Disclaimer: I do not own Pirates of the Caribbean, despite all my attempts to find a way to be able to. This is just a work of my imagination running away from me.

Rating: G

Summary: What would make time on the Dutchman bearable?


The crew of the Dutchman was in a nostalgic mood. They were taking turns fantasizing about what they would double their time owed to the captain for. It was Bootstrap's turn. "I would probably give an eternity if only I could spend it clean!" Nods came from those that had been navy-folk or landlubbers in their past life, but he only got blank and confused looks from his fellow pirates. Apart from the normal dirt and grime that comes from months at sea without a true bath, the cursed crew also had to deal with every bit of sludge and sea-life that attached themselves to them when they went under. It was enough to make a hygiene-conscious man like Bootstrap go mad. If cleanliness is next to Godliness then this ship truly was Hell . . . in more ways than one.