

Thank you very much for reading!!


I want to make a new story!!

It is a very tragic story!!

But I won't post it for now…

I think…

I'll finish my entrance exams first…


Here's the 6th chapter!!


"Make him realize that he doesn't really love his girlfriend." Kaname said

Hotaru frowned. "How can you say he doesn't love her?"

"There is a word called 'INFATUATION', my dear" Kaname said.


"Infatuation?" Hotaru repeated. "How come you say that they are infatuated?" She asked. "& don't call me 'MY DEAR'".

"Ok then, Imai-san" Kaname said. "I am saying that they are only infatuated because-" Kaname was cut off when they heard Mikan's voice calling Hotaru.

"HOTARU!!" Mikan shouted.

'Baka' Hotaru thought. She pulled out her baka gun & shot Mikan. Mikan managed to dodge the first one.

"Whew! That was close." She said. Bit when she turned around, another one is coming.

Mikan shouted.

"Mikan watch out!" Ruka shouted as he tried to run for her.


I felt that everything was in slow motion. I managed to dodge the first one but then, as I look back I saw another one coming.

I can't even move my body.

I heard Ruka's voice.

The Baka gun's ball was nearing me.

It is always the same everyday. At least I managed to dodge one ball now, before, I can't even dodge one. But then, I feel that this will gonna hurt more than before. Hotaru's Baka gun seemed to be upgraded everyday. That girl!! She loves to use her experiment on me!

But then, I must act quickly before it hit me!!... AGAIN…

I saw the ball, It was almost 2 ft away from me, I was about to close my eyes when I saw the ball was in fire! & it was gonna hit me!! But before it reaches my face, the ball melted then I felt someone pushed me. I fell on my butt! & that hurts a lot!! I glared at the person who pushed me but he is also glaring at someone else.

"Natsume! You idiot! That was dangerous!! What if the ball didn't melt?!" Ruka said to Natsume.

My glare turned into a concern one & I said, "Don't worry Ruka, I'm fine."


Natsume looked at Mikan. Then he said, "See? She said she's fine."

Ruka became angry he was about to punch him when Hotaru spoke, "Hyuuga you baka!" She glared at him & then she pointed her Baka gun at him too.

"What if Mikan got hurt! Baka!" Hotaru shouted

"Hotaru that's ok. I am fine. See!" Mikan said as she stood up, even though she felt a little dizzy.

Natsume raised his eyebrows at her, and then he looked at her face. 'She does look pale' He thought.

But then his pride got the better of him so just shrugged it of even though he was worried.

He said, "You should say that to yourself, Imai. See, she said she's ok. Let's go practice."

Mikan doesn't understand, but she felt hurt in what he said.

'Why am I feeling hurt?' she asked herself. 'Natsume is always like that right? I shouldn't feel this way' she thought.

No one saw her expression, or so that's what she thought.

'Hhmmm… this is gonna be interesting.' Kaname thought.

Natsume started to walk. Ruka supported Mikan & they followed him to the place they were supposed to practice.

Before Hotaru ride on her scooter duck to follow them, Kaname said to her, "Well, I'll just tell you soon ok? For now, that is a very fantastic move."

Hotaru raised her elegant eyebrows & said "A fantastic move? It's more of my morning greeting to her."

Kaname said, "Tsk… Tsk… Tsk… my dear, if that is a normal action for you & it helps you a lot then I guess you can make a much better plan to make their TRUE feelings show."

"FINE. I'll think that over. Don't call me 'MY DEAR'." Hotaru said as she went to the place where they will practice.

'Good luck to the four of you. I just wish that everything would be according to plan or else, no one would be happy.' Kaname thought as he looked at their retreating figures.

On their way to their practice place, Natsume can't help but glance at the couple in his back. He can't help but feel JEALOUS. That's right J.E.A.L.O.U.S. - JEALOUS. The air around them started to get hot. All he wanted to do is to burn everything around them. But the couple can't feel it. Why? Because Mikan's nullifying alice is activated. They just continue to talk about this & talk about that & that really made our fire caster furious.

"Will you two just shut up?!" Natsume shouted.

"Why? What's wrong w/ us talking?" Mikan asked.

"You're too irritating." Natsume said to her.

"So? We will talk as long as we want! We're not even talking to you!" Mikan shouted at him.

"Tch… you're really loud-mouthed." Natsume said then he smirked.

"Why you-!" Mikan said but he was cut- off by Ruka.

"That's enough Mikan. Just ignore him. He just wants some attention." Ruka said as he glared at Natsume.

"Oh? Is that so Ruka? Are you annoyed that Mikan stopped talking to you? That was just for a moment. You want her to talk to you every second? Who wants some attention? Isn't it you?" Natsume said as he glared his cold eyes at him.

"No. you're the one who wants some attention. You wanted us to stopped talking to each other because you also want to talk to her." Ruka said as he also glared at him.

They started the glaring contest as Mikan was in between them. She was confused & at the same time, she doesn't know how she can stop them. Then Hotaru came.

"Hotaru! Help me!" Mikan said to her. Hotaru was having a second thought whether she would help her or not. But as she looked at her watch it was almost 8:15am. 'We need to practice.' She thought. She pulled out her Baka gun & pointed it at Mikan.

"Ehh?? Hotaru, why are you pointing that thing at me?" Mikan said panicking.

"If you don't stop you're glaring contest then I will shoot her." She said. The two went out of their own world & for the last time glared at each other & continued to walk.

Mikan sighed. 'Whew! That was close!' she thought.

"That was 1000 yen." Hotaru said as she passed her.

"What?! How come?!" Mikan asked

"You asked for help didn't you? Also, I bought these breads for you." She gave the French bread & garlic bread to Mikan.

"Aaww!! Thanks Hotaru! How did you know I haven't eaten breakfast yet?" Mikan asked

"I have known you much for your own good." Hotaru said. "That is 2000 yen. So all in all… your debt is 3000 yen for this day." She continued as she scooted away.

"WHAT?!" Mikan shouted. 'Oh Kami-sama! What a disaster?!'


I have finished the chapter 6!!

Just like what I said…

I guess I want to make a TRAGIC story…


But I'll do it soon…

Don't worry…

I'll still update…

For those who support my story…


That's all…