The Prince of Mobius (2000 Edit)

Before we begin:

I wrote this more as a "What If" story, but it IS meant to take

place in the MAIN Sonic Universe. I've written a Sonic story in the past

that was a what if SatAM was mixed into the SU Universe. This is different.

This is more of a What if SU was mixed into SatAM? This would also explain

some of the more questionable elements in the Sonic Comics such as why

Max puts down Sonic no matter WHAT he does (And I'm NOT buying that 180

emotional turn that he did in #77 either!)


PS, that character Shayne Ranay is NOT me, but a character I named after



"Prince of Mobius"

by Shayne Thames

All Sonic the Hedgehog characters and related indicia © and TM Sega of

America, Inc.

Shayne Ranay and related characters belong to the author.

Gryph Griffin belongs to Katie Shiver.

E-Mail suggestions and/or comments (any and all flames will be deleted

without further notice)

to me at:

[email protected]

This document may be freely distributed as long as it is not modified in

any way.

Be sure to visit our website at



"The year was 3217. We were in what was called 'The Great War', that had

lasted for many generations. Determined to put an effort into the war, many

of our palace staff signed up to help fight in the war against the


"Our dear friend Max's wife had JUST had a baby boy, and now that he

knows his wife was safe, Max resigned as Royal Chef to be a soldier in the

war. Pretty soon Max's squadron was led into a remote section of the Crystal

Kingdom, a dark and evil place that many rarely travel through. Max

realized that the overlanders sent a fake message that they were gonna be

in this place, for it was a trap. Demonic warriors rose from the pits of

Hell and killed most of the soldiers. Max, being the only survivor, was

possessed by a demon of evil and greed, but he dared not show it, for he

merely returned to my husband and me, reporting the bad news of death upon

the warriors. Shocked as we were, we decided to make an ultimate move of

desperation. My husband and I, soon packed up and left home to fight in

the war, leaving our dear friend, a natural in leadership, in charge of

the Crystal Kingdom AND Crystal City.

"Months passed, but we finally came home; victorious of the battle, not

the war. But when we returned, we were shocked: Crystal City was literally

transformed. It kind of reminded me of a midevil setting mixed with the

technologies of today. The castle was no longer crystal, but a mix of

marble and cocina. As we walked through the city, even citizens were

acting strange. No one cheered, no one bowed like they do when royalty was

in their presence. We were agasted when the guards would not let us in the

gates of our palace! I knew Max too well for this. THIS was wrong. Even my

brother in law was acting strange. He treated us like family, sure, but he

also kept going on about the 'miracles' that 'King Max' did in the last

few months. He was finally able to get us inside, seeing how he 'is' the

Minister of Science. First he introduced us to Warlord Julian (no one knew

what happened to our previous warlord, Kodos)and his nephew Snively, then,

King Max himself. Sure, he treated the people with kindness and heart, but

his cold stare at us when we walked in told us we were no longer welcomed


"Out of the presence of my brother-in-law, he banished us from his

kingdom, Mobotropolis, forever. We were forced to leave. Realizing that the

people were under a 'spell', we left, simply telling Sir Charles Hedgehog,

my brother-in-law, that we were moving.

"3219 must of been our grandest year, despite our current situation. My

husband and I lived out in the Great Forest, when there, I received the

greatest gift; I gave birth to triplets. Two boys and a girl, all a

different color; I gave them wonderful names. My oldest born was my little

girl Sonia, her color a nice pink. The middle child was my wonderful boy

Manic, his color a lush green. But my YOUNGEST child was very small. In

the few minutes that he was born....we weren't sure if he was even gonna

make it. His color was a bright blue, much like his father. I let my

husband hold Sonia and Manic while I held my youngest child close to my

heart and prayed he'd survive. Sir Charles had decided to have him rushed

to the hospital, despite Max's order. For two weeks, my dear child, which

I named Maurice, was under Intensive Care. He pulled through. It was a


"3220, I was visited by my old royal advisor, the Oracle of Dephius.

