Hello there guys! Ok, so it's been an embarrassing six years since I updated this story. Since then, I've finished high school, sixth form, and done three years of university. Since then I've lived in a new city, worked abroad for a full summer, and moved abroad for a full year. I'm currently teaching English in France. I'd like to think that in these years my writing has matured somewhat, but I thought I'd FINALLY give finishing this a go, while I have a bit of free time!

Thanks for bearing with me all these years and I hope I do the ending justice! A few more chapters and it'll be complete.

"Sweetie, I am so sorry. I honestly didn't know that you were in there with Booth. God, I am such an idiot."

Brennan was pacing, up and down, up and down. She had been pacing up and down, up and down for the last ten minutes, and Angela didn't have any idea what to do, what to say, other than to apologise over and over again for her impeccably bad timing.

"Please. Just stop apologising for one second." Temperance took a deep breath and finally looked her best friend square in the eye. "Angela. I just almost kissed Booth."

Angela could see the concern and the fear in her best friend's eyes. She knew that this was a big deal for Brennan- hell, it was a big deal for anyone, but particularly for Brennan. Brennan was all about professionalism. If there was a manual on professionalism, Brennan probably wrote it. Angela could almost see Brennan's mind whirring as she paced. She noticed the kink in Brennan's eyebrow, showing her confusion. She recognised the pink in Brennan's cheeks, which showed both her embarrassment and her desire. She watched her pace, almost a personification of the speed at which her brain was working.

She took all of this in, and she smiled.

She smiled, and then she laughed.

"Angela! Why are you laughing? What about this terrible situation could you possibly find funny?" Angry Brennan was never a good thing, but an angry and confused Brennan equated a hysterical Brennan. Angela felt the smile escape her lips and she scurried frantically over to where Brennan was standing (having finally stopped burning a hole in the carpets.)

"Sorry, sweetie! I don't mean to laugh, but the situation is kind of funny! I've been trying for years and years to get you two to kiss. I've even gone as far as to lock you in a cupboard together in the past, and I was certainly planning on making you do that tonight in a sly 'seven minutes in heaven' fashion! It's just funny that the one time you're actually about to kiss- the one time you're about to do the one thing I've wanted more than anything since you two started working together- I'm the one who interrupts and ruins it, out of all the people in the world. It's bittersweet. But definitely more bitter than sweet."

"Ange." Brennan bit her lip nervously and Angela had honestly never seen her friend look so helpless. "Ange, what do I do?"

"I'll tell you what you're gonna do, Bren. You're gonna go back out there, you're gonna sit down in a circle. We're gonna grab a bottle, we're gonna play a bizarre hybrid variant of truth or dare and spin the bottle, and you're gonna snog Booth's face off." Angela smiled triumphantly, grabbed her best friend by the arm and dragged her forcefully back to the others.

All in a days work, Ange. All in a days work!

Thanks for reading guys! I'd really love feeback! Reviews still get cookies, even after 6 years!

- Hollbets