Disclaimer: ST: VOY is not mine.

Author's Note: When feeling depressed, write humor!


By mistress amethyst une

"Commander, come," she said in a tone that made him almost want to cower. No matter. He would take the punishment bravely. He walked toward her silently. His chocolate brown eyes were wide and full of remorse but he was not going to apologize. It was a necessary act he'd done for himself.


He did as he was bade and waited for her to strike him. It didn't come.

She shook her head in dismay, "Look, I understand your situation perfectly, Commander. You have your urges…"

Reaching out, she tilted his chin up and resumed her scolding tone once more, "But really, if I catch you again, we're going to have you neutered."

He looked at her, not comprehending.

She took a breath and couldn't help but fall under the spell of the adorable look he was giving her, "Why is it that I can't stay angry with you?"

She patted the Irish setter's head, "No more humping my furniture, Commander."

Chakotay sighed as he watched the whole scene play out, "We should have named him Tom…"

Nonsense, I know. (shrugs) I was bored and I needed a laugh. :) Besides, I need to get over my writer's block if I'm ever going to finish my current multi-chapter project.