Ok people! here is an epilogue for this story, seens how you all didn't want it to end. Though it more turned out like a chapter -

Anyway, enjoy!

Neji sighed, and lay back, gazing out at the pond. He watched two sparrows bath and hop around in a shallow patch of water. When he had returned to Itachi's house he had felt a great sense of relief wash over him. One hard decision of his life had been dealt with, though he was still unsure if he should be excited, or enjoy his decision in restrained silence. The latter of the two choices was something he had always been taught, therefore he was at a loss as to how he should go about being enthusiastic.

He heard footsteps approaching him and smiled slightly.

"Are you planning to lie there for the rest of the day are you?" Itachi asked, leaning over Neji at his head.

Neji turned his head and met the Uchiha's eyes. Itachi was smiling at him warmly.

"What would you have me do?" He asked as Itachi sat down.

"Hmm, celebrate?" Itachi suggested.

Neji raised an eyebrow slightly, "What exactly?"

Itachi chuckled softly. He bent over and kissed Neji's forehead softly. The Hyuuga blushed slightly, sitting when Itachi straightened.

"What was that for?" He asked, turning around.

"Congratulations?" Itachi smiled.

When Neji blinked at him, Itachi simply reached behind him and produced something, which he held out to the confused Hyuuga.

"What's this?" Neji asked, accepting the item, "a scroll?"

"For your acceptance into ANBU," Itachi said.

"Huh?" Neji glanced back up at Itachi, confused.

"Shinobi always receive gifts when they make ANBU in Konoha, do they not?" Itachi grinned, "Or have customs changed since I was accepted?"

Neji blinked, than looked at the scroll resting in his hand. It was indeed Konoha's custom for Shinobi, newly accepted into the ANBU Black Ops, to receive gifts from their team and Family as congratulations for being accepted. Although, as Neji had resigned almost immediately, no one had given him anything, it seemed a waste of time.

"What's it for?" he asked.

Itachi smiled, and took the scroll from Neji. Unsealing it, he pulled it a quarter of the way open. He held if out for Neji to see.

The Hyuuga took the scroll again and looked at what was written on it. There were several names listed upon it, Itachi's ended the list.

"What is this?" Neji asked, looking up at the Uchiha.

"It's a summoning contract." Itachi said.

"Summoning," Neji uttered. Summoning Jutsu's were not new to him; Tenten did it all the time on missions, and he had studied it along with all his studies. However, he had never performed one himself, and from what he knew, Summoning Contracts were made with a group of animals. Naruto's ability to summon the great toads and Kakashi's hounds were examples. In order to make a pact, however, a Shinobi was required to sign the contract, and then offer blood to complete it.

"Why are you giving this to me?"

"You never know when it might be useful," Itachi said, tapping his own name, "I have found it useful, though never for battle."

Neji gazed at the Uchiha, "I've never performed a summoning before." He said quietly.

"Somehow, I don't think you'll have trouble." Itachi smiled.

Neji glanced at the Uchiha, then back at the scroll. The prospect of it certainly held his interest.

"Where did you get this?" He asked.

"I came across it over the years." Itachi said, firmly indicating he would not say anymore.

Neji nodded, "Show me how this is done then."

Neji sat down heavily, breathing hard. He had expected this to be difficult to perform, but he had done that rather easily, it was the amount of chakra used that he was not prepared for.

"You did well, most people who have never summoned before have trouble summoning anything that large. However, I guess because your chakra control is extremely good that you found it easier?" Itachi sat next to Neji.

"Yeah…" Neji sighed, "Though tell me why I had to summon so many of them?"

"It helps to know your limitations," Itachi said, patting his shoulder lightly, "But whenever you want to perform one, you can choose how powerful you want it to be."

Neji nodded and fell back, lying down. Letting out a long breath he smiled slightly; this was something to be a little proud of.

"Hasn't been such a bad day has it?" Itachi remarked, rolling the scroll back up and placing it in a box.

