Title: One Love

Author: inuyashagirl5

Rating: T

Genre: Romance

Pairing: Kagome/Yusuke
I do not own InuYasha or YuYu Hakusho. InuYasha is owned by Rumiko Takahashi and YuYu Hakusho is owned by Yoshihiro Togashi. I only borrow their characters for my own amusement and the amusement of my readers.

Chapter Four

"You're up bright and early."

Hiei shifted his gaze from outside and to the young woman in the doorway of the kitchen. She was alone despite the shadow she had the night before. He knew Yusuke though. Once he was asleep, waking him up was difficult.

"Hn. I don't require much sleep." He looked her up and down, raising an eyebrow at the silly pajamas she was wearing. While the top was periwinkle blue, the bottoms were of the same color but decorated with white bunnies and orange carrots. "I find it surprising that a demon slayer would wear such childish clothing."

"Oh, but I'm not..."

"You are." He cut her off. His eyes moved back to the outside world. The sun was starting to paint things on the horizon with an orange glow. "Your actions yesterday proved it."

"I know this is probably stupid of me to say, but, you have nothing to fear. I would never hurt you."

He snorted. "You're right. It was stupid."

She giggled softly, pleased to see a slight smirk grace his features. His exterior was a little easier to crack than Sesshomaru's had been, but she knew that it was probably best to stay clear of his bad side. If he was anything like Sesshomaru, he would harm her if her was annoyed enough.

"Are you hungry?"

"Isn't it early for breakfast?"

"Is it?"

He cast a glare in her direction and she fought to keep from giggling again. "It's not too early for me. I'm always up this early. Some habits never fade."

"Hn." He turned his gaze outside yet again. "I could eat something."



When Kurama made his way downstairs not more than twenty minutes later, he chuckled quietly to himself as he entered the kitchen. Sitting at the low table was Kagome and Hiei, both of which were enjoying breakfast. The cause for his chuckle was due to the stack of pancakes on Hiei's plate, drenched in gooey syrup and whipped cream and then topped with strawberries and chocolate chips. Kagome's plate looked similar, but the stack of pancakes was considerably smaller.

"Morning." He greeted politely and Kagome smiled up at him.

"Morning. There's food on the counter if you're hungry. Coffee too."

"Coffee does sound nice." Kurama murmured and moved to get a cup. "The two of you seem to be getting along nicely."


"Well, you know, he's really a big softy." She playfully teased. "I think we'll get along just fine."

"That's good to hear." Kurama answered. "Those pajamas are rather silly. Did you pick them out yourself?"

"Not you too!" She groaned. "There's nothing wrong with my pajamas!"

"Hn." Hiei rolled his eyes and Kurama chuckled.

Eventually the others in the house began to trickle in and Kagome and her mother set about making more breakfast. Both women shared a glance and a smile. They were happy to have such a boisterous morning.

After awhile Kagome realized she was still without her shadow. She excused herself and went in search of Yusuke.

He was still asleep on the couch and she wondered how he could manage to sleep through all of the noise. Sitting on the edge of the couch, she gently prodded his shoulder.

"Hey sleepy, you're going to miss breakfast." He groaned a little, but only snuggled more into his pillow. "Come on now. Wake up, Yusuke."

"Go away, you old hag." He mumbled. Kagome huffed angrily.

"An old hag am I?" She jumped to her feet and reached down, roughly grabbing Yusuke's ear. "Everyone else is awake now. Get your lazy butt out of bed."

His eyes shot open and he hissed in pain. "What the fuck?"

"About time." She released his ear. "Come get breakfast."

"Kagome?" He blinked sleepy eyes up at her before reaching out. grabbing her wrist and tugging her back down onto the couch.

"What are you doing?"

"Lie down with me."

"N-No." She stammered, her heart thundering in her chest.

"Just for a few minutes." He pulled her backwards, forcing her to recline against him. "I was having a bad dream. I didn't like it at all."

"What was it about?" She ran her hand along the arm that had made its way around her waist.

"You." He said with a frown. "Kuwabara kidnapped you and wouldn't let me see you. Whenever I got close he pushed me away. It wouldn't have been so bad but his laughter was so creepy."

"Sounds to me like the past was coming back to haunt you, but you shouldn't worry. Kazuma is happy that we get to see each other again. I don't think there will be anything else that will take me away from here."

"I hope you're right." Yusuke's hold tightened. "Someone made breakfast?"

"Yes. My mother and I. If you don't hurry up it'll be gone."

"You would make me something, wouldn't you?"

"If there was more pancake batter, yes, but there is no more so, no."

