All Too Fast

Disclaimer: No ownership, but the fic. Simple, ne?

Summary: maybe something along the lines of: boy meets girl, boy runs away, boy gets trapped, and thusly…marriage and all that comes with. Lame? Yes, very much so.

Author's Note: Again thanks to all who left me a review. A slower update, but I was trying to write a chapter for my Gundam Wing fic, and couldn't come up with anything. I'm determined to finish a story! Hopefully it won't take me years to do so. Bear with me please and do enjoy the short but hopefully pleasant read.

To leriko: I'll keep that in mind, I've always been afraid of writing too much detail (where the reader would curse and think 'get on with it already!'), thanks for the suggestion!

To anonymous jane: I added something just for you, though it's a tid-bit, but there will, maybe, probably be some additional developments.

Before he knew it, they were booked for the 6-a-clock flight to Japan. Chiaki Shinichi is a man of no—little fears. It wasn't his fault that he was too drunk this particular Friday morning. He wasn't asleep or at least he was in a certain sense of half-wakefulness, if that made any sense. He heard his wife's playful tone, he felt her fingers dance across his face, and he certainly felt the chill of the morning Paris air as she pulled the covers off him. It wasn't until a certain pressure posed a familiar treat across his torso that he opened tired eyes to meet the mad woman. She sat, quite happily on him, giving him that gleeful smile of hers, "Shinichi" she murmured. The intimacy that the name implied made him shudder—or maybe he was just cold. In any thought, he pulled her towards him, with the intention of using her as a blanket.

"Huhun" she muttered against the crook of his neck. They laid there in silence for those measly minutes as he stared through her chestnut strands. 'She makes such weird sounds' he got to thinking, but then 'why in God's name a PLANE!'

"It was his fault we were late," she told the receptionist with a glare.

He gave his eccentric wife a questioning glance, then watched the woman behind the desk smile darkly as Nodame pulled him to her, "if you know what I mean" she added. He let out a startled cough and tried to release her hold on him, "it's not what you think!" he stammered, cheeks flushing, "I was drunk!"

"Drunk on love."


He was beginning to hyperventilate, considering the near death experience (one word: airplane, or is that two? Kidding, or am I?), the long and tedious trip with a perverted conductor, their sadistic so-called-manager, the legion of half-dressed women, adding in a Noda Megumi-Chiaki, and what do you get? The Grim Reaper in a skirt. He watched as the two women quarreled and smiled at the thought of Nodame's jealously.

She always got jealous so easily.

--He hadn't seen her in a week, and though he would never admit such a thing, he missed her. He ignored the lingering hunger—after all, canned food wasn't all its cut out to be. He couldn't choose the last piece, for some odd reason the absolute silence was driving him mad. He hadn't seen hide nor hair of her after that eventful evening Tuesday last. "Maybe I should've given in" he muttered to himself, but the thought of her hungry, perverted-ness dismissed that small lapse in judgment. He laid the pencil down and took a well deserved break. Cringing at the mess, he left his own room to only meet the evident silence of next door.

"Where would that hentai be…"

Noda Megumi at no odds would starve herself, "she'd go to any living thing that'd feed her" he scoffed. Standing in front of her door was one thing, but actually going in that room was when he realized that food was a necessity (after all, there could be no other reason for this intrusion). He had fully expected a mess, but what his eyes met nearly knocked the wind out of him, Nodame's room—was—was—CLEAN! The bed was made, the trash empty, the floor seen, papers, sheet music, books neatly stacked away, which could only mean one thing: "Nodame never came home."

A strange feeling swelled in his chest, muttering something about 'deranged idiots,' he turned to leave, but it was the sudden turn of the knob that sent him flying towards a closet. 'When was it that I became a stalker?' the mere thought brought him a headache, but pride before shame. Not a second after Nodame was seen trudging through the door, kicking various bags in and mindlessly throwing whatever she had in her hands to the ground. In her mouth was a thin book—she left his line of vision.

In the faint darkness he mentally laughed at himself, 'I must be out of my mind.'


His ears perked at the masculine tone, 'who in the world?' For some reason he held sudden resentment towards this young stranger, "carrot top" was all he could say.

"Gyaha. Step 1, stare into the person's eyes," Nodame took those tiny steps towards the 'boy' who in turn staggered back. "Megumi-chan?" His voice was beginning to crack. She gently jabbed a finger at the center of his chest and smiled that too sweet smile.

"Was your father a thief?"


"Cause someone stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes."

