I do not own Harry Potter or any of the other characters they are however by the wonderful creative awesome J.K Rowling!!!

Alright so this is the sequel..hope you enjoy

Chapter 1

Hermione had decided to go home and see her parents before going to the Burrow. It was the second week of the summer holidays and she was at her dad's house, the first week she was with her mum. Her dad had met George when Hermione first arrived as it was George that came with her, even though she was now legally allowed to apparate, she was five months pregnant and had to have help apparating places. Hermione remembered telling George about her pregnancy just after the fight at the Astronomy Tower with the Death Eaters the night Dumbledore was killed.


"George remember Valentine's Day?" asked Hermione, George smiled at the memory

"Of course I do, that day was brilliant" he grinned

"Well, something came out of that. George I'm pregnant" said Hermione, and George's smile slowly faded.

"You're pregnant?" asked George

"Yes George, I hope this doesn't change anything between us" asked Hermione, she was scared George would just leave her. She loved George and didn't want to lose him and she wouldn't know what she would if he did that to her.

"Of course it doesn't. I love you Hermione," he said before grinning a huge grin, "this is fantastic. I'm going to be a dad. I just wish we could have gotten married first, because now everyone will think I'm just marrying you because you're pregnant. But we're going to be parents Hermione, we'll be a real family" he smiled

"Oh George!" she screamed before jumping on him and hugging him so tight

"Wait a minute Hermione" he said pushing her away, "You knew you were pregnant but you still fought in that battle, what if you had been hit by a curse and lost the baby" said George

"It's ok George, I wasn't hit by a single curse. Before Harry left he gave Ron, Ginny and me a lucky potion. Felix Felicis and it made us extremely lucky, none of us were hit or even scathed" explained Hermione

"That's not the point Hermione, I couldn't bear to lose you but you can't put yourself in danger like that" said George

"George I am a grown woman, I know what I want and what I should do. In first year I made a promise to Harry that I would be there with him until the end. I've not told any of them about being pregnant because I wanted you to know first. If I had just sat out then they would think that I had just abandoned Harry. Harry and Ron are like brothers to me and I can't sit by and watch them fight, and I love you and I couldn't just sit by and watch you fight so I had to help.

"Now George Weasley I am and always will be a part of this war helping all of you fight Voldemort and the Death Eaters. You cannot and will not tell me that I can't whether I am with child or not, I am the mother of this child and I do know what's best for it and even though if I was hit by a curse I could have lost them but that potion made me know, it made me know that I would not lose them" said Hermione before turning around and walking to her dorm, "Good night George" she said

"I'm going to be a father" was the last thing George said before walking over to his bed and lying down thinking of his and Hermione's future and their future child.

End of flashback

Hermione had been so glad that George had not left her and still loved her no matter what, but when it was time to go home Hermione was convinced by George to tell her parents first and then his parents together when they reached the Burrow. Miss Granger didn't take it as bad as Hermione and George were expecting but she didn't take it very well either.


"You're pregnant? Hermione Jean Granger this is not what I was expecting of you! I thought you were responsible yet you are a young unmarried teenage girl that is pregnant. Whenever I watched those shows on TV's about those kind of girls I always told your father that it would never be a problem with you but here you are, a seventeen year old pregnant girl. What have you got to say for yourself young lady?" said Miss Granger

"Mum, I love George and he loves me. Why can't you just be happy for me? For us? We're keeping the baby and we're staying together even after the baby is born" said Hermione

"And Miss Granger I was going to ask Hermione to marry me, but we don't want everyone thinking that I'm only asking her because she's pregnant. So I'm going to propose after the baby is born. Can you respect our decision?" asked George

"Alright, I'll respect it. But that does not mean I'm very happy" said Miss Granger, and this proved to be true because whenever Hermione didn't eat a certain food or drink or went to bed early and woke up late Miss Granger clicked her tongue and gave a disapproving look. The whole week was like that and Hermione felt like she was getting no time with her mother. The week finally came to an end when George came and picked her up to take her to her dad's, Mr Granger's.