"I guess I should get up then." Releasing her he sat up and stretched. "You'll have to get up too."

"Yeah, yeah. Just hurry up already." She playfully rolled her eyes and moved to stand. However Yusuke had other plans. He grabbed her hips and pulled her backwards and against his chest. "H-Hey!"

Yusuke laughed and hugged her close. "You are so cute."

"You're such a liar." Kagome scoffed. "Now let me go so I can get up. We have things to do today."

"Fine. Fine."

Once breakfast was done and the dishes taken care of, Kagome knew she couldn't put off going into the Spirit World for much longer. Truthfully, she didn't want to go at all. If somehow the Shikon no Tama had made its way back within her, what would they do to her? Would the order for its removal? Would they force her to stay there in the Spirit World? Would they call for her death? She doubted Sesshomaru would let that happen, but did he hold any sway in that world?

She decided to take a long bath, letting her tense muscles soak. No matter the outcome of the day, she was determined to protest any punishment that might come her way. After all, it wasn't her fault that she was born with the jewel in her side and she certainly wasn't at fault if it had returned to her.

"Nothing feels different though. Wouldn't I know if it had returned to me?"

She guessed she would find out soon enough.

"She's taking an awfully long time up there." Yusuke gazed at the ceiling. With a grin he added, "To be a fly on that wall though..."

"She is undoubtedly nervous, Yusuke." Kurama said. "Her future is hanging in the balance at the moment."

"She's not going anywhere. I won't allow it." Yusuke stated with conviction.

"I doubt they'll let you have a say in the matter."

"I'm not letting her go again, Kurama." Yusuke's gaze met Kurama's and he knew his friend meant every word he said. Yusuke wasn't going to give up without a fight and things could possibly get messy. Kurama sighed softly and ran his fingers through his bangs.

"I'll do what I can to help if the situations turns sour."

"Thanks man."

"I'm sure Kuwabara and Hiei will too. Kuwabara definitely." Kurama glanced at the ceiling. "Though facing off against Lord Sesshomaru is not something I want to deal with. Getting on his bad side usually results in a lot of pain or death. Also, I won't be able to get to know Rin very well if he dislikes us."

"Always an ulterior motive with you." Yusuke laughed. "That girls is pretty cute though. Not as cute as Kagome, but pretty close."

It was still another thirty-minutes later before Kagome emerged from the bathroom clean, but no less relaxed. She was determined to get through the day no matter the outcome. Hopefully it would all turn out okay.

Rin ushered the small group through the portal to the Spirit World, pointedly ignoring Kurama as he passed through. She didn't want to deal with him first thing in the morning and on a stressful day too. She didn't want bad things to happen to Kagome. She wanted her to have all of the happiness she deserved.

"You'll be fine." Yusuke said to Kagome, his hand holding hers tightly. "I'll be with you the whole time."

"I can't help but to be nervous. What if they make me stay here? What if they suggest something worse?"

"Don't jump ahead just yet, Kagome." Kurama said softly from behind her. "We don't even know if you're in possession of the jewel."

"I don't think the outlook will be in my favor." She frowned.

"We've got your back. Don't worry." Yusuke attempted to reassure her again.

"I want to be able to go home to my family and friends, but... If it is in there I know they won't let me return home."

Yusuke squeezed her hand gently and Kagome was tempted to bury her face against his chest and cry her eyes out.

The fact she looked ready to burst into tears and start sobbing at any second solidified Kurama's resolve to help Yusuke keep her where she was. Kagome was scared and she did not want to be taken away from those she cared about. Surely they would see that and take her feelings into consideration.

"Hello, Kagome. It's very nice to finally meet you." Koenma bowed formally to the former time traveling priestess, giving her the respect she deserved.

"It's nice to meet you too." Kagome returned the respectful gesture, even though she had the urge to turn away and run.

"If you'll just follow me. Yusuke, Kurama, I need the two of you to..."

"I'm staying with her." Yusuke interrupted.

"No. You'll be staying outside of the room. Do not over-step boundaries, Yusuke. Not right now." Koenma leveled the former detective with a stern glare. "She will be safe. I will be in there as well as Lord Sesshomaru."


"Lord Sesshomaru will see that no harm comes to me. I trust him with my life." Kagome replied softly, turning to face Yusuke. "I'll see you soon though. No matter the outcome, I won't leave here without seeing you."

She could see how displeased he was, but he didn't offer up any more arguments. He trusted her words and for that she was happy. She gave him a smile, pet his cheek and then moved to follow Koenma into a different room.

