Tomorrow is Mine

Ok it's been a little while…Ok so I put a little more effort into this I guess…Forever Starts Here ended up being kinda decent? Anyways…I hope you like this one too…please review pretty please that would make me very happy! Anyways! Oh my god my English teacher is totally swamping me with homework and I have to do history this semester which makes me cry…sob, sob…but yeh I hope you all enjoy Tomorrow is Mine.

Chapter One: Secret Tears

I don't want this

Any of it

Not one drop of these undesired tears

They run down my cheeks without my consent

They embarrass me as well as my peers

They run anyway

I guess that I will have to ignore them

Ignore the pain lingering inside me as well.


Sakura looked at herself in the mirror that was placed in the door of her locker. She tucked a piece of light pink hair behind her ear. Perfect. She smiled at herself in the mirror, until she heard a loud noise behind her make her jump. She swiftly turned around to see a dark haired boy staring at some text books he had obviously dropped on the floor. Thinking it was the courteous thing to do Sakura picked up the books. When she stood up she was looking at the boy eye to eye; emerald clashing with onyx. She couldn't move and she wasn't at all sure why. Instead if handing them to him he took the books from her and walked off.

His eyes had sent her into a trance; she was mesmerized by them and had no idea why. While he was walking away Sakura noticed that he was wearing black jeans instead of slacks and his button up shirt was open with a black t-shirt underneath. He was definitely something else. Sakura looked down at her up to standard blue and white uniform and sighed heavily. She walked by the office on her way to history and saw the raven haired boy in the office and they looked rather angry at him, but he was staring at the counselors with no expression at all.


Sakura slumped into her seat beside Naruto and tilted her head back and sighed.

"What's up with you?"

"I saw a cute guy today."

"Psshhhtt….Do I really need to know that?"

"You're the one that asked."

Sakura looked at Naruto and noticed he was starting at someone on the opposite side of the room. She turned in that direction to see Hyuga Hinata.

Sakura giggled, "Well looks like I'm not the only one who's seen someone cute today."

Naruto shook his head and was obviously blushing, "Jesus Sakura! Stop calling girls cute or people might get the wrong impression on you!"

Sakura nudged him particularly hard for that one. Naruto and her had been best friends for a long time; even though he was a complete dumbass he was the only one that completely accepted her for who she was and nothing else. Everyone else in the school looked at people differently; only looking at their obvious faults and differences.

"Ok class, settle down settle down," Hatake Kakashi started, "We have a new student in class today. Uchiha Sasuke come in."

Sakura gasped.

Naruto snickered, "I'm gonna guess that that's the 'cute guy'?"

Sakura didn't say anything to his smart ass comment; she was too busy staring at him with a pathetic smile on her face.


Sasuke walked to the nearest empty desk, which happened to be the one behind Sakura, so that he could avoid having to introduce himself to these people. There was no one sitting in the desk next to him, and since the class was organized in rows of two that was fine with him. He was kind of wondering why there was no one there because the counselor said that the class was full, whatever it didn't really matter.

As his teacher went on with the lesson Sasuke felt his eyelids grow heavy. This was happening mush too often. He hadn't gotten any real sleep in weeks now. It wasn't because of nightmares, he just couldn't sleep. He put his hand underneath his chin to stop himself from lying on the desk. He decided to let his eyes rest…if only for a little while…that little while lasted a little too long.

"Uchiha what is the answer the problem five?"

Sasuke's eyes shot open and he blinked a few times to grasp the whole situation. He let his eyes wonder to the paper belonging to the girl in front of him, "Benjamin Franklin."

"Very good; moving on…"

Sasuke ran his fingers through his black hair and silently thanked the girl in front of him for paying attention because he certainly wasn't. He closed his eyes again and tried to sleep, he hoped that Kakashi-Sensei wouldn't call on him again.


"Haruno may I have a word with you?" Kakashi asked Sakura as she was about to leave for her next class.

"Oh sure Kakashi-Sensei."

When everyone was gone Kakashi spoke, "You see Haruno you know Uchiha, the new student, he will naturally be behind on the project we started on last week. So I was wondering if you could help him get started and explain the criteria to him. He should be waiting for you at the library after school. Also could you see if he needs any help with school directions and stuff like that?"

Sakura stood still and pulled her thumb up to her mouth and bit it; it was a nervous habit, "Uh…I'm not sure if I…"

"Haruno you are one of the brightest students in the school and one of the kindest so that's why I thought it would be best of you helped him out first. He also has…well, a history."

Sakura bit her thumb a little harder, "Sure Kakashi-Sensei I would be happy too."


It was the last period of the day and Sakura was tapping her fingers on the desk; she had to admit, she was nervous.

A history? What the hell? Is it bad or not? I like don't know this guy at all. This is so weird…Why did I even…

The bell interrupted her thoughts yet the sound of it aroused some new ones. She walked out of the classroom and stared at her feet as she strolled towards the library. It was just tutoring it wasn't like a date or anything. When she opened the door to the library she took a deep breath. Their library was bigger then most schools so she was wondering around trying to find him. As she was doing this she was organizing her words that she would have to say to him. All she had to do was explain the project and boom she was done!