Neji only smiled, closing his eyes. He felt Itachi shift, and opened his eyes. The Uchiha's face was mere inches from his. Neji blushed, but stayed still.

"Should we find some other way to celebrate now?" Itachi asked quietly.

Neji was about to respond when he heard a strange sound. It sounded like a faint thudding, coming closer, almost like…

Neji sat up and pushed Itachi off him in time to see something orange come flying over the wall.

"ITACHI!" Naruto shouted as he landed in the middle of the garden, his arm extended in accusation, towards the elder Uchiha.

Neji blinked several times, "Naruto? What are you doing?!"

"Idiot!" Naruto said loudly, coming closer.

"What is it Naruto-kun?" Itachi asked, smiling slightly.

"You know what!" Naruto said, glaring, "Only Sasuke is allowed to cook in our house! It's his job! He's not supposed to teach me how to do it!"

Neji blinked as Itachi snorted and chuckled.

"I suppose that's true, Naruto-kun" Itachi said. Neji could tell he was trying hard not to laugh.

"Damn right dattebayo!" Naruto said.


All three of them turned to see Sasuke leaning against the door to the room.

"Stop making it sound like I'm your personal cook. And use the front door will you." Sasuke said, looking slightly annoyed.

"No, the front door is boring!" Naruto said, crossing his arms.

Neji snorted softly.

"Well then, Naruto-kun," Itachi said turning back to the pouting blond, "perhaps I should treat you to ramen as an apology?"

Naruto's face lit up in the same instant that Sasuke tripped over the door frame.

"N-Ni-san!" he said, his face white, "You have not idea what you just offered."

"Really!? Alright!" Naruto yelled, running into the house.

"Neji?" Itachi asked, looking at the Hyuuga.

Neji blinked and considered the offer, "I've never had Ramen before so-"

"WHAAAAT!!" Naruto looked like he was ready to faint, "How could you... never had ramen…."

Neji glared at him, "Excuse me for having home made meals everyday!" he barked.

Itachi chuckled and Sasuke put his head in his hand.

"Well what ever!"Naruto said, bounding toward the door and grabbing Sasuke's arm, "Lets go get ramen!"

Sasuke had the decency to look slightly embarrassed as Naruto yanked him through the door. Itachi chuckled as his brother disappeared toward the entrance of the house.

"Feeling up to it?" Itachi turned back to Neji.

"Yeah, why not?" Neji sighed, "Naruto will never let me hear then end of it if I don't."

Itachi smiled and stood. He extended his hand to Neji, who accepted it.

"Come on," Itachi said, leading Neji out of the house.

"How can he be so excited about a bowl of noodles?" Neji mumbled as he watched Naruto cling to Sasuke's arm and jump up down as he walked.

Itachi chuckled, watching the pair ahead of themselves, "That's just Naruto."

Neji sighed again and watched as Naruto laid his head on Sasuke's shoulder. He felt a small pang in his chest. He wondered vaguely if he and Itachi would ever behave like that. So far he was still a little uncomfortable with their intimacy; unsure of how far it would actually progress. Though he did not think that, when compared to Naruto and Sasuke's relationship, his and Itachi's would be noticed that much.

Gingerly, he reached out and let his fingers brush against Itachi's. He flushed slightly when the Uchiha gripped his hand gently. Glancing over, he saw Itachi smiling warmly at him. He returned it shyly, turning back to face forward.

When they reached Ichiraku's, a place he had heard about from Lee on more than one occasion, Neji released Itachi hand quickly. Naruto dragged Sasuke under the curtain and started ordering before he had even taken a seat. He followed Itachi in, glancing around at the small area. Taking a seat next to the Uchiha, Neji stared fixedly at the counter, feeling foolish.

"What will you two gentleman have?" Ichiraku asked, beaming.

"Tempura Udon please." Itachi replied. He turned to the Hyuuga, "Neji?"

Neji flushed slightly and nodded his head.

"Make that two," Itachi told Ichiraku.

When the man had moved off to prepare the food, Itachi reached out and squeezed Neji hand.