Chiaki didn't know whether to puke or punch someone, but by the time he crawled out of that tight space he was as white as a sheet. Whoever Nodame left with didn't matter to him—"not in the least" he muttered, ignoring the pestering hunger he went back to his room and right to bed. It wasn't until he felt that creeping chill did his heavy eyes pry themselves open. In the darkness, a very familiar frame was straddling his waist, "Nodame" he whispered tiredly. A worry face met his eyes and her warm hands touched his forehead in concern, "One week without Nodame to care for you and look what happens," she chided.

"Care for who?" was his sarcastic reply.

She gave him that smile, and something tugged at the strings of his heart. She stared at him, placing her hands on either side of his head, lowering herself until she felt that faint prickle of his quiet breathing. "Was your father a thief?"

That line was oddly familiar.


"Cause someone stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes."

His eyes lolled, a faint twitching motion was grabbing hold of him, which only induced her 'ahehing' triumph, "It must've been painful, falling down from heaven." He was at a loss for words. She snuggled in the crook of his motionless neck, "a flower never smelled so sweet." Seconds after a "Gyabo!" was sounded as he threw her body to the floor. She faked hurt and turned those large eyes upon him once more, "and Nodame spent more than 2000 yen on this book!" she wailed. Crawling towards him she showed him the pink cover, 101 pickup lines."Shay was helping Nodame practice—what good that did!" she seethed as she flipped through various pages.

He paled, realization dawned, but it was the flashing ring on Nodame's finger that made him lose color. He immediately ran to his drawers and tried to fish out a jewelry box, and there it lay, empty. She managed her way towards him, and wrapped her slender arms around his waist, "Nodame wanted to save Senpai the embarrassment." He looked down at the clasped hands, and at the diamond ring that was fitted on her finger—"BAKA!"

She drew back in shock, but kept the ring close to her and AWAY from him, "No take backs Senpai!" her eyes gleamed, ready for any battle.

"I didn't give it to you in the first place!" adding a 'yet' in his own mind.

She swatted his answer away, "Nodame been Chiaki-senpai's 'wife' for so long" looking at the diamond, "this just seals the deal."

"What deal!?"

She smiled and…ran.

He was left at a standstill, and it wasn't until she was out the door that his legs moved after her. He met the cold, familiar, locked barrier, but couldn't help smiling at the bizarre, childishness of the whole situation. "Nodame?" his voice was gentle, and he took a seat in front of the door that kept them apart, "Do you know what your name means?" he didn't wait for a reply, "'blessing'…and Shinichi means 'one truth'…there's only one truth since I met you—and that's—you're my blessing…"

The door suddenly flew open and he fell backwards into the lap of that 'wicked' onna. She smiled brightly at him and no matter how angry he was about this strange proposal, he simply grabbed her soft hand and pressed her ring finger to his lips.--

Shaking his head out of that strange revive he was faced with a group of angry women, apparently Stresemann and his party decided to join them. "Ladies, ladies, ladies we can't all fit in such a car" the old man chuckled out, "…then again." Chiaki could do nothing but pretend to not know them, the only problem was, one of the people creating absolute havoc was firmly attached to his arm! He stared at the brown head and gentle ruffled the hair that he touched so many times before. She peered up at him and raise a questioning brow, "do you remember that one week when I told you not to come over?"

"What week? Nodame has been the stronghold in this marriage since stingy-senpai kicks out his poor little wife every time he's peeved" she muttered under her breath.

He let out a small laugh, gently grabbed her hand and kissed the ring on her finger, "that time" he murmured.

She bit her lip, "you needn't know."

Out of all the answers that he was prepared to hear, this wasn't one of them. Suspicion arose, "and why's that?" The twinkle in her eyes confused him, "Nodame loves it when Senpai's jealous." A blush rose rapidly to his cheeks, he let out a cough, "who would be jealous over a hentai-pianist!?" She quickly grabbed the keys to the rental car, gave a kiss to Milch, and whispered these words in his ear: "I'm never far away."

Baffled. He was baffled. Ignoring the demands of the evil-wicked-onna-manager he followed her, completely baffled.

Apparently Nodame had called a few people the night before—and the result? The Devil's Welcome Home Party (Again. Yes. It has a name).

Banners, streamers, confetti, silly-string, and a crowd of people all shoved up in that small cramped restaurant. When they entered everyone cheered and he was immediately in the arms of Okuyama Masumi. His afro, his mustache, his all around craziness was squeezing the living daylights out of him. Nodame was complaining by his side, trying to pry the timpanist off of him, "Senpai is Nodame's husband!" she struggled to say as the crowd closed in around him (thus pushing her further and further away). He was in the middle of a mob and Nodame, well, Nodame was somewhere near the fake flower pot that stood in the farthest corner.

