michelle heads for the girls bathroom

Note: This Fic does not take place during the Anime. Eiri does not know who Nittle Grasper is and didn't write "Shining Collection" which, by the way, is the best Grasper song EVER!! I LOVE THAT SONG SO MUCH! I WANNA DOWNLOAD IT! Someone tell me where I can download it, along with other Gravi songs!

Shuichi headed for the bathroom. 'Oh my god. Why the hell is this happening to me? Why is he everywhere I go?! God, this is exactly what I needed, right!?' He splashed himself with water from the sink. 'Gotta be confident. No one gives a damn about Yuki.' He walked out of the washroom. His knees trembled. Why is he so scared to see him? He's his teacher. It's obvious they're going to see each other every day. He approached Tohma Seguchi. "Uhm, Hey Mr. Seguchi." Tohma turned around.

"Oh, Mr. Yuki, I would like you to meet Shuichi Shindou. He is one of our top recording artists at N-G Productions. Mr. Shindou, this is my Stepbrother Eiri Yuki."

Mr. Yuki stared. "We have already met, Mr. Seguchi. I'm actually Shuichi's teacher."

"Of Course, you told me that before, he is the one that spilled coffee over your manuscript," Tohma said with his trademark smile.


"Shut Up, you damn brat," said Yuki as he lit a cigarette.

"I'll leave you two alone," said Tohma slyly as he slipped away.

"Shuichi," Yuki sighed. "You look like an idiot. Why the jeans and not a Tuxedo?

"I guess it doesnt really matter does it? Excuse me, I'm going to find my friends," and Shuichi turned away. Still, he could feel Eiri staring at him, just standing there and staring. Hiro waved Shuichi over.

"Shuichi! Suguru, Ryuichi and I are going somewhere tonight. We're gonna borrow your car. Would you mind if Mr. Yuki drove you home?"

Shuichi screamed, "HIRO! HE'S MY TEACHER! ARE YOU CRAZY?"

Eiri's voice rang behind him. "No one ever said teachers can't drive students home did they? Eiri shot him a look. Hiro waved with the hand that held Shuichi's keys, "Why dont you guys leave now? It's getting late."

Eiri and Shuichi walked outside to the parking lot. Shuichi headed for the front seat of Eiri's beloved Mercades. Yuki just stared.

As they drove in silence, Shuichi felt Eiri eyeing him through the corner of his eye. Shuichi's stomach grumbled. 'Shit... I am STARVING!' He was so busy avoiding Eiri he hadn't eaten.

Eiri growled, "I know you're hungry so I am taking you to Subway, what do you want?"

Shuichi stammered, "Sure thanks," and added a weak smile. They parked the car and went in Subway. Shuichi pulled out a twenty dollar bill. "You want anything Mr. Yuki?"

"I can pay and order myself, Thanks."

Shuichi glared, "I didn't say I was going to pay for you." 'God, why am I being so rude?' "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way."

"Just go order," Yuki glared. So they both ordered and sat side by side outside on a bench. Shuichi took out his cellphone and loaded some music. The song "Shining Collection," by Nittle Grasper came on the radio, so Shuichi started singing to it.

"You know Nittle Grasper?" Yuki asked.

"Yeah, I do! I love them!"

"So does my dumb-ass brother Tatsuha!"

Shuichi gasped, "You swore. Teachers aren't supposeg to swear." Shuichi blushed. 'Shit that was a dumb thing to say.'

After they were done eating they drove back home in silence. Shuichi could feel Eiri's eyes on him again. "Why do you keep staring at me?"

Eiri retaliated, "And why do you keep criticizing me?

'Shit... he is so HOT.' Shuichi stammered, "I never did." They arrived at his house. Shuichi turned to face Yuki. "You still haven't answered my question yet."

Yuki stared at him some more, as if to aggravate him, then he cocked his head to look at him. Yuki then said, "Hmm… I don't know, maybe because your different? Now get a good night sleep. Don't forget class tomorrow. If you are late, that'll be a detention, and yes, I DO Detentions. Get it?"

"Got it," Shuichi siad as he left. DIFFERENT. The word spun through his mind. Shuichi said a quick "Good-Bye" and ran into his house. As he closed the door behind him, he breathed a sigh of relief. He sat down in his desk chair and logged on to MSN. And his friend from class, Chris, another gay man, messaged him.

Chris - Hey Shu, Guess what!? I KNOW THE HOT TEACHER'S MSN!!

Shu-Man - Guess What,?! I don't want it! Sorry, but not interested!

Chris - Lol alright w/e you say.

Then somehting hit Shuichi. He wanted to know more about Eiri Yuki right? Why not pretend to be someone else and add him on MSN? Get to know him better and figure out all his creepy stares? Shuichi shook his head. 'What the Hell am I doing? If he figured out who I was, it would get all uncomfortable and stuff! I'm not interested in him. Am I?' His mind repeated the thought again. Shuichi had to do the plan. HE WANTED HIM NOW. HE WANTED HIM IN A WAY THAT WAS STRONGER THAN ANY FEELING HE EVER FELT BEFORE!

Shu-Man - Chris, pass his msn over.

Chris – No Problemo.

Shuichi created another msn account: would be a university student who was 19 and was also becoming a teacher. He would be the ideal guy Yuki wanted. He needed to figure this guy out. There's more to him then just a simple teacher. He took a deep breath and typed in and clicked add contact.

B.v.W: This is a great time to update, I have a lot of time this weekend. I am so excited at where this fic is going. I am still waiting for a Gravi Song Download Site. I just can't find one. Someone please help me!