"Relax, don't be so tense," he said reassuringly, "When Naruto comes here, everyone's attention is fixed on him anyway."

Neji glanced up and saw Naruto attempting to wolf down his second bowl of Ramen and talk to Sasuke while doing so. He smiled slightly as Sasuke reached out and wiped some both off Naruto's chin.

By the time their food arrived, Neji had relaxed a great deal. He chatted with Itachi and laughed, despite himself, when Naruto ordered his sixth bowl.

"Not so bad is it?" Itachi said, taking a sip of his tea.

"No, it isn't" Neji said.

"One more bowl 'ttebayo!" Naruto said loudly, sticking his arm up in the air.

"Naruto," Sasuke said, grabbing Naruto's raised wrist, "I don't think my brother wants to go broke."

Itachi laughed when Naruto pouted at Sasuke. "Its ok, Sasuke, let him eat; it's not like Ramen in expensive."

Sasuke turned and gave Itachi a look, "Ni-san, don't encourage him."

Itachi only laughed again, taking another sip of his tea. Neji smiled at the exchange. Sasuke pushed Naruto's head down as he called, again, for another bowl.

"Come on Sasuke!" Naruto protested, "Just one more bowl!"

Sasuke sighed and gave up, returning to his own food.

Neji tilted his head at the younger Uchiha. Although Sasuke put out that he was annoyed and perhaps even embarrassed at Naruto's behaviour, Neji sensed that he was simply unwilling to admit his true feelings, and that he found Naruto's actions attractive.

Sighing, Neji stared into his tea cup. He pondered his own actions and feelings towards his relationship with Itachi. Rather then his pride preventing him from wishing to appear as the 'couple-love- in' type, Neji found himself at a loss of how exactly he was supposed to act, given the circumstances. He glanced up at Itachi, who was talking with his brother while Naruto wolfed down more food. He sighed again.

"Anything wrong?"

Neji glanced up to see Itachi smiling at him.

Neji hesitated for a moment, before replying, "When we get home ok?"

Itachi's look became a little more serious, and he nodded.

"Ok! I'm done!" Naruto exclaimed, setting his bowl down with a sigh.

Neji nearly choked at the number of bowls Naruto had eaten. Sasuke sighed and stood.

"You guys wait outside and I'll fix this," Itachi said.

Neji nodded and followed Sasuke outside, Itachi followed moments later.

"What now?" Sasuke asked no one in particular.

"I'm still hungry. . . "Naruto said quietly.

Neji stared at Naruto, Sasuke sighed heavily and Itachi laughed.

"I'm sorry Naruto," Itachi said, "But you'll have to ask Sasuke this time."

"Thanks Ni-san" Sasuke said, pouting.

"AHH!" Naruto exclaimed, pointing his finger in at Sasuke's nose, "You're doing it again!"

Neji blinked and looked at Sasuke. Apart from being cross-eyed for a second, he was doing what he always did; looking at Naruto with a blank face.


"You're pouting!" Naruto said proudly, "And this time there are witnesses!" He crossed his arms and nodded twice.

"I am not!" Sasuke said, "I don't pout!"

Neji quirked an eyebrow at the younger Uchiha, Sasuke was indeed doing what he just claimed he did not.

"Yes you do!"Naruto said, "You're doing it now!"

Sasuke lifted his head and Neji swore he saw a tinge of red on his cheeks. He glanced at Itachi, who only smiled in return.

"Usuratonkachi." Sasuke turned and began walking away.

"Sasuke-teba!" Naruto called following after the retreating Uchiha. "OH!" he turned and grinned at Itachi.

"Thanks for the ramen, Ita-ni!" With that Naruto sped off after Sasuke.

"Ita-ni?" Neji glanced at Itachi.

"Interesting pet name isn't it?" Itachi said, smiling.

Neji simply shook his head, sighing.

"Come on, let's head home." Itachi said, taking Neji's hand gently.

Neji blushed. He gazed at their joined hands for a moment or two before smiling.

