(A/N: All good things must come to an end. But hey, I'm almost ready to start writing the third movie. It's based on "The Ultimate Enemy," but I'd rather think up an original title, like I did for this one. Please Read and Review.)

He flew above the streets, waving to his legions of screaming fans, for today had been declared Danny Phantom Day by the mayor, in honor of the greatest superhero in the world. He finally flew down to city hall and walked up to the podium to deliver his speech.

"People of Amity Park," said Danny, "I cannot thank you enough for this honor. It was a labor of love to protect you from the Ghost King."

The mayor stood up and took the microphone. "Let's all give a cheer for our hero, Danny Phantom! Hip-hip, Wake up! Hip-hip, wake up!"

"Wake up, Daniel," said Clockwork, standing over his sleeping form. Danny opened his eyes and found himself on a cot back in the White Tower.

"Clockwork," said Danny, rubbing his head, "What happened?"

"You defeated Pariah Dark," said Clockwork, "and his armies have been routed. The Earth and the Ghost Zone have returned to harmony. You have done well, Daniel."

Danny sat up, and got his first good look at Clockwork since waking up. He almost gasped when he saw him: Clockwork was no longer as young and strapping as he had been a day before. Now, he was emaciated and decrepit with age, a long white beard jutting from his chin.

"Clockwork," said Danny, "what's happened to you?"

Clockwork chuckled and replied, "The circle of life has happened. Quite literally. You see, Danny, time doesn't just move forward for me like it does for everyone else. For me, it moves forward, backward, up, down, diagonally, and in every conceivable direction, all at once."

"I don't understand," said Danny.

"And I don't expect you to," said Clockwork, "Most of the world's most brilliant scientists will never be able to understand it. Eventually, to return to the point, my physical form will grow too old to maintain structural integrity, and I will be reborn again, in an endless cycle that has gone on since the Big Bang. And now, Danny, it is time for you to go."

Danny was about to ask why, but Clockwork suddenly pressed a button on his staff and Danny found himself in his living room with Jazz, Tucker, and Sam.

"What just happened?" asked Tucker, looking around confusedly.

"I wish I knew," said Jazz, "One minute, we're in Clockwork's tower, and the next, we're home."

It wasn't until the next day that Danny found out that someone had told the people of the city what had transpired. Now, Danny Phantom was being hailed as a hero by the people of Amity Park. Not that it changed Danny, of course.

One night the week after, Danny was walking with Sam down the street.

"So Danny," said Sam, holding his arm and resting her head on his shoulder, "How does it feel to be a real superhero now?"

"It feels good, Sam," replied Danny, "I feel like I've upgraded from Spider-Man to Fantastic Four-level popularity. Which actually makes this a perfect time to give you this."

Danny reached into his pocket and took out the small case. Opening it, he showed Sam the ring.

"Sam," he said sotto voce, "I love you. I've loved you since the day I met you. And I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Sam, this promise ring is a symbol of my undying devotion. Will you do me the honor of someday becoming my bride?"

Sam looked so flustered that she could barely speak. "Oh, Danny," she said, "Oh, Danny. I - I - I . . . Yes!" She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him, causing him to eagerly return.

Danny and Jazz sat on the couch, watching the newest TV show on ABC: George Lopez: Rescue Nanny 9-Juan-Juan.

"Hello," said Danny in a Mexican accent, "My name is George Lopez, and I'll star in anything, no matter how stupid, for money."

Jazz laughed as the sound of an RV pulling up reached their ears.

"Kids, we're home," said Jack, entering, followed by Maddie.

"Anything eventful happen while we were gone?" asked Maddie.

"Nope," said Danny, eyes flashing green, "Not a thing."


1.) Pour Some Sugar On Me (Extended Dance Remix) - Def Leppard

2.) War - Edwin Starr

3.) Tourniquet - Evanescence

4.) Haunted - Evanescence

5.) Bossman - Lucky Boys Confusion

6.) Can't Fight This Feeling - REO Speedwagon

7.) RemEmber - Robin Kimissel

8.) Cherry Pie - Warrant

(A/N: Well, onto the next fic. Please Review.)