When she was near the reference section she felt a hand on her shoulder, "You're Sakura right?"

She turned around slowly and saw Sasuke looking at her. She nodded her head fiercely…it felt like it was gonna fall off.

"Well aren't you supposed to explain the project to me?"

"Uh…yeah…sorry; we can sit down over there I guess." Sakura said pointing to a study table.

Sasuke nodded, took his hand off her shoulder, and walked over to where she had pointed. Sakura sighed loudly; letting out all the stress that was still building inside of her.


What was up with this girl? She was acting way too giddy and nervous. Whatever. Sasuke sat down at the table and laced his fingers in front of him and rested his chin on them and then looked over to her. She had taken out a couple sheets of paper and had spread them on the table. When she looked up at him for a second she quickly looked back down and turned red. This girl was really weird.

She started to explain the project and pointed to the worksheets. About after three sentences Sasuke noticed he had done the same project when he was a freshman. He had gone to a private school previously and had been in the honor enrollment. So he had stopped listening to Sakura and started to fall asleep again.

About five minutes later he heard Sakura say, "Well that's it. Anything else you need to know?" Sasuke had realized that she hadn't noticed that he was asleep because she had been staring down the whole time. Well that worked for him because most people got really angry at him when he got drowsy as they were trying to talk to him.

"No I got it."

"Oh that's good. Do you need help with anything else…like other school stuff?"

He could tell she felt awkward asking these questions. He was about to just get up and leave but then he realized he needed to know a few things about some student in this school. He was here for a reason and needed some help to accomplish what he had in mind.

"I am new here. How about I give you my cell number and I'll call you if I need something?"

He saw her freeze.

For fuck sake calm down, it's not that big a deal.

She uttered the words, "Uh…sure that would work."

"Well give me your phone."

She clumsily shuffled through her bag until she pulled out the pink razr. He took it from her and entered his number. And then he gave her his silver envy so she could enter her own number.

Since he noticed she was so shy around him and always stared at the floor when she wasn't biting her thumb he thought he'd have a little fun. He pulled her head up by her chin so that she was facing him eye to eye and then whispered in her ear, "I'll call you if I have any trouble."

Sasuke saw the redness on her face and let a smirk creep across his face. He left the library he watched the people who walked by him. None of them knew him but they all looked at him with the strangest of expressions. They stared as if they were looking down on him. The strange thing was that at his private school hardly anyone dressed in full uniform so he didn't think twice about dressing up to standard at this place. Well his old school was different; most people hadn't even heard of it. It was a school where…he stopped thinking about that place and walked towards the parking lot.


Sakura slumped down in the passenger seat staring at Sasuke's number.

"Jeez Sakura you've been looking at your phone like the entire way to your place!" Ino shot.

Sakura closed her razr, "Yeah…sorry."

"Whatever. Hey when are you getting your car fixed anyway?"

"I don't know? Whenever I can scrape up the money."

"Why don't you ask Naruto? He has more money then you think."

"No he doesn't; I've been to his apartment and it's not that great."

"So it's probably messy! But I saw him at the mall with Hinata the other day and he paid for a jacket for her that was over three hundred dollars in cash!"

Sakura looked at her in confusion.

That's weird. I always thought that Naruto was in the same financial situation as me. I thought since he lived alone he's be broke! He's even been living alone for much longer then me. I left the house last year because my parents treated me like a kid and now I can barely afford to fucking eat…

"Oh by the way Sakura I heard from Ten Ten that you were at the library with the hot new guy!"

Sakura shuddered and forced a smile (it was kind of creepy), "Hee hee yeah…I was just helping him with the history project."

"Yeah right!"


"Okay okay jeez calm down! I was kidding…but he's still hot. Maybe I should make move on him. What do you think?" the blue eyed beauty asked. (Author's note: Personally I think Ino's ugly).

Sakura didn't say anything the rest of the way to her apartment.


Sasuke stared at the picture…he kept staring…wondering how it all went wrong. It had been years since then; since Itachi had destroyed his family. The picture was of his mother, father, himself and Itachi. He had thought several times about tearing Itachi out of the picture, but Itachi was smiling in the picture. It was very rare even at that time to see his brother smile and for some reason whenever he looked at the picture now it always caused a hateful smirk to streak across his face. He wanted so badly to claw out his brother's lips and make him never smile again.

He had others he had to worry about at the moment though. They were the key to reaching his goal. At least one of them might me and if he wasn't that wouldn't be that big a deal. Although he had to admit killing him would make him somewhat sad…somewhat. Sasuke laughed softly as he dropped the picture frame to the ground and watched the glass shatter.


First chapter! Woot! Well I think it's a good start anyway. I hope that you stick with reading it anyway…REVIEW PRETTY PLEASE!