Disclaimer; I don't own Zelda.




Twilight was beautiful, a surreal landscape of perpetual gold, blazing and fleeting over the large expanse of the land.

It was neither dark, nor light, just suspended in its ever present aureate sky. Blue, weary eyes gazed upon this spectacle, hands lingering on the reigns of the wild beauty beneath him. The air was chilled as the twilight progressed forward, alerting him that it was time to press on instead of being distracted by the spectacle around him.

With an uneasy push, he softly pressed the insides of his boots against the horse underneath him and took off across the field in a rush. They broke through the wind, keeping a steady pace as the twilight began to dissipate and the sky slowly faded to gray.

He needed rest.

That thought burned in the back of his mind as the shapes surrounding him blurred in with the disappearing twilight. His muscles ached and throbbed with each passing moment. His eyes burned with unshed anguish, having spent so long for never letting his emotions getting the best of him. He passed through a canopy of trees, eyes keeping close to the beaten and trodden path that had been engraved into the earth.

He didn't flinch when he heard the lone howl of a wolf in the distance. It reminded him of the same cry he used to emit when …they were still …

His eyes gazed back up at the sky that had long faded from twilight and was now darkening to a near abysmal black. The sky was clear, bright and scattered stars littered its depths. It faded away overhead as the leaves of the trees overhead grew thicker, allowing for low visibility in the surrounding area.

What is a hero supposed to do when he's finished his journey? Where is he supposed to go? What is he supposed to feel? Joy? Sorrow? Longing? Perhaps, the job of a hero is one that requires no emotion. He heaved a tired sigh, looking up to view the road before him. Without even direction, he had found his way back to where this entire thing had begun.

Where …he …

Is a hero supposed to love? He pressed his feet inward to stop the beast under him from moving. He looked forlornly at the place before him. This had been the first place where they had restored light to. The first place where …

Pushing forward through the rest of the forest, he came to his old home. Still the same as he had left it, as if time had not touched it at all. Time had touched him though. Had wrecked his inner core, forced him to mature faster than he had liked. He was child sent to do an adult's job. A child who had broken, and seen things that would leave him with nightmares to come. He was a helpless child …

But most of all, he was a child that had been in love. For he had remembered her, he had loved her. Inhaling sharply, he pressed his face against the bushy hair of his companion, letting out a broken sound.

Am I so beautiful you have no words left?

His cheek was wet.