This is something different from the Bleach fanfiction I normally do. Since I ran out of inspiration I decided to write something else for a change. Still my favourite type of story... Fighting... Lol... But still, it's a change of rules so it might help out... I hope.

All in all, this'll be about three chapters long. The first probably gonna be the longest, just the "Mental Realm" fight, and the second will be the dark ending, and the third will be the light ending. If y'all have any constructive criticisms, or just wanna say how much my story rocks... Lol... ermm... Yeah, give me a comment.

Also, when you read this you HAVE to have played the game for this to make sense to you... Or at least, you must've read the spoilers on Wikipedia or something. K? Off we go, God bless you!


The Dark Prince stood above the Prince, his right hand gripping the crown of Persia, that would fall on the head of the Prince of Persia. Whose soul would rule the Prince would be decided in this final battle.


"All that is yours, is rightfully mine! And mine, it will be!"

The Dark Prince swung his left arm, his daggertail screaming forth, cutting through the air towards the Prince, who leapt back and out of the way. The Prince drew forth his sword, the shining sword of Sharaman, and promptly leapt forward to meet to the Dark Prince. The Dark Prince smirked and recalled his weapon, the daggertail sailing back towards the Prince, who spun to block the blow. The Dark Prince dashed forward and wrapped his right arm around the Prince's neck, chocking the Prince.

"What did you expect? That when you slew the Vizier that I would simply disappear? Oh, you're so blind! Your rage, your pride, your selfish ways, they give me form and substance! Even with the Sands gone I have the strength to remain, and with the Vizier gone I can take your place and rule the kingdom!"

The Dark Prince drew his lips closer to the Prince and sneered into his ear, "And there is absolutely nothing you can do about it!" The Dark Prince cackled, releasing his grip and throwing the Prince forward, into the middle of the Terrace, into the middle of the gaping hole that suddenly appeared. The Prince fell, but felt no fear, as light flashed all around him, he knew that this was merely in his head, a battle that was destined to happen. He had been expecting this, and he was ready.


"You've been given the ability to manipulate time itself! What wars you could have fought, monuments you could have erected in your name! What women you could've kept!"

The Dark Prince materialized on a circular platform that seemed to float in the air. The Prince landed on a separate platform and sought to find his balance, but the world kept moving. A quick glance saw nothing but light and shifting lines, shapes and figures, disorientating and making it near impossible to find balance.

The Dark Prince seemed to have no problem with the lack of balance, however, and stabbed at the Prince with his left arm, the Daggertail screaming forth and shooting through the air, attempting to puncture the Prince. The Prince dodged the attack and leapt at the other platform, the gap between the two seemingly too large to cover in a single leap. Much to his surprise, and relief, the platforms were not far apart, and the Prince landed at his dark alter ego's side, his blade flashing upwards at his back. The demon spun and grabbed the sword with his right hand, leaping upward and dragging the Prince along. Curiously, the Dark Prince's ascend did not end, but they appeared to sail upward and onward further into the light.

"You failed me, Prince," the Dark Prince sneered at the hero below him, "You grew soft and sympathetic. My attempts to get you to see glory fell on deaf ears, so I bidded my time, waiting for the proper moment to strike,"


They ascended to to another platform, this one L-shaped with several pillars jutting up from the corners. The Dark Prince threw the Prince at one of the pillars and landed, his daggertail returning to his arm. The Prince hit the pillar and coughed up blood, the force of impact cracking the pillar, but quickly recovered and stood up to face his evil half, who continued to taunt him.

"You do not deserve what you've been given. The world's greatest Empire, you could've ruled the world!" The bladed whip wrapped itself around the Dark Prince's left arm, turning it effectively into a barbed weapon, no flesh left bare. "You have squandered it, Prince! I would do it justice, and so it should be mine!"

The Dark Prince leapt at the Prince, howling with anger, his left arm bearing down on the Prince, who raised his own blade to block the blow. "You are just a parasite!" The Prince growled as his father's blade met the Dark Prince's armored arm.

"You deserve nothing!" The Prince yelled, shoving his inner demon away and off the platform. The Prince, filled with self-righteous anger now, leapt forward to continue the battle, only to find himself falling…


Into the chamber where he found the Fountain of Life that he encountered in Azad. The Prince gazed around, shocked to find himself in so familiar a place within his own mind, but quickly regained his focus, as his dark half stood where the Fountain of Life should have been. He leapt forth and joined battle with the Dark Prince on the central platform, his sword cutting downward, attempted to slice the Dark Prince in half. The demon swung his daggertail, the bladed whip wrapping around the Prince's sword and leaving it in his control. The Dark Prince laughed and pulled his arm back, drawing the Prince closer to himself. The Prince cried out as his body sailed to the demon, but tugged on the sword to send himself shooting toward the demon instead. The Dark Prince's eyes widened in shock as the Prince pulled back, his feet jabbing forward and connecting with his gut, sending the demon tumbling into the darkness.

