Disclaimer: I don't own Charmed or any of the characters, except the one or two I made up that are my own.

A little background for the story: Patricia Halliwell is the product of one night between Prue and Andy and is 15 during 2008. Since she is technically the first child of a new generation, Pattie is very powerful, like Wyatt. Otherwise, just follow along for the rest. Enjoy!

Prudence Halliwell was the rare rose in a bed of daises. She was much sought after, a beautiful flower that captured everyone's attention. However, Prue was one of those who, no matter how stunning, definitely had the thorns that you never wanted to come in contact with. Hurt her family and you could be sure to suffer the consequences that would befall you. I can say that too, because I have the proud honor of being her daughter.

When you look at yourself in the mirror and can't see your own face looking back at you, it's safe to say that something isn't right. For me, strangely, that had always been normal. After all, everyone always said I'm exactly like my mom, right down to the chestnut brown hair and stubborn personality. After awhile I think I started to believe it myself, that every move I took paralleled hers and her words were mine. It's scary, really, but somewhere along the line I think I wanted to believe that I could step into her shoes, if anything to make her proud, to prove that I was the strong, confident child she'd raised.

I admit it; I wanted to live up to the legend, the one she'd abandoned when she left me behind.

I wanted her back desperately. Not for the innocents, not for the power, but for the mother I didn't get to grow up to know. Every time I saw a mother shopping with her teenage daughter for the girl's prom dress, or a preteen sitting on a bench eating ice cream with her mom my heart ached for her. There are the things I could learn from my aunts, but there would always be those minor moments where her presence was the only piece that would fit into the empty space of the puzzle that is my life.

I didn't want to hear 'you're her carbon copy' from one of my aunts anymore because it just reminded me that our lives are so equivalent because then that lingering fear returned.

I, somehow, someway, was going to end up like her.

Denial is the easiest way of living because soon you've drowned yourself so deep in lies that they begin to make sense to you. I had to know I couldn't escape the fate of the Halliwell women before me. In my world you have to lose something before you realize how much that sacrifice could really affect you. In becoming lost myself…I found that I was a lot different then I expected.

I thought I knew myself pretty well for a teenager. But after all of these experiences, in the magical world, I guess nothing is the way it seems.

That's just the prologue, chapter 1 will come if I get reviews. I know this is short but the chapters will be longer. I hope you guys like the idea and the story!