Sesshomaru was seated at a desk inside, Rin at his side. Having the pair of them there gave her comfort.

"Go ahead and take a seat on the table." Koenma motioned to the shiny, steel table in the center of the room.

"This isn't going to hurt, right?"

"Not at all." Koenma answered, lifting up a small, black device that looked quite similar to the handheld scanners used in grocery stores. He then turned to the computer screen and pointed. If there is anything off it'll appear on here. I'll use this to scan you."


"Please do not assume the worst, Kagome." Koenma replied gently, sensing the girl's apprehension. "If the Shikon no Tama is back within you, we're not going to imprison you for it. Measures will be taken to protect it, you and your family."

"I just don't want those measures to take me away from my family and friends."

"Let's just see if you have it first." Koenma moved next to her, the scanner held up and facing her head. "Ready?"

With a soft sigh she answered. "Yes."

It didn't take long before the machine picked up on what they were looking for. Sitting nestled in her left hip, yet again, was the Shikon no Tama, glowing brightly.

"It's there and whole." Koenma's attention turned to Sesshomaru. "What do you suggest?"

"Until the one searching for her is found and dealt with, she will stay in my domain." He answered

"The one searching for me?" Kagome questioned. "What do you mean by that?"

"Sources have told me that there is someone looking for the jewel, but before we could get all the answers, that demon was killed." Sesshomaru answered. "They knew enough about you to get close enough to your family."

"B-But how? Nobody from that time knew that I lived in this time except for the ones I traveled with." Kagome was becoming frantic. It wasn't possible. It couldn't be.

"Which is why I will keep you safe in the Demon World for now." Sesshomaru answered sternly, giving Kagome a bit of reassurance.

"Bringing her family into the Demon World is dangerous. Her family would have to go as well." Koenma stated.

"She has powerful allies." Sesshomaru's should lifted in a minute shrug.

"You will allow Yusuke and the others into your home?"

"I will."

"Thank goodness." Kagome was relieved, despite the situation. "I can deal with this better knowing I am not alone."

"Hn. Even without them, you would be well protected. Nothing gets past this Sesshomaru."

"I know." She smiled softly.

"But I feel better knowing she's protected by my guys as well. I know I can count on them and I know Yusuke is more than willing to take on the job of protecting her." Koenma admitted. "We should gather everyone together and give them all a rundown on the situation at the same time."

"Agreed. Kagome will stay here until everything is settled and everyone is gathered."

"Yusuke can stay behind. Kurama and Rin can accompany me to get the others." Koenma put away the equipment. "Will you head home to make arrangements?"

"I shall." Sesshomaru moved closer to where Kagome was sitting, leaning forward he looked her square in the eyes. "We will find out who is looking for you. Until then, cooperate with us. Refrain from being stubborn."

Kagome, although she disliked being called stubborn, quickly agreed. This wasn't just about her after all. Her family was in danger because of her and she had to do what ever she could to keep them safe.

Kagome remained alone in the room while Koenma, Sesshomaru and Rin went off to do all the necessary things to make the move to Sesshomaru's home safe. She wasn't happy with the situation, but she had hope that one day things would return to normal. Until then, she'd take it one day at a time.

"Mind filling me in?" Yusuke hopped onto the table next to her. "Koenma had Kurama tag along with him and Rin. He didn't tell me anything."

"It's a long and complicated story." She answered with a sigh. "We're going to be staying in the Demon World for a little while though."

"You have the jewel within you then?"

"Yup. It's sitting in the same spot it was last time."

"I'm going with you."

"Yes, I know. I just told you that." Kagome laughed softly. "Koenma, Kurama and Rin have left to gather the others. You and your friends get to play bodyguard to me and my family."

"I'll be more than happy to guard your body, Kagome." Yusuke wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, enjoying the cute blush that graced her cheeks.

"I bet you would. Pervert."

"In all seriousness though, what should I expect?"

"Don't cross Sesshomaru. We'll be staying with him and he doesn't take crap from anyone. He was scary strong when I first met him. By now, I can only imagine his strength."

"I won't have any problems with him as long as he doesn't piss me off."

"Yusuke, I like you. So let me be one-hundred percent honest with you. Stay on Sesshomaru's good side." Kagome rolled her eyes when he loudly scoffed at her words. "I suppose I should be thankful he's in possession of Tenseiga. After he kills you, you'll at least have one chance to be revived."


"One of Sesshomaru's swords. It once belonged to his father, but it's able to bring someone back from the dead once. Rin was revived by Tenseiga when she was a little girl."

Speaking of Rin, the pair paused in their conversation when the reaper poked her head into the room and smiled brightly.

