Here's the second part of this two-shot! Enjoy!


Hello Goodbye

The door to the hospital opened and a man walked in. He saw a familiar nurse and greeted her.

"Oh, Kirihara-san! Where have you been? You haven't visited her in a while" she smiled.

"I had work to do, couldn't help it. Still the same room?"

"Yes, you know where to go."

He bowed his head a little and continued on his way. He entered the all too familiar room and looked at the bed. And there she was, his sleeping beauty.

Kirihara had no idea how could a persons body change while in coma, but hers did, even if it was only a little: she had grown about an inch taller, her chest had grown a little and her hair now reached all the way to her waist and was braided.

Kirihara took a chair and sat beside the bed. He reached his hand to stroke her hair a little.

"It's been already 10 years and you still refuse to wake up? Guess I scared you pretty badly back then, huh?" he smirked and leaned back on his chair.

"Things are going great for everyone. Marui-senpai and that sleepy dude, Akutagawa, are pretty serious with their relationship. Though I bet Marui-senpai's actually scared of his boyfriend's little ambushes!"

He laughed a little. "Mura-buchou and Sanada-fukubuchou…what can I say? It was always so obvious: fukubuchou took over the family dojo and Mura-buchou continued his tennis career. I still don't know what's going on between them, but there must be something for sure!

"Jackal just works and works. I hardly ever get to see him anymore! But I know he's doing just fine. He's Jackal after all!

"Niou-senpai and Yagyuu-senpai are still going on, obviously. They're an official family now, you know! They adopted this little kid called Haku some time ago. He's three and such a brat, just like Niou-senpai! But I guess he has his good moments too, otherwise Niou-senpai would've already snapped his neck!" Kirihara laughed as he imagined Niou strangling the little boy.

"For me, my ambition never fades. I gave up tennis, to everyone's surprise, and became a doctor instead. Guess were my parents overjoyed when they heard! They never really liked tennis, I guess. Anyways, I haven't been able to come and see you because of all the work I have, our hospital really has a shortage of good doctors. I often have to work overtime, even though I specialize in heart related stuff. Guess why I decided to study that?" he took a small break before taking her hand.

"I did it for you, so once you woke up I wouldn't be helpless again. I could save you if something happened. I would've never even thought about becoming a doctor, but seeing you on that bed 10 years ago something just made me make that decision. I felt this funny feeling inside, though I couldn't understand it. Buchou said it was love, but of course I didn't believe it. However through the years I came accustomed to the idea. So…" he squeezed her hand nervously, hoping that no one was anywhere near the room.

"I love you…so much. So please, wake up Miharu!"

It's dark and empty. I've felt hollow for so long. Or have I? I don't know anymore, and I can't remember why. And I don't know if I want to find out. I 'm scared to know why…

Is that…a voice? Is someone talking to me? It feels so familiar, as if I've heard it a long time ago…it's too blurry, I can't remember. It hurts, go away!

Miharu? Oh yeah, that's my name. Who's calling? I-It hurts...go away, you're hurting me!

"Heh, that sounded so sappy! Niou-senpai would've killed me for being a coward and confessing while you can't even hear me. But I really don't have the guts to tell you face to face. Not after that…"

What happened? What did you do? What did I do? Who are you?

"I really am dense about these things, you know. It took me what, almost five years to realize you loved me, and Niou-senpai had to tell me that! Pathetic, huh?"

I…loved you? Why do you speak in past tense?

"Plus, it took me 10 years to realize my own feelings! Maybe even longer, I might have just been ignorant about it…"

I…know you…

"But I don't know if you still feel the same after all that."

After all what? Who are you?

"I hurt you back then, so it would be only fair for you to hate me."

I know I don't hate you, whoever you are. So please…

"Well, it's about time I have to go."

just once…

"I'll be back, I promise."

call my name again…

"Bye now."

No! Don't go! Akaya-senpai!

Kirihara had already reached the door and had his hand on the door handle when he froze. He stood still, not even breathing for a while.

"Must've been my imagination" he shrugged and opened the door.


He stopped dead on his tracks.


"He took his hand away from the handle.

"…a-senpai…Akaya-senpai" a faint voice called out.

Kirihara whirled around and rushed to the bed.

"Yes! It's me, Miharu! Miharu, you can hear me right? Wake up, open your eyes! Miharu!" he called for her.

Is that…light? I can hear you better now, Akaya-senpai. Are you holding my hand? It's warm…huh? My hand…it isn't moving! No! I have to get to you! Move! Please move, body!

Kirihara felt her hand twitch a little and then she stirred. His face lit up in a wide grin as he saw her slowly open her eyes.

"Miharu!" he felt like giving her a bear hug right there and then, but held himself back. He might actually kill her for good this time!

"A-Akaya-senpai?" she asked, her vision a little blurry. Her voice was very thin through the mask.

"You woke up. After all this time, you finally decided to come back" he felt like crying.

"Were you…calling…for me?"

"So, you heard me. Yeah, I was talking to you just now. How much did you hear?" he looked away.

Miharu saw his face go a bit red as he looked away, and for a short moment she thought she saw the Akaya-senpai from junior high days she knew, before the adult Kirihara returned to her sight. She smiled weakly and turned her head a little to the side, facing the wall.

"I…I love you too, senpai" she confessed shyly. She finally got it out of her own mouth, after all those years, and she felt like a heavy burden was lifted from her heart.

Kirihara smiled and reached to take her mask off of her face. Miharu turned to look at him with confused eyes, and in a blink of an eye she got her answer as she felt warm lips softly on her own.

'This is like a dream' she thought as she closed her eyes, a single teardrop falling from her right eye. 'A dream come true.'

It was a warm spring day. The wind blew over the graveyard, messing the already messy hair of a lonely figure in front of a grave. The man kneeled down and placed some fresh flowers among all the others that were left there.

"Hey there. I came again" he smiled.

"It's stupid to always talk about the same things, I know, but I can't help but think about that day. If only I could've been there, maybe this wouldn't have happened. But then again, maybe this was just meant to be. Fait sure is cruel, huh?"

The man got up and brushed the dirt from his pants. He turned to the gravestone again and resumed his talking.

"I have to go now, sorry I can't stay longer. I promised to go and watch Mahiru's school play, and she'll skin me alive if I won't be there on time! Do you think your brother brainwashed her or something? Even I didn't threaten my parents when I was a kid!" he laughed.

"But time sure goes by fast. Mahiru's already six! Oh, speaking of her" he fished something out of his pocket. It was a handmade card that he placed among the flowers. "Mahiru did this for you. Happy Birthday from both of us" he smiled and left.

Kirihara Miharu

2.4.1990 – 14.10.2020

"Beloved friend, sister, mother and wife.

You will always be in our hearts."


Okay, so how did you like that? I know, I killed someone AGAIN! I guess I just like killing people ::sadistic laugh::

Well, to understand the last part, you better read this: Obviously, Akaya and Miharu got together. After three years, Miharu wanted to make a child. And because everyone knew she couldn't take a pregnancy, the idea of a biologic child was rejected. However Akaya agreed to adoption. So, when they had been together for a little less than four years they finally got their own adopted daughter, Mahiru, who was then only a year old baby. They lived as a happy family for a little over three years, before Miharu got a sudden heartattack. Akaya was on a trip then so he wasn't even in the country when Miharu died. Niou took care of Mahiru until Akaya got back, and they held the funeral. Akaya lived as a single parent with Mahiru since he knew he couldn't love anyone else like he loved Miharu (yeah, sappy, I know), and this is where the story ends.

Hope you enjoyed, leave a nice or a not so nice review, I don't really care as long as it's a review! xDD