Naruto: Rebirth of a devil

By: Night Falcon69

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, or any anime, cartoon, or manga characters that may appear in this story.

Chapter 1: A march through time.

xxxxxxxxxx Konohagakure xxxxxxxxxx

In an old abandoned dungeon far underground hidden deep with in the forests of Konoha in a lone cell a twenty five year old Naruto hovered in the air while in the lotus position he was deep within his mind scape going through some of Kyubi's old memories.

'Damn it there has to be a Jutsu somewhere that can break this damn barrier, and get me out of this fucking prison.' He thought bitterly.

It had been two and a half years since he had destroyed half of Konoha, and Tsunade had locked him away within this barrier...he should have figured that she would have known about seals, and how to put up barriers, he should have known the hag had a trump card or two he had greatly underestimated her abilities as well as the Rokudaime, Haruno Sakura.

'Damn that bitch giving Tsunade enough time to go through the complicated seals to suck me into this damn prison, I should have killed the pink-haired bitch years ago.' He ranted in his thoughts.

Suddenly he felt a familiar chakra signature head his way he heard the heavy iron door open and close opening his blue slitted eyes he saw the woman he had grown to hate more than anything walk toward the barrier, he was sure the feeling was mutual.

"Hello Baa-chan, how nice of the old hag to come visit me, did you bring me some milk and cookies?" He said mockingly.

"Hello demon, so still trying to figure out a way to break the barrier." She said with venom.

It was a far cry from the loving brother, sister relationship that they once enjoyed. Ever since the appointment of Sakura as Rokudaime he slowly started to hate her, she however had held out a glimmer of hope that one day he would come to understand, and maybe even learn to except her decision.

Instead he chose to give into his hatred and tried to destroy the village he had managed to kill many villagers, and shinobi as well as all of the rookie nine, and team guy before the Rokudaime engaged him in battle buying Tsunade enough time to perform the complicated seal sequence necessary to lock him away, but sadly not before he managed to kill Sakura.

"Oh don't you worry your pretty little head I'll be out soon enough, then I'll finish the job.. starting with you." He replied with a sadistic grin.

"It doesn't matter how many threats you make demon it will take centuries if ever to break the barrier." She said with confidence.

"Ah but your forgetting one thing Baa-chan after I absorbed Kyubi I became immortal...I've got all the time in the world."

Tsunade narrowed her auburn colored eyes he was right during the battle no matter how many times they stabbed him, or what type of Jutsu they threw at him...hell not even her or Sakura's chakra enhanced strength could kill him, but she would bury him this day and no one would ever find him.

"That's not going to be a problem you see today we're going to seal up this old dungeon permanently no one will ever find this place even if by some miracle you manage to break my barrier you'll never be able to dig your way out." She smirked her eyes mocking him.

'Arrogant bitch!' Naruto thought angrily.

Suddenly his eyes started to glow as he cast a Genjutsu making her see the deaths of her friends, and other shinobi he had killed.

"Stop it!" She yelled dropping to one knee.

She then performed a one handed seal which made Naruto instantly clutch his throat in pain gritting his teeth.

'Damn that secondary leash seal of yours father!' Naruto mentally cursed as he was forced to drop the Genjutsu.

Tsunade slowly stood up recovering from the effects of the Genjutsu scowling at the prisoner.

"Nice try teme ( bastard ), but you obviously forgot about the leash seal." She spat turning around to leave.

"Where the hell do you think your going, don't you walk away from me bitch!" Naruto rasped out still holding his neck, but she just kept walking towards the door.

"You know..." He smirked coldly. "...Shizune begged for her life before I hung her corpse on the Hokage mansion."

Tsunade stopped dead in her tracks, she remembered the horrible scene of her former apprentice, and friends bloody body pinned to the side of the building.

She wiped a tear from her cheek as she remembered look of horror that was forever frozen on Shizunes blood covered face, she then turned around with a sad smile on her face she would leave him to suffer for all eternity, by hurting him the only way she knew how... by finally telling him the truth.

"What's the smile for?" He asked puzzled by her expression.

"You know I wasn't going to tell you this, but I think it's time you finally knew who your mother was."

"Wow you must be really senile in your old age hag, I already know who my mother was it was Uzumaki Kushina."

"No Uzumaki Kushina was married to Namikaze Minato, and he was your father...that much is true, but she wasn't your birth mother."

Naruto's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean not my birth mother?"

"Your actual birth mother was having an affair with Minato..I believe you knew her as my former assistant Shizune."

Naruto's eyes trembled in fury. "Usotsuki." ( Liar ) He hissed.

"No..It's true she was your mother."

"Why didn't she ever come for me, why did she let me grow up all alone in this hell hole?" He asked looking at her.

