Sum: "I always knew that Danny Fenton and Danny Phantom were similar in many ways but I never thought that they would be the same person" was what I was thinking as I saw Danny Fenton transform into Danny Phantom.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the DP characters

"Hey Tuck!" I yelled to Tucker who was a few feet in front of me.

"Wait up!" I called out to Tucker. He turned around wearing his yellow shirt and khaki pants, along with his signature beret on his head.

"Hurry up Sam, we're going to be late!" he yelled out before jogging ahead.

"Tucker!" I called out desperately as I chased after him thinking of the many ways to kill him for leaving me behind. I put on an extra burst of speed and passed Tucker easily.

"Buh bye" I said, grinning as I crooked my little finger in a wave to him. He looked furious for a minute before trying his best to catch up with me. I laughed and raced on ahead. Since I kept looking back at Tucker to mock him, it was only natural that I did bump into someone.

"Oof!" I called out as I landed on my butt.

"Ouch" another voice called out. I recognized that voice instantly.

"Danny, I'm so sorry, are you alright?" Danny was the most popular and unobtainable boy at school. Even Paulina hadn't been able to go out with him. He was looking as gorgeous as ever in his white and red tee along with his blue jeans. He looked up with those gorgeous ice blue eyes of his and I almost melted. Almost.

"I'm fine" he said as he grabbed my hand and hoisted himself up. By now Tucker had caught up.

"Hah, hah, Sam you meanie, you ran on ahead without waiting for me!" Tucker wheezed out. I just laughed before looking at him.

"Hey, you were the one who didn't wait for me first" I said as I dusted imaginary dust off my black, green striped skirt. I also wore a black tee with a purple circle in the middle along with combat boots.

"It's a wonder how you can run so fast with those heavy boots weighing you down" Tucker commented for the 13th time today.

"Tuck. You repeated that for the 13th time already. I get the picture but more importantly," I turned to Danny who was standing beside me

"You hurt? I'm really sorry I should have looked where I was running" I apologized for the 2nd time today.

"Its okay, I'm not hurt at all" Danny smiled kindly at me. I smiled back. And of course, Tucker had to ruin this moment.

"Stop smiling you two! There's only five minutes left before the bell goes!" exclaimed Tucker as he looked at his PDA. That boy never goes anywhere without his PDA I swear.

"Oh crap" both Danny and I muttered before racing off leaving Tucker behind in our dust.

We managed to reach the doors of Casper High 2 minutes before the bell rang. Tucker caught up to us just as the bell rang.

"Hah, hah, you two are way too fast" he managed to wheeze out before collapsing.

"C'mon Tuck you just have to walk to the classroom now and quickly" since Tucker didn't give any sign of getting up, I looked at Danny, who was staring at Tucker before looking up at me, pleadingly. Danny just sighed and grabbed one of Tucker's arms while I grabbed the other. We began to drag him down the corridor to Mr. Lancer's English class.

"You sure Tucker won't be angry with us for dragging him?" asked Danny as he looked uncertainly at me, then Tucker.

"Trust me, he'll thank you for it someday" I answered. We continued to drag him down the corridor to Mr. Lancer's class earning a lot of stares from the students. Well, and some glares from the female population of the students.

"Somehow, I feel as though the girls are dying to kill me for walking with you" I said as I glared back at one of the girls causing her to gulp and run screaming,

"Mommy!" I laughed at that ridiculous sight before turning my gaze back to Danny.

"Yeah, that tends to happen a lot to girls who walk with me except for Jazz" laughed Danny. I laughed along with him and decided to joke along.

"Well, next time maybe is should get some bodyguards when I decide to walk with you, just in case" we both laughed out loud at this causing more stares (and glares) from the students. We finally reached Mr. Lancer's classroom of hell.

'Well, we reached. Thanks. You might want to cover your ears" I said before I sucked in my breath and yelled,

"Tucker, get that lazy butt of yours up right now or I will make you do 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups and 50 laps around the school!"

"I'm up, I'm up!" yelled Tucker as he sprang up. At this, Danny began laughing his head off. I smiled at Danny before Mr. Lancer came rushing out.

"What is the meaning of this?" he asked. I immediately started to talk about the history of Egyptians and continued to babble on for the next 2 minutes before Mr. Lancer yelled,

"Enough! Miss Manson, I'm glad you read up on the Egyptians history and all but…oh never mind, just get in class all three of you" Tucker, Danny and I smiled at each other behind Lancer's back before going to our respective seats.

"Right" said Mr. Lancer as he returned to whatever he was saying before. I decided that it wasn't of interest to me and tuned him out after a few words.

"Hey, Tuck. You thought of anything to do for this weekend yet?" I asked as I turned to face him. Today was Thursday and it was only 2 days before Saturday came.

"Going out with Val on Saturday…going out with my parents on Sunday" he answered. I sighed and thought, 'Lucky bastard…he gets to spend time with his parents and girlfriend…well not exactly his girlfriend but soon-to-be…'

"Hmm so I see you finally persuaded Valerie to go out with you" I commented and laughed silently at Tucker's shocked expression. Honestly, Tucker had been trying to get Valerie to go out with him ever since the start of this year. At first, Valerie had just chased him away or not paid any heed to him. But I can see that she's slowly felling for Tucker. The goofy Tucker who has been my best friend ever since pre-k and who can never go even a second without his PDA or 'baby' (insert gag here).

"Well…it did took a few weeks of persuading but I still got her to go out with me unlike you who has never got the guts to ask Danny out" he whispered. I glared at him and looked over at Mr. Lancer before leaning over and whispering,

"For the last time, I do not like Danny! He's just a classmate. Oh and by the way remember to thank him for helping me drag you here to class" Tucker was silent after this. I guess he ignored my comment about me not liking Danny. He seemed to be contemplating whether it was a good thing or not to be dragged to class. He turned to me and was about to open his mouth when Danny beat him to it.

"Mr. Lancer! May I go to the toilet please?" he yelled out. Danny was always excusing himself from Mr. Lancer's class. I looked over at Mr. Lancer who sighed and nodded. Danny smiled and ran from his seat out the class.

"Well, let's continue" Mr. Lancer said and I turned to Tucker to ask him what he was going to say when someone yelled,

"Ghost!" it was probably Paulina judging by that high-pitched and annoying voice.

Not much of a cliffhanger's just the start anyway...