The Prince untangled his blade and growled, leaping down yet again, falling into the darkness, where the demon called out, "But don't I? Have I not earned it? How many times have I saved you, unblocked your path, remind you of your mission? But all you cared about was Farah, and your father, and how everything bad always happened to you! Boo hoo, Prince!"


The Prince fell and found himself over the ship that took him to the Island of Time, the ship that was burned to ashes by Shadee and her crew. His eyes widened in fear as the burning ship seemed to rush up to him, the flames eager to consume and envelope him…


And the Prince landed on yet another circular platform; back again in the bright realm that was his mental state. The Prince looked around, apparently alone in the void. But he knew better than to think that. "Your words are empty, have always been empty!" The Prince called out, "You are just a desperate, selfish spirit!"

"If I am selfish, it is because of you!" The Dark Prince growled as he came into view on another circular platform, slowing moving towards the Prince. "If I am ruthless, cunning, and lacking in morals, it is because of you! I did not spin myself out of the ether, I was not conjured by some mad Vizier! I AM YOU!"

Both souls leapt to meet each other as the platforms drew closer, and collided in the air, their weapons a tangled mess, their free arms grasping each other with a vice-like grip, neither relinquishing his hold over the other. The Prince curled his right leg back and kneed the gut of his dark alter ego, whose grip promptly loosened and was sent tumbling into the light…


Falling hard on the Time Portal the Prince had found in the Throne Room of the Island of Time. The Dark Prince hit the ground hard and bounced, cracking the floor and coughing up blood. The cracks seemed to cut into the spiral design of the Portal. The Prince stood over the shadow of himself and whispered, "I have seen the error of my ways, and I have atoned for my transgressions. I am no longer that person!"

The Dark Prince howled in rage and leapt forth, and the Prince slashed upwards with his blade. The demon back flipped to avoid the strike, his boot connecting with the Prince's chin, sending the Prince flying into the air. The Dark Prince swung his daggertail, wrapping the bladed whip about the Prince's leg, causing the Prince to cry out in pain as the blades sunk deeper into his flesh as the whip tightened its grip. The demon cackled and spun the Prince about, slamming him into a nearby pillar and loosening his whip, allowing the Prince to fall into the darkness. The Dark Prince leapt forth and sailed downward, his daggertail trailing out behind him.

"Seasons change, tastes change, but people? People never change! And you delude yourself by thinking such," The Dark Prince now fell along side the Prince, and he held out his unarmed right arm to him, "Set down your sword, Prince. Embrace me,"

The Prince grunted and swung his blade at the demon, who spun to dodge the blow, his daggertail now spinning toward the Prince. The Prince shifted his position and grabbed the bladed whip, pulling himself closer to the Dark Prince, ignoring the blood seeping through his left hand, and his sword aimed toward his heart. The demon's eyes widened in shock, and hardened into anger as he growled, "Do you mean to kill me then? Cut me down like all your other enemies? Swing that sword, Prince! We'll see how well that works,"


The shining sword of Sharaman stabbed the heart of the Dark Prince, whose face now bore a blank expression. Unsatisfied he had killed the demon, the Prince pulled his blade out to the side, and slashed repeatedly at the now disappearing and disembodied form of the Dark Prince. The Prince continued to fall, but now the darkness shifted back to light as he fell within his own twisted Mental Realm.

"Oh, such violence. Your anger serves only to feed me," the disembodied voice of the Dark Prince continued to echo within the Prince's mind. The Prince's fall ended as he landed on a circular platform. He gripped the sides of his head, as if to block the voice, and stumbled onto the floor, his mind weary from the battle with the Vizier and now the battle with himself. "So, I ask you, have you really changed? After all, I'm still right here, standing before you!"

"After all this time, I still cannot defeat him..." thought the Prince, his weary mind spent, his fighting spirit gone.


The Prince lifted his eyes up, his soul exhausted, expecting to find the Dark Prince standing over him, triumphant, but to his shock, instead saw Farah standing at her balcony. His mind still racing, he looked around, only to find himself in her chambers, the same chambers where he had originally slain the Vizier. The Prince turned to face his lover, warmth and comfort seeming to come from her, beckoning him to go to her. He got up, and as he approached her, his surroundings changed, and he was back again in his twisted realm. But the Prince did not notice this, his eyes focused on the beautiful face of Farah, who now at the foot of a grand staircase that seemed to lead to the Heavens. Finally, she spoke, her voice a soothing blanket in the thick of pain.

"Prince, leave this place. It reeks of sadness and anger. Do not give into it, leave. Come, I will show the way!" Farah turned and ran up the stairs, further away, but deeper into the light that waited at the top. The Prince took another step forward, but his inner demon suddenly appeared before him yet again, standing in his way.

"Are you ready to relinquish control yet?" The Dark Prince sneered, pointing behind the Prince. The Prince turned, and saw a Throne, and he knew what it represented. Whoever sat on the Throne would be King over this realm, his realm, the realm of the Prince.


The Prince turned to face his alter ego, his mind reeling with the choices before him, as well as the memories he had recovered through these battles. Farah's appearance had given him strength, strength enough to finally make a choice…