Shuichi tiptoed down the hall past the bedroom that he and Yuki shared, the blonde author still in bed. He made his way to the kitchen with a purpose.

About an hour later, Yuki awoke to rays of sunlight peeking through the blinds in the bedroom. He noticed that there was no one clinging to him and turned over to find Shuichi gone. He laid his head down on the pillow again.

'He must have gone to work…"

Yuki lifted a hand to push his hair out of his face and found a red ribbon wrapped around it. One end of the ribbon led outside of the door. He got up from the bed, clad only in his pajama pants. When he opened the door the ribbon tugged a little, turning him in the direction of the kitchen. The scent of cooked food spread throughout the apartment.

'Oh Lord, what has he done now?"

Yuki stepped into the adjoining dining room where the ribbon was tied to a chair. On the table in front of it was a plate. He glanced at it. Shuichi had cooked pancakes, scrambled eggs, and, for once, toast that wasn't burnt. It actually looked edible. Suddenly, two arms wrapped around his waist from behind.

"Happy anniversary, Yuki…."

He turned around and there was Shuichi dressed in his missing shirt and an apron. The pink-haired singer beamed at him, obviously proud of his accomplishment. He leaned up and kissed Yuki before he could say anything. Next thing the writer knew, he was sitting in a chair with a fork full of pancakes in his mouth.

And it tasted good. ( You know it!! )

Shuichi looked at him for a reply. Yuki said nothing, but ate another forkful. Shuichi smiled and silently cheered at this.

After breakfast, Shuichi led Yuki back to the bedroom, where they stayed for the rest of the day.

Hey Yuki,

Listen. I love you and all, but……..