"Bye mum, please don't be mad or unhappy. Just think you're going to be the grandmother to a beautiful baby. I don't want our whole life from now on to be like this past week. You are this baby's grandmother whether you are genetically related or not. It doesn't make a difference to me OK? I wasn't mad at you and still don't care about being adopted but I don't want you to be mad, disappointed or upset with me because I'm pregnant. I'll probably get enough of that at school when my friends and people in my class find out, I don't want it from my own mother." said Hermione before giving her mum a hug

"I'm sorry Hermione. I hope you have a fun time with your father and I hope he doesn't give you a hard time too. That was unfair of me and you don't need another week of it. Go on off you go, I'll see you soon and don't you forget to write" said Miss Granger, "Bye darling"

End of flashback

Hermione was so glad that her dad was not at all angry, upset or disappointed, he didn't see any negative sides to her situations. All he thought of was being a granddad and a young one too. He had been making her stay in bed most of the time bringing her her meals in bed, and disapproved of her getting out of bed to come downstairs and watch TV. George was coming tomorrow and Hermione was as anxious for him to arrive as she was at her mums. Althought her dad had taken it well he had been going over the top and overprotective. She decided to go down and meet her dad, as she climbed out of bed she caught a glimpse of her self in the mirror and noticed that her bump was visible.

"Oh my god, I'm visible. Everyone will know as soon as I go to the Burrow" she said putting her hand over her stomach. It was just a little bump but it wasn't there when she last saw George. She walked downstairs and sat down on the couch, "Hey dad" she greeted

"Hey pumpkin" he replied

"Dad, was I visible yesterday?" she asked

"What do you mean?" he asked looking at her

"I looked in the mirror and you can see my stomach, I look pregnant" she moaned

"Well Hermione, when you're pregnant you tend to grow in the stomach, therefore you become visible. Are you getting scared?" he asked worriedly

"No, it's just none of my friends know and neither does George's parents. But I don't want them to know as soon as I walk in the door" explained Hermione

"Don't worry honey, the only reason you noticed is because you know you're pregnant. When the neighbours saw you they didn't have a clue. Because if they did then word would have spread around the street, the females of this street love to gossip. The only thing that reveals you're pregnancy is that you have that beautiful glow" said her dad

"What? I'm using magic to glow?" said a panicked Hermione jumping up to look in the mirror

"No honey" laughed Mr Granger, "When women are pregnant they say they have a radiant glow, it's a natural glow that makes pregnant woman look extremely beautiful for they are carrying inside them a child. A person is growing inside them, it is the glow of mother nature" said her dad

"Dad that's really really really corny and cheesey" smiled Hermione

"It may be, but it's true" was her dad's reply. The sat and watched TV for a couple of hours before dinner. After dinner they sat and watched TV while talking and then Hermione went to bed since she was extremely tired. The next morning Hermione packed her stuff up and sat in the living room with her dad talking and waiting for George. When George arrived Hermione hugged her dad good-bye and gave him a kiss on the cheek

"You look after that daughter and grandchild of mine George Weasley, or else" smiled Mr Granger

"Bye dad" waved Hermione

"Bye Mr Granger" said George. Once they stepped out the door George apparated them to the edge of the Burrow and Hermione signaled him to wait so she could talk to him.

"George, I think everyone will know before we even tell them" said Hermione worriedly

"Why? How would they know?" he asked smiling

"Because George I'm noticeable now, you can tell I'm pregnant" said Hermione placing her hand onto her stomach. George put his hand over top hers

"Hermione don't worry about it. No one will judge you and if you truly want to hide it just wear a jumper everyday or you're cloak or non-fitted t-shirts. I personally think it doesn't matter if they all know" said George

"I know, I know. But I just don't want them to treat me any different. They'll find out soon. Alright I'll just wear my cloak or a jumper and if it's too hot them I'll wear a t-shirt" said Hermione standing up, "Come on, we have to now go and tell your parents. That should be fun, both mum and dad at the same time. At least I got them separately" smiled Hermione. George also smiled to hide his worry. As they walked into the Burrow grounds they could hear Ginny running out the door shouting 'Hermione!' and this made Hermione feel so at home and happy where she could raise her child around a happy family.

A/N: Alright here is Chapter 1 of the sequel...hope yu like, its quite short but the next chapters wont be this short..I have this story all planned out..please R&R..yu all read but i get no reviews [ please review...ill give yu an ultimatum : P if i get 20 reviews or more for either my first story or this chapter and the next I'll try and rite 2 chapters in one day..really bad deal : P not good at these