The Oracle lived up north in the snowy ice caps. From here, he told me the

'Prophecy of the Ancients' which CLEARLY says that one day, my children

and I will reunite to form the Council of Four, from which all evil will

be vanquished. But into doing so, I had to give up my children. From here,

it was only a matter of time, before my children learns the truth about who

the true monarchs of Mobius are."

~Queen Aleena

Chapter 1:

"Hey, what's that?"

"Lemme see!"

"What is it, sugah?"

"What eez that theng?"

"Okay everyone, cool it," Sonic the Hedgehog started, holding up the

piece of paper. "It's an invitation from Sal and Elias: They want us to

spend the next two weeks in the palace to celebrate the holidays!"

"Hooray! We're gonna have a vacation!!!" Tails Prower cheered.

"That's great!" Rotor the Walrus said.

"Yea, nice to know ol' King Acorn isn't sucha party pooper sometimes,"

Bunnie Rabbot commented.

"Oui, I am agreeing, Madmoselle Bunnie," Antoine D'Colette said.

Sonic looked around suspiciously.

"Alright, where's Odor-Head?"

"Geoffory St. John's on a secret service mission with Wombat Stu,

Hershey, Heavy and Bomb. There's been rumors about a secret underground

rebellion plotting against the King himself!" Rotor informed.

Sonic's eyes widened at the mention of an underground rebellion, but

quickly shook the thought off. No way would things start back up now.

"Well, anyway, there's shuttle waiting to carry us to the palace. Go

ahead and pack up: the shuttle won't leave until sunset, so that gives us

the whole day to pack." Sonic informed. Rotor just stared at him. Sonic

looked back. "What?"

"Err, Sonic, you didn't sound like yourself when you said that."

Sonic shook his head clear. "Aww, don't worry 'bout it, Rotor my main

walrus. This hedgehog is never, NEVER uncool. Now come on, we're on a


Rotor smiled and ran off with the others to his hut to pack up his

stuff. Sonic revved up and started speeding into the Great Forest. He

decided he had PLENTY of time to run some laps in the Great Forest before

he went to pack.

It took him some time before he realized he was being followed. He

looked up to find Tails flying overhead.

"Hey Sonic!" Tails called down.

"Heya little bro!" Sonic called back. "What's up?"

"Oh, nothin much Sonic!" Tails said. "You gonna pack?"

"Yea, I just felt like running, buddy! I'm just excited!" Sonic said.

"That's cool! Hey! Race ya back to Knothole!" Tails called.

"Your're on!" Sonic said. Tails giggled and took off, Sonic letting him

get a head start. Sonic was about to take off when someone called his name.


Sonic stopped and looked towards where he heard his name, in the

bushes. A shadow tossed something at him.


Sonic caught it with ease.

"Um, thanks, but who-" Sonic started then looked up again. The figure

was gone. Sonic quickly slipped the object in the cuff of his glove and

took off again.

Back in Knothole, Tails was actually the first to arrive with Sonic

comin in 3 seconds later.

"Aww, no FUN, Sonic! You LET me win!" Tails said. "What happened


Sonic shook his head. "Sorry lil' bro. Got held up back there. Maybe

next time you'll win for real."

"Yea, right." Tails giggled and took off to pack. Sonic finally gave up

and went to his hut to pack. Locking the door, pulling down the shades,

and lighting a candle, Sonic pulled the object from his glove. It was a

locket, with a royal blue background, and a gold colored "H" raised on the

surface. Sonic breathed with awe. He recognized the symbol and opened up the

locket. A little slip of paper fell out. Sonic picked it up and read it:

"We are in danger of being exposed and executed. Keep a tight hold on

yourself because Acorn's greed is to become worse."

Shocked, Sonic crumpled the paper and set it afire with the candle,

tossing it in the fireplace. When the cinders burned out, the room grew

dark and quiet. The day was nearly upon them, and sooner or later,

everyone had to know. Setting his mind on guard, Sonic soon packed up his

things. It was nearly sunset and everyone was gonna be waiting for him.

Before he left, Sonic pulled a wooden box out of a drawer and stowed it in

his sack. Indeed the time was coming.