"Fuoh!" she said in frustration, rolling up her sleeves, she was about to attempt 'mission impossible' when Mine appeared by her side, "popular as always I see" was his sarcastic introduction. She looked up at the blonde and smiled a wide smile, temporally forgetting her 'mission.' "Mine!" she wrapped her arms around him, but then she remembered, "too popular! Senpai needs to tone it down!" she told him in all too seriousness. The violinist laughed, "tone what down?"

"It." Was his only reply.

Chiaki was absolutely fed up, but at the same time he was glad to be back with this particular group of people. He smiled and warmly returned the hug that Kiyora (Miki) gave him, "glad to see you again." He nodded, taking a seat next to her as the welcome home 'hugs,' 'kisses', (and in two occasions) 'butt pats' came to a simmering end. "How are things going between" he threw a glance towards Mine. She gave a sigh, a smile "he's special."

The aforementioned person arrived at the word 'special.' "Whose special?" Nodame apparently followed. Chiaki looked up at his wife, "you, and I'm not saying that in any sort of loving way" was his monotone answer, but Nodame paid no heed. Her attention was on the silver band around Kiyora's finger, "Mine! You Dog!" the pianist roughly slapped Mine in the chest. A questioning brow rose, and Chiaki curiously took a look at Kiyora's finger, "where's the stone?" Mine face faulted as Nodame fanned the poor violinist.

"If you squint real hard, you can see it" was the pretty soon-to-be-bride's reply.

The puppy-dog face had magically appeared, along with the pitiful whimper.

"I see what you mean" was Chiaki's careless remark.

At this point, the blonde was verging anger. Nodame continued to fan him with her hands, "Chiaki-senpai is at that time of the month again," she told him. Kiyora stared at her ring and smiled, "as long as it's from Mine, I really could care less." Not a second after she was wrapped in his arms, he was elated, "That's my Kiyora."

Sakura shyly entered the conversation, but added nothing except kind greetings and smiles.

"Did you set a date?" Chiaki looked at the two, but the sudden afro knocked over his drink, distracting him from hearing an answer. All he heard was nervous laughter and useless prater. "Nodame! Get your grabby hands off him!" Masumi-chan seethed. A glint appeared in her eyes, "there hasn't been a single spot that I haven't touched" she cackled out to his utter horror. The poor Shinichi-fan covered his ears in dread, "Ah, I'm sure he cringes every time" he stated back hotly. Nodame frowned, she pulled the blushing Chiaki towards her, "Nodame highly doubts that!"

Keiji came around with the Suzuki duo, slurring something along the lines of: "grabby spot touched double what?"

Mine Tatsumi soon joined the celebration and with what? Of course a new specialty! "The Conductor on the Rise Rice!" he yelped with much enthusiasm. He laid the large plate in front of the crowd, "Dig in. Dig in" he said merrily staring expectantly at Kiyora. Kiyora smiled shyly, "thanks…dad."

The two Mines' were on cloud nine!

Chiaki wasn't paying any attention to the drunk madness around him, his uneasy eyes laid on Nodame. She had stopped her idiotic argument and was turning quite pale. Her hands flew strait to her mouth when the kind 'father' introduced his new specialty. The sounds of someone about to retch had silenced the loud crowd. "Excuse me," was all she could utter as she ran to the bathroom. Expecting eyes turned toward Chiaki.

He took a sip of soju, "she's pregnant" was his nonchalant reply, all the while his eyes stared at the occupied bathroom.


"No kidding!?"

"Talk about working fast!"

"There goes afro baby."

"AHO! How can two men have a baby!?"

"Medical advancements! How do you think?!"


"Two women can have a baby!"


"What baby? Congratulations Mine! You knocked up Kiyora."


Did you like it? Did you hate it? Was it too mushy? Did my attempt to add more detail to the memory thing work out (or did I not add enough?) Aha, my lame questions. Oh! I also made a mistake, that instead of correcting, (since I probably won't use the name that often) I'm just going to continue making a mistake: the name Noda Megumi-Chiaki should be Noda-Chiaki Megumi, but maha. I also reread my chapters and found small errors, which I apologize for, but everyone makes mistakes, ne?

Side note useless information: 1 US dollar equals 103.71 yen, "Aho" and "baka" means "idiot" "dummy," the cheesy pick up lines were mostly from me but then again I probably heard them somewhere so the credit does not go to me, except the last one about the name thing—which is true, there names do mean that.

Thanks to those who read! Leave me something if you're inclined to do so