"Because I told her you had died at birth. Sarutobi-Sensei gave the order after your father had sealed the demon in you, I hated him for forcing me to lie to Shizune so I took her, and left the village in disgust."

"You know for the first couple of years she mourned for you, at the time it broke my heart seeing her like that, but now seeing the way you turned out I'm glad she never found out her son was a demon worse than Kyubi." She hissed the last part.

Naruto trembled in fury clinching his fists blood dripping from his palms as the horrible realization hit she had never abandoned him... he had killed her... his own mother, and Tsunade had kept the secret from the both of them.

"You bitch I'll rip you apart!" He bellowed as he charged her, but ran into the barrier. Tsunade took a step back as Naruto kept pushing against the barrier as it burned his skin, she had never seen him so furious.

She calmed down as she saw that he wasn't able to break through. "Enjoy your immortality Naruto." She said with a bitter smile as she turned to leave, confident that she had hurt him...just as much as he had hurt her.

"I don't care if it takes me a thousand years I'll find a way to make you you hear me bitch I'll make you pay!!!"

Tsunade had finally made her way through the catacombs to the surface which was surrounded by ANBU as she heard the heavy door close for the last time as she gave the order.

"Bury him." She said coldly as the ANBU fired Jutsu after Jutsu calapsing the walls of the catacombs.

Naruto stopped his attack on the barrier as he felt the ground shake moments later he was engulfed in darkness he flared his chakra around his body to give him some light.

She had done it...the hag had actually buried him beneath tons of earth, and twisted metal there was nothing he could do but go back into his meditative state, and find Jutsu that could break him out.

'No matter I've got all the time in the world, and then when I'm free I'll destroy the damn village...I will figure out a way to make you pay bitch.' He thought as he entered his mind scape.

As he traversed his mind filing through the countless centuries of Kyubi's memories he didn't notice the passage of time in the outside world.

Seconds turned into minutes... which turned into hours...which turned to days, months, years, decades, centuries...Finally two hundred and fifty years had passed.

Naruto wasn't able to find a Jutsu that could break the barrier, but he did find a Jutsu that could send his soul through time into his body anywhere in the time line, It wasn't perfect there was no guarantee when in the time line he'd end up, and he will loose his immortality putting him at a slight disadvantage when he finally fought Tsunade...not to mention he would have to retrain to get his full strength back.

None of that mattered though he'd still have his advanced healing rate, all in all it was worth it he would make any sacrifice, take any chance he had to.

'I'll risk it and then when I'm strong enough I'll get my revenge on Tsunade, and Konoha.' He thought as he started to go through the long complicated hand seals.

Suddenly a bright light illuminated the darkness, Naruto could feel his soul being tugged from his body moments later his body fell to the ground, an empty shell.

xxxxxxxxxx Konoha Hospital xxxxxxxxxx

The Sandaime was sitting by a six year old Naruto's hospital bed looking at the boys bruised, and beaten form.

'How could I have let this happen...You would be so very disappointed in what this village has done to your son Minato.' He thought as he regretted the order telling Tsunade to lie to Shizune about her son, but he couldn't let Minato's legacy be tarnished by their affair.

Suddenly a glowing light seemed to spread out of nowhere surrounding his body as he started to hover over his bed healing his wounds, then the light vanished dropping him back down.

The Sandaime was shocked at what he had just seen he was taken out of his musings as he heard the boy groan.

"Is everything alright Hokage-sama?" A young female Jounin asked.

"Quick get the doctor in here now!" The Sandaime ordered.

"Ha-Hai." She replied leaving to get a the doctor.

"Naruto, are you alright?" He asked gently stroking the boys hair.

"Di-Did it work..where am I?" The blond asked weakly.

As he opened his eyes he saw Sandaime gasp holding his hands to his mouth.

"What's wrong?"

"Naruto your eyes their slitted."

"Oh is that all, of course they are." He said as if it was always that way.

Then he remembered the Jutsu, and why he came back he had to control his anger while looking at the Sandaime. 'Patience all in due time I'm not strong enough yet...oh shit that's right I forgot my eyes aren't supposed to be slitted damn better change the subject.'

"Ah I mean they are does that mean what they told me before they attacked me in front of the store was true...I am a demon." He said feigning sadness.

"Naruto what do you mean, what did they say to you?"

"They said that I was the Kyubi, and I was the one that killed their families and attacked the village, they said they were going to finish what the Yondaime started, but how can that be true I thought the fox was killed by the Yondaime?" He asked innocently.

The Hokage narrowed his eyes. "They did did they...I'll have to deal with them later."

'Great he's buying it.' He thought rather pleased with his acting ability.

"I-Is it true am I the Kyubi?"

"No your not I have no idea why they said that to you..."

He was interrupted by the Doctor, and Jounin as they burst into the room, both gasping as they stopped deaed in their tracks noticing Naruto's now blue slitted eyes.