Chapter 2:

Sunset. The shuttle took off and headed south, towards the majestic

Mobotropolis. Everyone was trying to find something to do on their 2 hour

trip. Usually at Sonic's speed it'd only take him 15 minutes to get there,

but he decided to hang with his friends and watch the sun set. Tails was

playing with a paddleball, Rotor was looking up family history on the

shuttle's onboard computer, Bunnie was fixing up her hair while Antoine

quietly read a book. Sonic just stared longingly at them. Oh, if they only

KNEW. But then, he would start to feel like Elias; sitting in the castle

no adventure-he shook his head. His mom would still let him do all that,

for she also been on adventure when she was a princess.

"Hey Sonic?" Rotor called.

"Yea Rote?" Sonic asked, walking over.

"Message for you. Headphones only. Apparently whoever wants to talk to

you wants to keep it private." Rotor informed.

"No problemo, Rote. I'll take it in the back," Sonic said, heading off

to the private area of the shuttle. He put on the headphones and mic and

called back to Rotor. "Patch me through."

"Sonie, can ya hear me?" Uncle Chuck's voice sounded.

"Loud and clear, Unc. What's up?"

"Big problems, Sonie-boy. Max's team has found the mural beneath the


Sonic nearly choked. "Wait a sec! Mom said you have no memory of that!"

"It was an act to fool Acorn. I've been working with some others in the

Resistance. Believe me, nothing Acorn can do to make ME forget you 5."

"That's cool, but what now?"

"I just came in contact with Lyonal. He's got Ringo and Tai

investigating now. Sonie, we may be exposed because of this. Are you


"As I'll ever be, Unc. I even brought the medallions and lockets with me."

"That's great, Sonie. Well, I'll be seeing you, once you fellas arrive

in Mobotropolis."


"Yes, Sonie?"

"What about Sally? And Elias?"

Uncle Chuck paused.

"Don't worry, Sonie, we'll figure that one out soon enough. Chuck out."

Chapter 3:

The shuttle touched down 2 hours after sunset, as the passengers

unloaded. They looked around the place, that was once nothing but metal,

oil, and smog: pollution left behind by Robotnik. That damage was done,

but most of it was cleaned up, giving the city a clean futuristic look.

Sonic looked around and thought things weren't gonna be so bad. Or so he


"Sonic!" cried a familiar voice. Sonic turned and found the princess

Sally Acorn run into his arms. "I missed you so much!"

Sonic laughed. "Hey Sal, I missed you too! So what's goin on?"

"Oh gosh Sonic! So much! Christmas is coming up and daddy let me invite

you all in for the holidays, it's all gonna be so grand!" Sally gushed.

"Aww, it's not gonna be one of those fancy balls that ya have to dress

up real formally is it?"

"Of course not! It's gonna be a regular all out party! Why you ask?"

"Because where balls are, aristocrats usually come. And where

aristocrats go, Bartlebutt is sure to follow."

"Who?" Sally asked.

"Sir Bartleby Monclaire. A rich pompous who's a pain in my backside."

Sonic explained discustedly.

"I....see. Well, care to head towards the market before heading towards

the castle? Friday nights like these the shopkeepers keep their stands

open at night and there's a great party in the town square." Sally told.

"Party? I'm there!" Sonic said, revving up and running off.

"Sonic! Wait for us!" Sally called, running off after him, with the

others following.

The party had just started whenever Sonic and the others arrived.

"Wow! Unc's sellin chilidogs!" Sonic pointed out. His uncle Chuck

hasn't ran the chilidogs stand in a LONG time. He ran up to 'help' out.

Bunnie and Antoine joined the dancing citizens in the street. Tails

joined up with the other kids and played games. Rotor sat off near the

punch bowl that was set up and watched, pretty soon getting into an

interesting conversation about machines with a fellow mechanic. Sally also

striked up a conversation with a lady and her daughter.

Sonic was stuffing his face when he heard a shout from a shopkeeper:


Sonic looked out to see a scrawny figure running his way. He went wide

eyed when he recognized the figure and chased after it.

