Sorry, for the delay. Part of it was cause I'm busy, but another part was because I wasn't exactly sure where I was going with this chapter and then the other night, it hit me. So, hopefully the next chapter won't take as long. Anyway…

Chapter 3. Enjoy.

After the 'walk' things seemed to be going back to normal. Zuko didn't have many war or political meetings, and Mai was invited to the palace frequently. The first few days, they would be seen talking and hanging around the palace. But in the last week in a half, Mai was away from home more and more, and they were seen hanging around the palace less and less. They seemed to be spending more time alone out in the back courtyard, deserted hallways, and Zuko's room. People noticed.

This was a plus for both of them. Mai didn't have to be around the house, where she was bored and annoyed, and Zuko didn't have generals and other high ranking officials nagging him about when he was going to take their daughters out on a date.

Today, they were sitting out behind a tree in one of the less magnificent courtyards on the end of the palace people didn't usually find the need to venture to. Zuko was currently sitting in the shade of a tree, with Mai sitting against him, resting her head on his shoulder.

"See, I told you I could find a nice spot where nobody would disturb us," Zuko said softly with a small smile on his face.

"I never said you couldn't," Mai replied in her usual monotone, gazing at the small koi fish pond. "I said 'Good luck, finding another place'."

Zuko looked down at her and saw how peaceful she looked. Feeling his gaze upon her, Mai looked up and met his eyes. Zuko smiled softly and went down for a kiss, capturing her mouth in his. Mai's hand went around his neck and rested there, even when they broke the kiss.

Still gazing up at him, Mai saw Zuko's content smile change to an uneasy frown.

"What's wrong?" she asked softly.

Zuko sighed, "I just remembered I have a meeting today. It's one of those meetings that last for hours."

"When?" she asked, although it didn't really sound like she cared too much.

"In half an hour. My uncle wants me to be there early though. You want to come? I'm sure my uncle would let you," he added, hoping to have some company there other than old men who wore too much cologne as if they were trying to impress someone.

"Gee, sounds like fun," she replied, her tone dripping with sarcasm, "But I think I'll pass."

Zuko stood up and offered his hand to Mai, which she took. Once he got on his feet he gave her another of his small smiles. "Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then," he said.

"Yeah, I guess," she said before giving him a short peck on the lips.

Zuko watched her walk away before heading his own way, towards the meeting he was dreading.


Zuko found himself sitting on the right of his uncle and across from his uncle's personal advisor. So far they had discussed taxes, trades, and restoring the towns and cities in the Earth Kingdom that had been destroyed by the war. In short, it wasn't anything exciting.

This wasn't exactly like the war meetings he had gone to before the war, even though there were only two. The generals and admirals would talk about war strategies and ways to conquer more area. That had definitely interested Zuko more than this.

Then, they got onto a topic that sparked the prince's attention.

"What is the next order of this meeting?" The Firelord asked from behind his flames.

One of the generals stood up. "Your honor, there have been claims of the former Princess Azula in a village a few towns over."

The Firelord listened intently on what the general had to say. "How many people claim to have seen her?"

The general looked down at his scroll before answering, "Four people from that one village. They said that they weren't able to recognize her until after she left. Two said they caught a glimpse of her heading into the woods in the direction of the capital city."

Iroh sighed and gestured the general to sit back down, who bowed to the Firelord before doing so. "Captain Chang, I would appreciate if you could ask your men to be on extra alert around the city. We'll send a small group out tomorrow in the surrounding area to see if they can find anything. We are not sure of her intentions this time, but I assure you, we are dealing with someone very smart and very dangerous. I am aware some of our fellow citizens are not happy with the war resulting in the way it did, and they are allowed to be displeased. But if anyone is seen helping her, they will be arrested on high treason."

"I believe that was the last order of this meeting. You are all dismissed." All of the men got up from where they were currently located, deep conversation could be heard amongst them. They were no doubt talking about what was last discussed.

Iroh stepped down from behind the fire and smiled warmly towards his nephew. "Prince Zuko, I have great news!" he beamed.

Zuko, a little confused, furrowed his eyebrows, still amazed how his uncle could go from being so grave and solemn to full of energy and gleeful. "What is it uncle?" he asked.

"I have received word from the Avatar Aang. He and his friends are coming to visit in two days. Won't it be enjoyable to see them again?" he exclaimed.

"Yes, I suppose it will be." Zuko had to admit he was excited. He had grown close to them in their days hiding out in the Firenation and teaching Aang firebending.

Iroh put his arm around Zuko and grinned. "I am still so proud at how much you have grown, my nephew. You have become the man your mother would've wanted you to be."

Zuko cast his head down in remembrance of his mom. "Thank you, Uncle," he said softly.

Iroh patted him on the back. "Come, I'll make us some tea. The servants around here never seem to make it exactly right."

Bleh, I hate cheesey endings like that, but for some reason, I still write them. I really need to stop.

So, I'm bringing the gAang back in the next chapter. Should be interesting, I hope.