How Can I Not Love You

Fanfiction by Kira Nova

Song by Joy Enriquez

Inuyasha by not me! I own him not! (Shadow: I own Sesshy though... Kira: We wish...)

The Final Battle was long over. The Inu-Group was all safe, even Kikyo (Shadow: KILL HER! Kira: Shut up! I want to but, back to the story). Kagome had adopted Shippo and the Shikon granted his pure wish, to have Kagome safe forever. She was turned into a Kitsune.

No one knows, but Kagome doesn't love Inuyasha anymore. No, she likes the other Inu-brother...Sesshomaru.

Kagome walked alone in the woods at night. They no longer scared her, even though Inuyasha was always with Kikyo (Shadow: Dead clay bitch Kira: What did I say!?). She always sang a song, when she thought she was alone, however tonight...a certain demon lord was listening.

"Cannot touch, cannot hold
Cannot be together
Cannot love, cannot kiss,
Cannot have each other"

Kagome swung in a slow circle.

"Must be strong, and we must let go
Cannot say what our hearts must know
How can I not love you?
What do I tell my heart?
When do I not want you here in my arms?
How does one waltz away from all of the memories?
How do I not miss you when you are gone?"

Sesshomaru wondered what and who she was singing about.

"Cannot dream, Cannot share,
Sweet and tender moments
Cannot feel how we feel,
Must pretend it's over"

A tear slowly fell down her cheek, knowing that the demon lord would never like her back.

"Must be brave, and we must go on
Must not say what we've known all along
How can I not love you?
What do I tell my heart?
When do I not want you here in my arms?
How does one waltz away from all of the memories?
How do I not miss you when you are gone?
How can I not love you?"

Kagome looked over a stream and pushed away from the tree she was leaning against, and started dancing again.

"Must be brave, and we must be strong
Cannot say what we've known all along
How can I not love you?
What do I tell my heart?
When do I not want you here in my arms?
How does one waltz away from all of the memories?
How do I not miss you when you are gone?"

Kagome spotted Sesshomaru, and her eyes widened, but she finished the song.

"How can I not love you when you are gone?"

Sesshomaru walked out towards her.

"Miko, even after all my idiotic brother put you through, you still love him?" he asked in surprise.

Kagome laughed, and in seconds Sesshomaru had her against a tree, his claws at her throat.

"What is so funny, that you laugh at this Sesshomaru?" He growled.

"It is not your brother, I never have loved him...I thought I did, but I love him not." she said, looking into his eyes.

"Then what and whom do you sing for?" He asked, dropping her, as she landed on her feet.

"Well, my taiyouki, that you will have to figure out on your own..." she said, walking away.

Sesshomaru blinked and growled slightly.

"Who said I am yours?" he growled.

"My song did." she said, dissapearing into the forest.

"She...Kagome...Was singing" Sesshomaru thought.

The moon hung over the forest as the song started again...

Authors Corner:

Shadow: Welll??? Do you like it? YOU BETTER LIKE IT!

Kira: Ignore my bipolar other self...

Shadow: But Kira how could you give Sesshy to Kagome?!

Kira: Well, I don't know if this is a one-shot or not, but it never said that Sesshomaru liked her back...

Shadow: oh...

Kira: I'm having the reviewers vote who kagome's with and if this should turn into a cross over...

Shadow: OKAY! REVEIW!...or perish!

Kira: hits head against table ugh!

Anime Crossovers Accepted:

Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, Blood , YuYu Hakusho, One Piece, or Hellsing. If I decide to do a two-shot/full-out story.