"Hey!" Sonic called running up along the thief. It was a hedgehog boy.

The boy looked back at him insuprise. "Sonic?!"

"Manic, hand over the goods and I'll get you some food, alright?"

Manic just stared. "It is you!"


"Alright!" Manic said, tossing Sonic the sack of fruit.

"Rondiouz back at Unc's childog stand. He'll hide ya."


Sonic veered off to return the fruit. Manic turned around and ran to

the stand.

Sonic was on his way back to the stand when Sally approached him.

"Come on Sonic, party's over. Let's head on over to the castle." Sally


"But I-"

"Come on, Uncle Chuck knows we're leaving."

Sonic looked back at the stand helplessly as Sally dragged him off.

Chuck and Manic just waved slowly.

Chapter 4:

The figure bowed before the shadow sitting on the throne.

"I am at your service, my queen."

The queen, her face hidden in the shadow, stroked her pet chao, an

evolved purple dragon chao promptly known as Dragonchao.

"What is your name?" she asked.

"I am Shayne Ranay. My species is quite complicated, for I was created,

but I'm here to serve you."

"Hmm, I've heard of you. You've had quite a history, Miss Ranay. You

were created by Julian, but yet you were created too well, for you had

feelings. You rescued my elder son from robotisization, assisted my

freedom fighters in the war against Robotnik, and even gained the trust of

Admiral Argus. He recommended you for the position as Captain of my royal

guard. I've been very impressed with you so far, but you must prove

yourself one last time."

Shayne bowed. "I am ready, my queen."

"Good. You are to take on General Whitney Ranay on a one-on-one chao


Shayne froze. The only reason Shayne took on the last name Ranay

because she was rescued by her friend and Whitney's daughter, Shay Ranay.

Then she stopped again. "Chao battle?"

*This is great!* Shayne thought. *I'm an excellent chao trainer, and

I'm sure my Pegichao is sure to win!*

"Then it's settled." The queen nodded as General Ranay appeared.

"Good luck, Shayne." Whitney said.

"Thanks, Mrs. R." Shayne said, pulling out her chao device. She fired it

into the area and a white pegasus-like chao appeared.

"I'm impressed, Shayne. A Pegichao is hard to raise." Whitney commented,

and she fired her chao device. A firebird-like chao appeared.

"Whoa! That's a Phoenichaoia!" Shayne breathed.

"Ready to go down?" Pegichao spoke to Phoenichaoia.

"Let's see you try, shrimp-boat!" Phoenichaoia called back.

"Then let the battle begin." The queen spoke.

"Pegichao! Horn attack!" Shayne cried.

Pegichao leaped at Phoenichaoia.

"Phoenichaoia, evade!"

Phoenichaoia flew high above just as Pegichao rushed past.

"Phoenichaoia, fireball attack!" Whitney called.

Phoenichaoia spit a fireball at Pegichao just as Pegichao flew up too

out of the way.

"Pegichao! Time for your special attack! Super Whirlwind Blaster!"

Shayne called.

"Right!" Pegichao said and flapped his wings super hard, creating a

tornado that sucked up Phoenichaoia and smashed him against the wall.

Phoenichaoia sank to the floor.


"So that's it. Shayne is the winner, and now, the Captain of the

guard." the queen said.

Both opponents recalled their chao and bowed to the queen.

"I am honored, your majesty." Shayne said.

"Captain, as for your first assignment, I wish for you to gather a team

that can recover my children and bring them back to me." the queen said.

Shayne bowed again.

"Your wish is my command."

Chapter 5:

Shayne took off down the road that led to Mobotropolis. Seeking high and

low, she studied the travellers along the way. Do they actually know? Are

they pretending to know? Can she really trust ANYONE?

The half fox passed by a red hedgehog that was dressed in a brown

jacket, tan gloves and boots, and a brown snap brim hat.

"Hey babe, goin my way?" he called. Shayne snorted and kept walking. A

green tail whapped down in Shayne's path. She looked up to see a green

dragon smiling at her. The hedgehog continued and she whirled to face him.

