Title: Souvenir
Author: Sarcastic.Shinobi
Fandom: Berserk
Genre(s): Angst, friendship
Rating: T
Pairing: None
Distribution: Please do not archive or repost w/o permission
Disclaimer: Not mine. –Bows to Kentaro Miura-

Summary: One-shot. Takes place sometime after the Eclipse. Griffith reveals an uncomfortable, all-too-human side as he reminisces with Zodd about Guts and their first meeting.

Author notes: I'm just playing around here. I had the thought, "Hm, what if Griffith actually talked about himself for once? And with his new right-hand man?" So, yes, Griffith is completely OOC (and Zodd probably, too). Please review and/or drop me a line if you want to chat about the wonder that is Berserk… X3




"You really are an ugly creature," Griffith said. "But you still remind me of him."

Zodd listened to Griffith's voice but did not hear his words. His brain was a fog, registering only the stabs and slices from Griffith's sword, the smell of his own blood on the grassy floor beneath them, and how he held his own muscles rigid, so he wouldn't fight back.

The Hawk, the absolute prince, in his gleaming armor, splattered with blood…

Nosferatu Zodd didn't want Griffith to stop touching him. Ever.

Griffith lost momentum. And then, of all things, he slumped against Zodd, his perfect hair and cape fluttering softly. His red blade clattered to the ground.

Zodd stood against the pole supporting the tent, slack-jawed.

The Hawk leaned against him silently. He couldn't cry, not any longer, because he wasn't human. Zodd couldn't help but be relieved for that.

Griffith ran a bare hand over a deep wound in Zodd's side, above his hip. The beastly warrior wondered at the smooth skin of that hand; as one of the Godhand, Griffith really had no business being so beautiful… He should have been marked with at least one small deformity…

Griffith whispered. "Once, I wanted to kill you to save him."

Zodd felt the hairs on his nape stand on end.

He remembered their first meeting. At the time, Zodd had thought Griffith as pale and beautiful as Guts was dark and vicious. They were both unusual as far as humans were concerned, but still insignificant—just insects scurrying to save their burrow-mates as Zodd crushed them. He understood, though, when he saw the crimson Behelit…

"Did you choose to serve me, Zodd, or did I choose you?" Griffith looked up with dull eyes and took a step back from the burly warrior. "I accepted you… Perhaps it was only because I knew you from before… Perhaps I wanted to take a souvenir of that time with me. And it was you, because you and Guts... Well. It's such a foolish, human notion."

"But you are beyond human, Prince," Zodd said immediately. "There is no contesting that you are beyond any of us."

"Yet here we are," Griffith looked down at the bloody sword.

It wasn't like the Hawk to reveal so much of himself. It made the Immortal feel deliciously anxious, as though he were about to step into battle. He wondered if humans who cared about each other felt something like this.