No Life, but a Pirates

Disclaimer I do not own Harry Potter or the Caribbean. That's JK Rowling and Disney. I think you get the point.

Warnings This is going to be slash & het. Don't like, then leave. I'm not forcing you to read my fanfic.


"We pilage, we plunder, we rifle and loot,

Drink up me 'earties, yo ho!

We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot,

Drink up me 'earties, yo ho!

Yo ho, yo ho a pirates life for me.

We extort, we pilfer, we filch and sack,

Drink up —"

The girl was startled out of her quiet singing when one of the crew puts his hand on her shoulder.

"Quiet, missy! Cursed pirates sail these waters. You don't want to bring them down on us, now do ya?"

"Mr. Gibs, that will do!"

"She was singing about pirates. Bad luck to be singing about pirates with us mired in this unnatural fog. Mark my words."

"Consider them marked. On you way."

"Aye, Lietenant. It's bad luck to have a woman on board, too, even a miniture one." HE said before going back to work.

"I think it'd be rather exciting to meet a pirate." The young girl said.

"Think again, Miss Swann. Vile and dissolute creatures, the lot of them. I intend to see to it that any man who sails under a pirate flag or wears a pirate brand gets what he deserves, a short drop and a sudden stop." The young girl, Elizabeth Swann, glances over a Gibbs who mimes hanging.

"Lieutenant Norrington, I appreciat your fervor, but I'm, uh, I'm concerned about the effect this subject will have upon my daughter." Govenor Swann said coming up next to his daughter.

"My apologies, Govenor Swann."

"Actually, I find it all fascinating." Elizabeth interjected.

"Yes, that's what concerns me." He said lookin gdown at his daughter. Elizabeth just turns around and gazes out at the water. She sees a parasol and then a piece of wreckage with a boy on it.

"A boy!" She called out alarmed. "There's a boy in the water!"

"Man overboard!" Norrington calls out. "Man the ropes. Fetch a Hook! Haul him aboard." He orders.

Once they get him aboard, they check for a pulse.

"He's still breathing." Gibbs turns around and spots a burning ship.

"Mary, Mother of God!"

"What happened here?" Govenor Swann asked a little worried.

"It's most likely the powder magazine. Merchant vessels run heavily armed." Norrington said.

"A lot of good it did them. Everyone's thinking it. I'm just saying it. Pirates."

"There's no proof in that. It was probably an accident." Govenor Swann said trying to explain the incident away as anything but pirate caused.

"Rouse the Captain! Heave to and take in sail! Launch the boats." Norrington ordered.

"Heave to!" A sailor shouted out.

"Elizabeth, I want you to accompany the boy. He'll be in your charge. Take care of him." Elizabeth nodded, to show her father that she understood, and then proceeded to walk over to the young boy.

As she approached him, he awoke, grabbing her wrist.

"It's ok. My name's Elizabeth Swann."

"W-W-Will Turner. There's a-another boy in the water. W-Will you help him?" He then promptly fainted.

"I'm watching over you, Will." She then notices a medallion around his neck and examines it.

"You're a p-pirate." She turned around and hid the medallion when she heard someone approach.

"Has he said anything?" Norrington asked.

"His name is William Turner." She paused and then she remembered somehting important.

"He also said that there's another boy in the water. Oh! We have to help him!"

"Don't worry, we weill." Norrington and the crew scoured the waters for another young boy and found him, nearing unconsciousness, floating in the water. They quickly brought him aboard. They wrapped his shivering frame with a blanket.

"What's you name, boy?" Norrington questioned, seeing the expensive clothes he had on.

"Harry, Harry Potter." He managed to say.

"Where are you parents?" Govenor Swann asked gently.

"Dead. The Royal Navy mistook our ship for a pirates and attacked us without even making sure." He spat out the name as if it was the most horrid word in the world. Norrington looked shocked.

"That's horrible. When we get back to Port Royal, I'll make sure that crew is punished." Harry looked up and smiled at Norrington in thanks.

"Take him and our other guest below." He ordered the sailors.

Elizabeth studeies the medallion closer. Upon looking up she sees a ship with the black flag flying at its mast. She then closes her eyes.

To Be Continued…

So… Like it? Hate it? Wish it'd spontaneously combust?

I know, I know. What are you doing starting another story when you already have one to update!

Well, will I be able to get away if I tell you that I'm a little stuck on the details. I've already written out the first two pages and changed it at least 5 times, but it doesn't seem right. Oh well. If I fail another time, I'll just keep it and move on.

So, how do you like this one? I know this seems EXACTLY like the movie. I mean, I did get their script offline and kinda turned it into story format. But, since I added Harry in, I'll have to change it. And don't worry, it's not AU. Harry and his parents weren't born in this time period. You'll have to wait a little to see why he's here so young.

So, drop a review and tell me how you feel about it. I hope it's original. I mean, I've pretty much read all the good PotC x HP crossovers, and I'm happy to say that so far, this story looks original. But if you can find a story that looks similar/almost exactly alike, then drop a review telling me and I'll see what I can do to change it.
