Carnival Ride

Bold – Describing the scene

Normal Font- People talking

With Tohru and Kyo…

Shigure did break something and it was his leg. So Hatori fixed his leg and Shigure left to find Tohru and Kyo. Kyo and Tohru are eating at the food court. Tohru and Kyo are sharing a hot dog. Shigure is at a wall watching them. It is around 10:00pm so Hatori is going to pick them up around

" Kyo what do you want to do next?" asked Tohru

" We could go play games?'" questioned Kyo

" Okay!" smiled Tohru

" Let's go then." Kyo said grabbing Tohru's hand.

With Shigure…

" Ahh there leaving… I have to follow… where are they going… WAIT FOR ME!!!" said Shigure crying in pain. Because of his leg.

" Why did this have to happen to me." Said Shigure as he picked up his phone to call Haru

"Haru there heading to the games you know what to do… so do it!" said A frustrated Shigure

With Kyo and Tohru…

" Thank you, for getting me this stuff cat. I LOVE IT!!!" Said Tohru hugging the stuffy and then gave Kyo a kiss.

" Umm. Your welcome" said Kyo

" Look Kyo a picture booth do you want to go in it?" Asked Tohru

" Umm… Sure I guess" said Kyo

" Let's go then" said Tohru

So Kyo and Tohru got into the Picture Booth. The First picture was just them smiling. The second one was Kyo putting bunny ears on Tohru. The Third one was Kyo kissing Tohru's neck. And The forth one was them just kissing.

" That was fun" said Kyo coming out of the booth

" Yes it really was" blushed Tohru

Just then some guy with White and Black hair came out of know where and pushed Tohru towards Kyo. Tohru was Expecting A poof of orange smoke … but there was none.

" Kyo!" said a scared Tohru

" Tohru It's okay I don't know what happened but … I'm happy it did. Look I can hold the girl I love" said a happy Kyo hugging Tohru even tighter

" I love you to Kyo" said Tohru when Kyo's lips met hers

Kyo then heard someone laughing agent the wall that sounded just like Shigure.

With Shigure…

" Look The Curse Is Broken I'm so happy my plan finally worked."

With Kyo And Tohru…

" I just heard Shigure" said Kyo

" Hmm. Ohh well let's go home now Tohru. Also Tohru since you are after all my girlfriend would you like to sleep in my bed room for now on. I want you to stay with me so I can protect you okay?" said Kyo grabbing Tohru's hand

" Sure I would love to Kyo" said Tohru

At The House…

Shigure came home about midnight because he missed the ride home. So Shigure came home late and found Kyo and Tohru Sleeping beside each other in Kyo's Room

" Heehee. I hope I won't be a grandpa to soon". Said Shigure leaving them in peace.

Since Kyo is the cat it is said that the cat can't be loved and if the cat is loved the curse is broken. So Tohru Loves the cat with all her heart so that is how the curse got brocken

End Of Chapter Six

Okay this is the End Of Carnival Ride I had so much fun writing this story but I cant think of what to do next. Any way I hope you read I LOVE YOU!!! it has nothing to do with this story but I am writing it. Shigure will still be stupid. Love you all review my next story Okay ???