Title - Secrets of Blood - Prologue (Part 1 of ?)

Author - xennieb

Characters/Pairings – Jack/Ianto, Gwen, Tosh, Owen

Rating – M15

Warnings - Blood, Language, Sexual References

Spoilers – Season one from Countryside to End of Days

Summary – After their outing to the countryside Ianto's forced to go through some major changes. Physically, mentally and emotionally and only Jack can help him through them, cause the others can never find out.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of them the BBC does


Jack looked up in surprise when he heard the cog door roll open. After the mess at the countryside, with the cannibals, he'd told the team to go home and stay there for the week to recover. He'd call them in if anything came up that he couldn't handle by himself.

So far it had been quiet, three days later and only one Weevil attack that he'd had to deal with. He knew he hadn't called anyone so who was it and what were they doing here.

Walking out into the main area there was no one there, he heard someone moving about on one of the landings and looked up to see Ianto setting up the coffee machine, dressed immaculately in one of his suits.

He should have guessed it would be Ianto, he needed a life outside of Torchwood, instead of burying his pains from Canary Warf and Lisa by working himself into exhaustion. But he and Jack were still on slightly shaking grounds and it wasn't like Jack could force him into talking about it or throw him out.

He made his way quietly to the coffee machine.

"You should be resting," Jack said gently trying not to make Ianto jump but failing none the less as Ianto jerked in fright and then winced at the pain that shot through his injuries from the movement.

"Ianto are you ok?" Jack asked gently resting his hand on the younger man's shoulder.

"I can't sleep. Can't stop feeling hungry no matter how much I eat. Thought it was all in my head from sitting around. Thought I should do something. I scrubbed my flat but it didn't help so I came here. Even making coffee's not helping me relax like it usually does…." Ianto said in a voice that sounded harsh and croaky. His sentences short and basic as if he was having trouble thinking clearly.

He finally turned around and Jack had a good look at him fear shooting though him at the sight of the man before him. He was so pale and weak looking, dark circles surrounded his eyes and somehow most of his bruises had vanished there were still yellow tinges where they had once been making him look more like a corpse than a living breathing human.

"Sir, I think they did something to me," Ianto whispered fear lacing his voice as he began to tremble slightly before collapsing.

Jack stepped forward quickly catching Ianto against his chest and lowering them both to the ground with Ianto still cradled in his arms.

Ianto clung weakly to Jack as they slipped to the floor but after a few minutes he gained a sudden strength and buried his nose in Jack's neck nuzzling his pulse point.

"Ianto?" Jack asked gently

"You smell good…" Ianto whispered back and Jack jumped slightly as he felt Ianto's tongue dart out to taste his skin.

"I'm so hungry," Ianto whispered and Jack froze as various pieces began to fall into place.

As gently as possible he pulled Ianto's face away from his neck and looked down at him.

"Ianto look at me," Jack ordered gently and Ianto's eyes slowly drifted open to meet Jack's, his pupils had shrunk to an unnaturally small size and his iris's now had a silver edge to them.

"Fuck!" Jack swore under his breath recognising signs he hadn't seen in years, but knew none the less.

"Ianto I can help but you need to trust me. Right now you're starving and that's blocking the changes you're body's taking on, you need to feed and it'll help with the pain. I can't stop what's happening but I can make it stop hurting long enough that I can get you some help ok," Jack said gently to the Welshman still cradled slightly in his arms.

Ianto nodded wearily.

"Ok close your eyes and no matter what happens don't freak out," Jack said softly.

Ianto nodded again as his face contorted in pain.

Leaning Ianto against the wall next to his coffee machine, Jack reached up onto the counter grabbing the small pair of scissor Ianto kept up there to open the coffee bean bags.

Glancing again at Ianto to make sure his eyes were still closed he opened the sissors right up. Pulling off his wrist strap he then grasped the sissors tightly and sliced them hard along his wrist.

The blood began to flow and Ianto shifted next to him as the metallic smell filled the air. Suddenly Ianto sat up, eyes still closed, he grabbed Jack's wrist and latched his mouth onto the wound sucking hard.

Jack had a few seconds to realise what was happening before pain wracked his body. He grit his teeth to stop from crying out as his blood was forced through his veins too quickly making his entire body burn.

Jack's vision began to swim as he lost more blood. He was likely to pass out soon and probably die shortly after that. He just hoped Ianto wouldn't freak out too much when he came out on his trance to find himself sitting next to his captain's dead body.