We were ahead, and the teachers were beginning to get serious…Like they weren't serious before! We had had to switch Samcyxk out because he had completely depleted his arm of strength, and Tidus had taken his place. It went without saying he wasn't as good a pitcher.

The first ball he threw was clobbered by Larxene, travelling into the left field corner. Wakka scooped it up and hurled it to second base, but she was already there, grinning.

After her, Principal Xemnas came up to bat and laid down a near perfect bunt. Larxene raced to third, and Tidus just barely got Xemnas out.

Thankfully, a freak strikeout and a pop fly got us out of the bottom of the 7th with no damage.

Back in the dugout, where Samcyxk sat, we got a little pep talk.

"This is not a game against the teachers," Samcyxk told us when we were all sitting casually, momentarily, on the bench. His odds struck us all as odd, because we all knew this was the game – the culmination of our efforts over the season.

"We're in the lead now," he continued. "We cannot, under any circumstances, lose it. Treat this like any other game against, say, Larxene's team." Now I understood. "Pretend you're not playing against them and we can do this." He stood up and patted me on the back as I put my helmet on.

"Good luck," he told me. "Give 'em hell, kid." He turned away and went back to his seat smiling. Taking a deep breath, I stepped out of the dugout and made my way to the plate. I was intimidated only slightly by the practice pitch, a fastball that flew by in a blur.

Gulping, I took a few practice swings and finally put each foot in the box. Small beads of sweat tumbled down my forehead, soaking my lips. My hands tightened their grip on the bat's handle.

The first pitch zoomed by me, and I didn't even register it. "Strike!" the ump called out. Clenching my teeth, I was sure my face was full of fear, like someone who's about to be dunked in a toilet. But without the toilet.

A changeup was the second pitch, and it was a bit easier to read. However, I fouled it off, nearly into Saїx's glove.

'Come on, Sora,' I told myself. 'You've gotta hit this ball. Who cares if your team's in the lead…?' Sighing, I stepped out to clear my head.

'Remember what Samsexy – I mean, what Samcyxk said. You're not up against the teachers…This is Roxas you're facing. He's easier to hit than a sandbag…'

Newly refreshed, I stepped back in and took a practice swing. Then I knew the next one would have to be for real; with two strikes, this would be a definite pitch to get me out.

The ball came whirling at me, and I swung.

The crack of the ball on the bat was like an Independence Day firecracker – perhaps a cherry bomb in a toilet somewhere was more appropriate. But nevertheless, the ball took off.

As my mind registered that I'd hit the ball and I dropped the bat and started hard for first, I took the time to realize where the ball was. It was hurtling through the crisp air towards left field. But it had no intention of slowing, oh no it didn't.

Turning first and on my way to second, I took another glance. The small white and red sphere of cow skin was flying ever further, and then…

Samcyxk's voice rang out through the park. "Yes!!"

It was a home run, and to home plate I ran. The entire team was cheering for me as I jumped on the plate. I could easily hear Xaldin's groaning.

Coming back into the dugout, I was barraged by high-fives and claps. I worked my way to where Riku was – he grinned. "Nice hit."

"Thank you," I whispered. "I love you."

And the game continued rather uneventfully until the bottom of the ninth inning. The teachers had two outs – we were one away from the win. Unfortunately, they also had the bases juiced. A grand slam would give them another win in their record.

Xaldin stepped up to bat, great big Xaldin who could crush a pencil between two fingers instantly. Smiling to himself, he took his stance.

Turning to Riku, I grimaced – this didn't look good.

But it got even worse as Tidus' pitch was a meatball. Xaldin smacked it well, and it flew towards right center.

Riku and I both sprinted, but it appeared the ball was going over the fence. "Dammit!" Riku yelled.

"Not yet!" I cried out. "Put your hands out together!"


"Like this!" I brought my hands, one gloved, together, and he got it, but didn't understand why I wanted him to do so. But I did.

I leapt up and put one foot on his hands. "Help me catapult up!" I told him in a commanding voice.

Finally he got what I was up to. Using all his strength, he threw me up as I jumped. Into the cool sky I went, and the ball was coming at me. Bringing my glove out, I gracefully caught it.

Now was the part I hadn't planned on – landing. I began to fall back down to the earth and scrambled for something to hold onto.

I didn't have to. When I neared the ground, Riku caught me with both arms, and couldn't stop himself from twirling me around once.

An ump, Xefeclorn ,actually, came running out. "Show me the ball!" she screamed frantically. "Please tell me you caught the ball!"

Wrestling my arm from Riku, I held out my glove, the baseball resting in it. Xefeclorn cried out in happiness, "Out number 3!!"

The stands immediately went crazy. Xefeclorn gave me a hearty high-five, then I turned to Riku. "Thank you," I told him.

"No, thank you," he replied. "It was all your idea."

"That doesn't matter,' I said. "We won…We beat the teachers…" We embraced each other, and didn't stop at that – we went full blown and kissed.

The crowd fell silent. Even Xefeclorn, whom Samcyxk had probably already told. It must've become obvious that our dancing hadn't been a joke – it was real.

Then, I heard someone clapping. Straining my eyes up, I saw Kairi, who was standing and applauding.

Clapping came from the dugout, and I saw Samcyxk smiling.

Xefeclorn began clapping.

Saїx started to clap.

All of a sudden, like a great crescendo, the entire crowd began to applaud. There were w00ts and whoops and shouts of glee. It seemed everyone had finally accepted us…

As we walked down the halls the next day, everyone was saying "congratulations!" or "you guys were awesome!"

Samcyxk caught up with Riku and I. "I never got a chance to tell you in person that that was incredible."

Nodding, I shook his hand. "Thanks. Everyone was."

"But you put the nail in the coffin," he told me. "Now the teachers have their first loss!"

The final bell rang, and the front doors of the school opened up. A rush of hot air blasted us as I turned to Riku. Everyone I was really good friends with, even Xefeclorn and Taxmt, were there to hear.

"Riku…Will you go out with me?"

He hugged me in response. "I don't want to do anything else right now." I heard more clapping, probably from Samcyxk.

Disengaging the hug, we turned to the front doors. With our heads held high, we walked towards them to meet the afternoon.

That's it! It's all over! "It All Began in Gym Class" is finished!

But don't think that means that all the stories from this wacky school are done. Join us next time, for "Trust No One," the second part of the tale!