"Uncle Mac, Aunt Stella!" A little girl yelled as she made her way through the hallway.

"In her sweetie." Stella said as the little girl made her way towards Mac's office. "What are you doing here?"
"Looking for you!" She replied excitedly as she jumped into Stella's arms. The four year old laughed as Stella started tickling her. The little girl wiggled her way out of Stella's arms and ran towards the door, only to find her exit blocked.

"Isabella Mackenzie Messer!" Lindsay said in a very sharp tone. "I thought that I told you to stay with me and not run off."
"I know mommy, but I wanted to see Aunt Stella and Uncle Mac." Seeing her mother's glare the little girl quickly retreated into Mac's arms.

"I am sorry guys, I hope that she was not bothering you."

"Lindsay, a visit from our god daughter is never a bother." Mac said with a smile. "Isn't that right Bella?"


"So what brings you to the lab kiddo?" Stella asked.

"I came to clean out his locker."

"Lindsay we could have done that." Stella could see tears forming in Lindsay's eyes.

"I know, its just..." Lindsay got lost in her own thoughts and tears began to pour down her cheeks. "I thought that I could handle it."

"It has only been two weeks. Give yourself some more time."

"I don't want more time, Stella. I just want him back." Lindsay completely broke down. Stella guided her over to Mac's couch and put her arm around her shoulders.


"Okay Flack, thanks. No I will tell her. See you when you get back." Tears stung in Mac's eyes. He hung up his cell phone and put his head in his hands. Mac took a deep breath and dialed Lindsay's number.


"Lindsay I need to talk to you. Can you come to my office?"

"Sure Mac, I will be there in a minute." Lindsay hung up the phone and proceeded to Mac's office. Mac was standing by his window when she walked in.

"Hey Mac, what's up?" Her smile quickly faded when she saw Mac's face. That was his I have bad news face. She immediately felt sick. "Mac what's wrong? Did something happen to Danny?"

"Lindsay you might want to sit down."

"No damn it. Tell me what happened.

"There was a shooting at Danny and Stella's crime scene. The suspect returned and pulled a gun on Stella. Danny pushed her out of the way and was hit twice in his chest." Mac paused as he struggled to get the rest of it out. "Stella and Flack did all they could, but it did not help. I am so sorry Lindsay but Danny died about 15 minutes ago at the scene."

Lindsay felt her knees go weak and then everything went black.

End Flashback.

They had been sitting there in silence for several minutes when Stella noticed that Lindsay had cried herself to sleep. Stella gently got up, laying Lindsay down on the couch. Mac took Bella's hand and led her out of the office. Stella grabbed a blanket and covered her friend before following Mac to the break room.

"Uncle Mac, why was mommy crying?" Bella asked once they got to the break room. "She cries a lot."

"She misses you daddy very much and it hurts her that he is not around any more." Mac noticed tears forming in Stella's eyes. She was still blaming herself for what happened. It was difficult for her to except the fact that Danny had dies saving her life.

"Then why doesn't daddy just come home? Then mommy won't be sad any more." Mac felt like someone had just stabbed him in the chest.

"I know that your daddy would like to come home, but he can't. Remember how we talked about him going to heaven?"

"Yeah, I remember. But I miss him too. Can we visit him there?"

"No sweetie, I wish we could." Mac paused trying to keep his own tears at bay. "But you know what?"


"Any time you want to see you daddy all you have to do is close your eyes and think of him." Bella closed her eyes and a huge smile crossed her face. "And your daddy will always be here," he pointed to Bella's heart, "because he loved you very much."

"I love him too." Bella said as she hugged Mac.

"We all do, sweetie."