"Koenma sent me back to get you two. He thought you might like to go home and gather some of your things for the trip."

"Oh yes. I definitely would!" Kagome answered, jumping down from the table.

Rin brought them back to the shrine first. She wanted Kagome to have adequate protection and she believed it could be troubling if it had just been her and Yusuke.

Once she knew Kagome was in good hands, Rin brought Yusuke to his own home. As they approached his apartment door, Yusuke groaned and slapped a hand to his face. Sitting in front of his door was Keiko.

"So not what I want to deal with right now." He sighed.

"Who is she?" Rin asked curiously.

"My bitchy ex." He scowled. "We used to be good friends, but then she changed."

"Oh! She's glaring at me!" Rin blinked up at Yusuke. "She doesn't even know me."

"You're a girl and she's jealous. She should be. You're loads cuter than she is. Sweeter too."

"O-Oh dear..." Rin blushed brightly.

"I can see why Kurama's interested." Yusuke chuckled at her, but then turned his attention on Keiko. "Why are you here?"

"We need to talk. Alone." She said sourly.


"What do you mean no? I have things to talk to you about and I don't need your new little slut listening in." Keiko sneered at Rin.

"Do not call Rin a slut." Yusuke growled angrily.

"You're quick to change sluts these days, aren't you? What happened to the other girl from the party? You remember that scantly clad whore that threw herself at you?"

"Do no call Kagome a whore." Rin's voice was low, her eye narrowed. She extended her arm out and her oar materialized in her hand. "I dare you to speak ill of her again. See how fast I'll crack your skull open. As a human I was diligently trained by a demon lord."

"I'm not scared of you. You'd be out on your ass the second you hit me. Koenma wouldn't tolerate your violence towards his friend."

"Koenma would turn a blind eye as far as I go. He's afraid of Lord Sesshomaru after all."

"Just go away, Keiko. We have nothing to talk about." Yusuke cut Keiko off before she could reply. "And I especially don't want to listen to you be jealous of Kagome or Rin. Go home."

"I am not jealous!" Keiko stomped her foot. "And, yes, we do have things to talk about!"

Yusuke shoved his way between Keiko and his door. He unlocked the door and motioned for Rin to enter. Keiko tried to force her was through and found herself promptly tossed back onto her ass. Rin glared angrily down at her and then stuck her nose in the air and entered Yusuke's apartment. Yusuke followed behind and locked the door behind him.

"Fucking bitch." He muttered. "I am sorry about that. Ignore her."

"If I catch her bad-mouthing Kagome again I'm going to beat her."

"You're a little scary right now, Rin." Yusuke laughed. "And I won't stop you."

They ignored the constant pounding at the door and Yusuke went about gathering some of his clothing; stuffing it into a duffel bag. He didn't need much else, tossing only his toothbrush and deodorant into the bag as well. Once ready he met Rin in the living room.

"All set?" She inquired.


"I'll open the portal here to avoid certain problems."

"Good idea."

When they returned to the shrine, everyone else was already there and waiting for them. As if sensing his frustration, Kagome gave Yusuke's shoulder a gentle squeeze.

"Are you alright?" She asked softly.

"I am now." He grinned. "Keiko was waiting at my place, but we avoided any serious arguments. She might think twice about pissing Rin off too."

Rin blushed brightly when all eyes landed on her. She didn't like being the center of attention, especially when a certain red-head was one of them.

"It w-was nothing." She stammered, keeping her eyes averted.

"Knocked Keiko back on her ass quicker than I could blink. It was impressive!" Yusuke gloated. "Definitely don't get on her bad side."

"You're embarrassing her, Yusuke." Kagome chuckled. "It's time for us to go anyway. Rin, Koenma wanted you to open the portal directly into Sesshomaru's entrance. That way our arrival will only be noticed by their staff."

"Simple enough." Rin concentrated very little and opened the portal.

"I'll go first." Shippo replied, hefting a couple heavy backpacks over each of his shoulders. "Souta can come with me."

One by one everyone went through until only Yusuke, Kagome and Rin were left. It was easy to see that Kagome was uneasy, maybe even a little hesitant to leave her home.

Even though Rin was watching and waiting, Yusuke leaned down and faced Kagome eye to eye. Before she could open her mouth to ask what was wrong, he pressed his lips to hers in a quick, chaste kiss. She gasped and blinked up at him when he stepped back.

"You'll be fine." He said. "You have me after all."

Rin giggled as they passed through the portal. No matter what appeared before them, she knew nothing would stand in Yusuke's way of staying close to Kagome.