"No, really! We want to know why a nice girl like you would be doing

out of the city so late at night like this. You wouldn't happen to be with

the Resistance now would ya?" he asked.

"Who wants to know?" Shayne asked, vaulting over the lizard's tail. The

dragon picked her up and set her down in front of the hedgehog again.

"Depends on who's asking," the hedgehog continued. Then he whispered,

"Party's at my house."

Shayne smirked, knowing this was a code meaning he was a resistance

member. "And the musicians are down the hall." she comfirmed, meaning that

she also was a resistance member.

"Great. My name's Daniel Ranay," the hedgehog said, sticking out his

hand. Shayne shook it.

"Shayne Ranay. No relation. Who's the big galoot?" she asked, nodding

to the dragon.

"Oh, him?" Daniel he asked, pointing with his thumb. "He's harmless. We

call him Rocket."

"Nice to make your acquaintance, um-er, Rocket," Shayne smiled.

"So who sent you to Mobotropolis?" Daniel asked.

"Aleena did. I was chosen as her new captain." Shayne said.

"No kidding huh? Captain? Oooh, don't wanna mess with that." Daniel said.

"Really. And you?" she asked.

"Princess Sonia sent me."

"Ah I see." Shayne nodded.


Shayne whirled around to face another dragon.

"Whoa! Oh! Don't scare me like that!" Shayne said. The dragon giggled.

"Oh! Sorry! Didn't mean to scare ya!"

"That's QUITE alright. Who are you and who sent you?" Shayne asked.

"Oh yea! Name's Dulcy. I was sent by Queen Aleena to help ya out,


"Dulcy, huh? I thought you were with those Acorn lovin Freedom

Fighters." Shayne said.

"I was, but when the Queen found and told me her story, I knew she was

tellin the truth and had to help out." Dulcy explained.

"Ah, well shall we fly into Mobotropolis?" Shayne asked.

"Yea, let's go. We're to rendevouz with my cousin Shay Ranay and Gryph

Griffin sometime before midnight at the castle." Daniel said, climbing

onto Rocket's back.

"That's great! See ya fellas in Mobotropolis!" Shayne said, sitting in

Dulcy's saddle. Both dragons took off towards the city.

Chapter 6:

Sonic and the gang boarded the boat that was to set out across the

Mobotropolis Bay towards the castle. Sally said that the castle was quite

a sight to see from the waterside. They could not yet see the castle for

there was a peninsula of land with trees still blocking their way until

the can get around it. Rotor and Tails stood near the bow deck of the boat

simply enjoying the night breeze created from the moving boat. Bunnie and

Antoine sat inside the comfortable cabin area of the boat and read a book

together by the small candle flame shaped light. Sonic and Sally were

seated outside near the stern of the boat watching the scenery go by, hand

in hand. Sonic slowly put his arm around her shoulder and held her close.

Sally rested her head on his shoulder and heaved a sigh. Sonic look down

at her; she seemed disturbed.

"What's wrong, Sal?" Sonic asked quietly.

"My father's been acting strange lately. He's been out for long periods

of time during the night recently. And with Geoffrey running around after

this so-called "rebellion" against my father is enough to make my head

spin. Even some of our more trustworthy people are starting to act

questionable. And just earlier, I had received a disturbing message. It's

all scrambled, but I was able to decode some of it."

"What did it say?" Sonic asked.

"It said 'Triplets born, the throne awaits.' Err, there was also the

mention of a fate." Sally said. Sonic looked deep in thought.


"Huh? Wha-?" Sonic looked up.

"Whatcha thinkin about?" Sally asked.

"Huh...nothin important, Sal," Sonic said, kissing her cheek.

"Well....alright..." Sally said, relaxing a bit.

The boat had started passing the pennesula of land. Within the

moonlight, Sonic could make out a figure sitting on the dock. The yellow

eyes of the large figure became recognizable to Sonic and he waved.

"Hey Big!" Sonic shouted. The large shadow of the cat looked up at the

boat and waved back. Sonic looked back at Sally.