"The d-demon has taken over, Sandaime-sama you must protect us from the d-demon." The doctor stuttered.

He immediately shut up as he felt the massive wave of killer intent coming from the Sandaime.

"No it hasn't." The aged leader spat. "And I would thank you not to say anymore do not forget the law."

"Of course Hokage-sama p-please forgive me." He said fearfully knowing the consequences of breaking the law.

'So the old monkey does have some teeth after all.' Naruto thought slightly amused at the scene of the cowering doctor.

The doctor nervously went over to Naruto, and performed a scanning Jutsu.

"It seems that the boys wounds are completely healed he should be fine to leave anytime he wishes." He said wanting to get the demon out of his hospital.

"Are you sure he's fit to leave or are you just trying to kick him out of your hospital?" The Sandaime asked suspiciously.

Before the doctor could answer Naruto spoke. "It's alright Sarutobi-jii-san I feel fine, I'd really just like to go home."

"Alright Naruto I'll take you home come outside when you've gotten out of that hospital gown, and put your clothes on." He said glaring at the doctor.

When all three left the room to let Naruto change in private he thought to himself. 'I wonder if he has the balls to enforce his own law.'

"I am very disappointed in you doctor in fact I'm wondering if someone else should be running this hospital." He spat.

"Hokage-sama please..." He was interrupted as Naruto opened the door walking out.

"Ah Naruto my boy how about I treat you to some ramen." He asked hoping to cheer the boy up.

"No thank you I'd really like to just go home if you don't mind."

"Well if that's what you want." he said as they both headed for the exit, but stopped and turned to the Jounin.

"I would like you to tell the ANBU they are to execute the people responsible for breaking the law, am I understood."

"Hai Hokage-sama." She said bowing.

As they walked through the village the Hokage couldn't help but notice the villagers glare at the boy what surprised him though was that the boy had a small scowl on his face he had never seen Naruto scowl however he figured he would get over it in a couple of days.

"Well here we are Naruto-kun back at your apartment do you want me to stay for awhile?"

"No thanks jii-san I just want to be alone for a while." He said as he unlocked his door and walked in leaving a sad Sarutobi in the hall.

'I'm sorry you've had to suffer so much Naruto.' He thought as he turned to leave.

Naruto sat angrily on his old futon as he thought about how the old teme could just lie to him, leaving him to live in this abject filth.

'He knows damn well about the fucking fox, and my mother but he still refuses to tell me the truth not to mention that damn doctor, and the fucking villagers...ignorant fools.'

Then remembering some of the things he'd seen through the foxes memories. 'I wonder if I could strike a deal with the damn fur ball, it's always good to have allies not to mention the secondary leash seal is tied to the fox..mmm I wonder.'

He moved to the floor getting into the lotus position he was still kind of weak, but he had managed to enter his mind scape.

'I can't believe how messed up this place used to be.' He thought to himself as he walked through the corridors of the sewer that was his old mind scape then coming to the two huge doors that lead into the main prison chamber he stopped and took a deep breath.

'I hope this works.' He thought.

He then opened the huge doors where he was greeted by a sight he hadn't seen in a long time there in it's huge cell was none other than Kyubi no Kitsune.

"How dare you barge into my domain flesh bag!" It yelled.

"First of all fur ball it's not your domain it's my damn mind scape, second I would like to make you an offer."

"Offer, What could a whelp like you possibly offer me?"The Kitsune said mockingly.

Looking at his nails. "How about your freedom?" He said simply.

"Why would you want to offer me my freedom, and why aren't you babbling like usual about being Hokage, and keeping me locked up?"

"Well that's because I'm not Naruto...well I am, just not the Naruto from this time line."

The huge demon sat on its haunches and sniffed the air then noticing the boys slitted blue eyes it was confirmed. "Your telling the truth you are a different Naruto."

"Well how about a prize for the lady..that's a good nose you have there." He said sarcastically.

"What are you talking about flesh bag I'm the Kyubi no Kitsune King of the Biju..."

"Cut the crap Kyubi." He said looking up from his hands deadly serious.

"Or should I just call you Azula-Hime?"

The foxes slitted red eyes widened at the revelation..he knew who she was. "I see you know my true sense staying in this form."

Suddenly the foxes body turned into flames which consumed it, then dying down they revealed a girl looking no more than fifteen or sixteen years of age wearing red armer, her onyx-colored hair tied in an elegant topknot by a red three-pronged crown with the exception of two long bangs which framed her beautiful face.

She stood looking at him with the kind of regal elegance only a Hime would posses, her hard golden calculating eyes were met by his equally hard calculating blue slitted ones.

"I'm listening...Peasant."

Well there you have it hope you guys like it. I've always thought Azula from Avatar would make the perfect female Kyubi.