When they reached Itachi's house, the sun was beginning to sink and everything was bathed in an orange glow. Itachi lead the way into the house, pausing to turn on a few lights, while Neji proceeded to the main room. He sat down on the level couch, sighing, and leant his head back, stared at the growing shadows in the garden.

"So will you tell me what's bothering you?"

Neji tilted his head, turning his eyes on Itachi, who was leaning against the back of the couch. He sighed and turned away.

Itachi frowned and moved to sit down next to the Hyuuga.

"Hey," he said, taking hold of Neji's hand, "What's wrong?"

Neji sighed and leant his head against Itachi's neck.

"Do you ever find me…boring?" he said quietly.

"What?" Itachi laughed, pulling away to look at Neji's face.

Neji stared hard into Itachi's eyes, unsure of how to convey his feelings.

"How could you be boring?" Itachi probed gently.

Neji looked away, biting his lip.

"Well, I've never been… in a relationship before. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do or how to act. Today, when I saw how Naruto and Sasuke behave…I found myself even more confused." Neji said quietly, staring at his hands.

Itachi simply watched the Hyuuga speak, rubbing his thumb gently over the back of Neji's hand.

"I know we haven't been together to long," Neji continued, "and I don't know what I'm supposed to do when I'm with you. I know, and I'm sure you do as well, that I can't act the way Naruto does around Sasuke." Neji paused at the idea.

"No, of course not," Itachi said, smiling slightly.

"Then I don't know how to behave!" Neji snapped, raising his head to glare at Itachi. He looked away again almost immediately.

"Hey," Itachi said gently, reaching out and turning Neji's head gently towards him, "there is nothing wrong with the way we act together. I don't expect you to do anything different from what you have been doing."

Neji blinked. He was still confused.

"Listen, I like you because you are you and I don't expect you to change that on my account. I understand you've never had an experience like this before and I'm happy for you to act in any way you see fit," he leaned forward and kissed Neji swiftly and lightly.

The Hyuuga blushed, his eyes widening slightly.

"So, we will just simply move forward step by step. Try and think of it as," Itachi stopped and thought for a second, "a mission."

Neji pulled back, astonished, "A what?"

Itachi smiled, "Sure, why not? A mission to find the best way to settle into this relationship, after all, I'm new to this as well."

Neji pouted and dropped his head, "Could have fooled me." He grumbled.

Itachi chuckled. They were quiet for a few moments, enjoying each others comfort.

"So, you aren't just substituting me for your brother then?" Neji whispered after a while.

"What?" Itachi asked, floored at the question, "Why would you ever think that?"

Neji refused to answer, already feeling stupid for asking.

"Neji," Itachi said firmly, tilting the Hyuuga's chin up, "Why would you think that?"

"It was just a stupid thought," Neji said, "Because you weren't able to be his older brother for a long time! I thought that perhaps your feelings may have started out as that, as simply a protective older brother."

"Neji," Itachi said seriously, "That is not the case here." Itachi then promptly brought their faces together and kissed Neji, passionately.

Neji moaned in his throat when he felt heat overwhelm him and the Uchiha's fingers stroke gently at the back of his neck. When Itachi drew away, Neji panted lightly, his eyes clouded slightly.

"Doubt me now?" Itachi said, smiling.

Neji looked away quickly, his face flushing heavily.

"I can't tell you what first attracted me to you, but, now, I don't really care." Itachi said, pulling Neji closer.

"So," Itachi said, after a few moments, "I do believe we were interrupted in our celebrations earlier by a certain hyperactive Ninja."

Neji looked up at Itachi, they Uchiha was smirking slightly at him.

"Idiot!" Neji said, smacking Itachi over the head, he stood up and moved onto the deck out side the room.

Itachi chuckled and followed the Hyuuga, wrapping his arms around Neji's waist and resting his chin on his shoulder.

"Well, congratulations," Itachi said.

Neji smiled slightly, resting his arms over Itachi's


This certainly was a mission. Neji decided, but he had never failed at one before, so he certainly was not going to now.

Well there you have it. Like it?? Please review!!