"When was Big here?" he asked. "I thought he lived within the Mystic

Jungle of the Mysterious Cat Country."

"He does, Sonic. He just came up for a visit when he heard the best

trout was gonna be in this area at this time of year." Sally explained,

then she waved too. "How's it going, Big?" she called. Big gave here the

"A-OK" sign. He was doin fine.

"Let's hope he doesn't lose Froggy in Mobotropolis!" Sonic teased.

Sally merely rolled her eyes. "Sonic..." she started.

"HEY WOW!!! LOOK!!!!!" Tails called from the front. Sonic, Sally,

Bunnie and Antoine rushed to the front to see what the commotion was

about. They stared in awe as they watched a well lit up egg-shaped castle

come into view. Each palace window was lit up with great light

illuminating the castle itself a golden glow from below. Indeed is WAS a

magnificent sight, especially where the castle light reflected off the

water of the bay. Sonic put his arm around Sally once again.

"It's way past cool, Sal." Sonic commented.

About a mile from docking, Sonic's eared perked up at the sound of

several engines coming towards them. "Hey, what's that?" he asked.

"What's what?" Sally asked, then also noticed the sound coming towards

them. "Uh oh," she said, fear rising in her voice.

"I hate when you say 'uh oh'." Sonic glared.

About a dozen or so wave runners came swarming from almost nowhere and

started circling the boat, as it was forced to a stop. A shadow from

above swooped low and shouted.


"-AND BY THE POWER!" the group chanted, then leaped aboard the boat,

their runners deactivating.

"I knew it!" Sally cried, furious. "They're with the rebellion!"

The ship was seized quickly, with one person held down by two members.

A shadow leaped down from the hovering shadow above. A pink hedgehog

wearing a black body suit looked at the restrained group.

"Well well well. If it isn't the Acorn loving freedom fighters. A

little late for you kids isn't it? Well, the Resistance shall see that you

and your precious 'king' falls." she said firmly.

Sonic glared at the girl. He knew who she was.

"We have no quarrel with you," Sonic said, his cockiness leaving him

once again.

The girl recognized him right away. "You-?!"

Sonic nodded and made a quiet sign with his lips. She nodded in


"Guards, release only the boy. I wish to speak with him," she said.

The guards released Sonic and the two went inside the cabin.

"Sonia! What are you doing?!" Sonic asked first thing.

"TRYING to capture Acorn's daughter and have him surrender the throne,"

Sonia hissed back.

"Well it's not gonna be able to work this way! Sally's my friend, and I

just want things to work out peacefully!" Sonic argued.

"And how, pray tell, do you suppose we do that?" Sonia asked.

Sonic was silent.

"Hmph, that's what I thought." Sonia snorted.

"Well, I do have an idea...." Sonic said thoughtfully.

"And that is...?" Sonia inquired.

"Meet me at the palace tonight. Uncle Chuck and Manic should be there

when we arrive at the castle. We'll get together and think of something

then." Sonic explained.

"Fine." Sonia agreed.

"Now PLEASE leave us in peace!" Sonic's shout could be heard to the

others as the two hedgehogs came from the cabin.

"FINE!" Sonia said haugily. "But we WILL be back! Guards! Fall back!"

The troops released the others and leaped back on their wave runners.

The shadow that hovered above swooped down and Sonia got on and flew off.

Sonic brushed his hands in triumph.

"Sonic, what'd you say to her?" Sally asked.

"I'll explain it later, Sal," Sonic said. Then he pointed. "Let's just

get to land first."

Chapter 7:

The inside of the castle was just as impressive as the outside was.

Walking inside, Sonic and the gang first ran across Prince Elias, who

looked like he was busy working on a mainframe.

"Yo! Elias! How's it goin?" Sonic called. Elias looked up from the


"Hmm? Oh! Hi Sonic, Sally. I was just looking up some family history on

the mainframe."

"Yea, I was doin the same on the shuttle's computer earlier," Rotor said.

"And...?" Elias asked.

Rotor shook his head. "Nothin much there either. All the computers seem

to be fine."

"What's going on?" Sally asked the two.

