Disclaimer: I don't own CSI:Miami or it's characters. I do lay claim to Sasha Pappas aka Stormy. Use with permission only please.

So I caught the tail end of a CSI:Miami episode. It turns out it was the episode Shootout. After it ended this idea struck me and I had to write it. It's not my favorite but I like it. So enjoy.

I watched the taxi drive away. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the woman. She had tried to help that poor child and it was still stuck with that uncaring mother and her equally uncaring husband.

I exchanged a few words with my boss, Lt. Horatio Caine, before going back into Headquarters to get my things. I had a date with my girlfriend, Sasha Pappas or Stormy, tonight and I intended to be on time for once.

After swinging by a flower shop and picking up a bouquet of calla lilies, Stormy's favorite flower, I arrived at the restaurant five minutes early.

I shed of the sweater pullover I had worn that day and settled for just the button up I'd worn beneath it. Stormy was a part-time model who would have freaked if she saw me in the sweater. I had to fight back a grin as I thought about my girlfriends interesting fashion. She was comfortable wearing the most fashionable things in front of a camera at her modeling shoots but didn't like wearing the exact same things at any other time. Stormy was a veterinarian when she wasn't modeling to pay the bills.

I happened to glance in the rear view mirror of my Nissan Altima in time to see Stormy's cherry red convertible drive by, looking for a parking spot.

I grabbed the flowers, my keys and wallet and strolled over to meet her.

Stormy was standing outside her car, pulling on a dark blue blazer over her cream colored tank top. Her dark hair was slightly damp and held up with a large clip.

"Hey you," I said in greeting.

Stormy jumped, startled. Her expression quickly turned to joy. "Ry! You're on time!" she teased lightly, her beautiful face breaking into a smile.

"I just couldn't wait to see you," I replied.

"Awwww," she stepped closer to me and tilted her head up for a kiss. I obliged.

"So how was your day?" I asked, handing her the flowers.

"It sucked. 'Nough said. These are beautiful, Ry. Thank you. How was your day?"

I draped my arm over Stormy's shoulders. The image of the mother earlier today handing her daughter off to a nanny flashed through my mind.

"When we have kids, we are not hiring a nanny."

The End

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