum if I told them the truth. So If I was going to fit it I had to tell them what they have probably already heard. That my mom was getting remarried but she would have to move around a lot, and I didn't want her to worry about coming back home to me. I'm not a good liar so It's better if it's a….. a half truth. This is a reason a moved here. Another 'sign' that I needed to move back with Charlie, but there are others that had a bigger impact on me. "Stop it! Don't go there! Follow the plan, follow the plan!"

I sighed as Charlie pulled into the school parking lot. I didn't feel as stupid now as I did before. The main reason was that I was twenty minutes early and no students were here yet.

I yelled thanks over my shoulder as I ran out into the rain towards the main office. I looked up into the dripping sky and sighed. "There goes my perfect non-frizz hair."

A door opened in front of me and a woman in purple stood behind it, "You must me Isabella." She said enthusiastically. I groaned inwardly. "Charlie" I mumbled.

"We are so delighted to have you here, Isabella." The woman in purple guided me into a stuffy room with a long desk/counter.

"Please, call me Bella." Not wanting to waste anytime on small chat right now I asked, "So what do I need to do?"

"Just take these to all your teachers, have them sign them, and bring the slips back after school is over." She handed me a bunch of slips. "Oh! and you'll need a map won't you!"

I was beginning to like this woman. I didn't have to say much.

If I had taken my car I would have sat in it as I read over all my classes and their whereabouts. But seeing as I was going by the 'plan', the hallway would have to do.

I poured over the map and hardly realized that kids were starting to arrive. I jumped up, which was a bad idea seeing as how I hit my heat on one of the lockers. Everyone stared at me as the thud vibrated through the locker hallway. "Great. I'm off to great start at keeping a low profile". I grumbled to myself. Do you really think that your going to go unnoticed as a new student at a school of only 300 hundred? People are going to be all over you.

" Great. Thanks for the help. I just wish I knew where the nearest hospital was. I'll probably need it if "people are going to be all over me" I mocked myself.

Suddenly there was a stinging, no a burn, on the side of my neck. "Crap!" I muffled as I ran into the girls bathroom. No one was in there yet so I locked the door and pulled down the turtle neck of my shirt. I ran my fingers over the left side lightly. I winced. I tried not to think of the past. I couldn't. That would be breaking the plan. I rolled the collar back up. "Everything's find. False alarm." ---- Everything's fine? Really cuz from what I see you have a huge bl-"SHUT UP!" I screamed. I jumped as I realized I said that out loud. "I have got to get out of here. I'm talking to myself"

Hahaha….. you got a lot more to worry about kid. ----"No I don't. Everthing is going to be fine now…. Now that I'm here. It has to be…." My thought voice was weaker at the end.

My confidence was slowly wearing away. Maybe, maybe nothing is going to change. It doesn't matter. At least it will be easier to forget… harder to remember.

As I went to my first class, my second, and on through till lunch, I felt a buzz of excitement I didn't understand, coming from my chest. "Maybe my boobs are finally getting bigger!" I said to myself pathetically, half mocking, half hoping. The excitment was growing stroner and stronger… almost pulling me into the caffateria.

I met this girl, I think her name is Jessica, I hung around with her cuz she wouldn't shut up so I didn't have concentrate on what she said that much and I only had to say a minimal amount of words to keep her going.

She sat down with a bunch of kids that she soon introduced me to.

"Hey guys, this is Bella." She winked at the eating students. "Bella this is Lauren, Angela, blah, blah, and blah." Then she all told them what few things I told her. I was surprised she went on so long. I didn't think I said that much. I was about to take a sip from my drink when I saw them. They were all sitting at their table; there were five of them. They were all gorgeous. Unnaturally gorgeous. Another thing that was unnatural was the fact that none of them were eating…. Or for that matter none of them were talking to each other…. Or for that matter none of them were even looking at each other. I couldn't help it. I had to keep staring. I know it's probably impolite but none of them were looking at me. The buzzing in my chest was at peace finally…". Ok…. Now they're staring. Look away idiot. Gosh they're beautiful. And…. And so…. so familiar. I couldn't stop staring at them even though all of them were looking at me. "Oh my gosh! They are all staring at me. That's really really creepy. They are so familiar. I don't think I've met them before. " They all looked baffled and most of them were confused like they didn't know why they were staring at me exactly. I had to figure out where, or who they reminded me of. I don't think you want to know. - "What is that supposed to mea-"

"So Bella, how are you liking Forks?" Angela asked. I snapped my head towards her, causing me to crack my neck.

"Ouch! - um… its… I'm getting used to it. I'm SO glad I'm here." I smiled warmly at her, while I carefully rubbed my neck avoiding the left side.

"Here we go with the questions." - You're ready. I tried to encourage myself.

Angela went back to her food, satisfied with my answer. I slowly turned to the others at the table, waiting for their questions.

Lauren jumped in, "So, why exactly are you here?" Jessica nudged her, and whispered something I wasn't supposed to hear, but… unlike most of these guys, I could here what she said. I wish I couldn't. She said, " be nice. I'm sure she doesn't want to talk about it."

I scoffed. And spoke up. "Well, it's my mom. She got remarried and I didn't like the idea of traveling so often with her and Phil." I spoke quickly saying what I've memorized. "So I decided that since I haven't been to Forks in awhile, I should spend some time with Char… I mean dad." I wasn't about to say 'Charlie' behind his back even though he said Isabella behind mine. I wasn't like that.

I smiled and took a sip from my juice. My hands were a little sweaty but other than that, I did fine. I took a peek at the table of five again while the people at the table were in another conversation already. The younger looking guy at the gorgeos table was still looking at me. Pure curiosity was in his eyes. Not like how everyone else stared. Even though they were curious, this was different. They stared like I was a new button on their shirt. This guy started, intrigued and interested. (or liked he wanted to look at me under a special lens) Even that look remined me of something. "Oh what is it! I know I know what they remind me of… It's just off the tip of my tongue." ----I'm telling you, you seriously don't want to know….

"That's the Cullens." Jessica chimed in. I was just about to ask who they were. Apperently, she noticed my gazing. I realized I was still staring right at one of them and blushed as I turned to Jessica for more information. I wanted to know why they are so familiar. Ugh.. your gonna regret this.