"Father asked us earlier in the week to check up on all the computers

and make sure the family history was up-to-date." Elias said. "Father

insists that all records of my existence is back in all the computers."

"Ah, I see." Sally replied.

"Ah, Sally! I've see you have returned."

Sally whirled around to face her father.

"Daddy!" Sally cried, running up and hugging him.

"How about if you show our guests to their rooms, then we can all

settle down for dinner?" King Acorn suggested.

A guard rushed up to Acorn and whispered to his ear. Max looked at him,

disgusted. "Oh really? Well, I better go see to this mess." And with that,

Acorn and the guard took off. Sally looked puzzled at first then started

off to show her friends to their rooms.

Sonic had just settled into his room whenever his comm beeped.

"Go ahead, Unc." Sonic answered into it.

"Big problems, Sonie. Manic was captured by Max's guards. Sonia tried

to rescue him when I called her, but she only got captured herself."

"Well how am I to rescue them both without Max seeing my face?" Sonic


"Leave that to me, Sonie. The calvary just arrived."

Chapter 8:

Manic stood shackled to a vaguely familiar pad. Sonia was held by a

guard nearby when Max walked in. He looked down on Manic with a sneer.

"Look sis! Oh Kingy Wingy got new threads!" Manic teased.

"Tres' amusing, Prince Manic, but the revolution is over, and I have

come out as the victor." Max growled.

"You don't have all of us yet!" Manic spat.

"Maybe not, but my team has discovered the mural which will lead us to

the Palace of Freedom AND your mother!" Max laughed.

"The others will stop you!" Sonia yelled.

"OH, you mean your pitiful Resistance? Hah! Once you and the Queen fall,

they will too, then I will come out as ruler of this world!"

"And who's to stop us from escaping and warning the Resistance?" Manic


"Ah, that's where my little toy comes in. Tell me: Do you recognize

where we are?" Max asked.

Manic looked around the room. The pad was familiar, and he noticed

controls and computers all around. He looked above. The shine of the

diamond glass from the huge tube sitting above brought back awful memories

of the past when Robotnik was still in charge.

"MAX! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!!!" Manic screamed.

"Oh! I see you do remember! Well, the Robotisizer Room serves me well

for those like you who DEFY my law. Say goodbye, Prince Manic!" Max hissed

and activated the machine. The pad hummed lowly as the glass tube came

down slowly over Manic. Manic tried to struggle against the shackles, the

restraints keeping him immobile. As the pad glowed a dull yellow green,

Sonia watched in horror as Manic's lifesigns were scanned and stored into

the computer. The a yellow light came from above, and Manic screeched an

ear-piercing scream as the shackles around his wrists and ankles were

broken. Sonia, who couldn't bare to watch anymore, turned her head away

and waited for it to end.

The console in front of Max suddenly exploded and sparked.

"WHAT IN THE-?!" Max screamed. Smoke from the sparks filled up the

glass tube, preventing anyone from seeing Manic's present condition. The

screaming stopped as the Robotisizer shut off prematurely. A dull thud was

heard, indicating Manic had slumped into unconsciousness from the extreme


Suddenly a laser shot from somewhere above, freeing Sonia from her


Max, still looking at the exploding console, shouted, "GUARDS! Get me

outta here! This room's gonna go up in a minute!" Max and his guards ran

out, shutting the door behind them to contain the explosion and the


Sonia, still dazed, looked around to see where that laser shot came

from. She looked up to find a cloaked figure standing upside-down on the

ceiling. He touched a button on his sneakers and leaped down onto the


"Who-?" Sonia started. The figure pulled back his cloak.

"Hurry up and get that door open and I'll get Manic," Sonic started.

"Uncle Chuck uploaded data into the Robotisizer to explode in 30 seconds!"

Chapter 9:


No answer.

"SALLY." The computer's voice raised higher. Sally, who was was

sleeping with her head on the desk next to her computer Nicole, woke up.

"Hmm? Whazzat?" she mumbled.

"Ancient scripture decoded, Sally." Nicole informed.

"Scripture? Of what?" Sally asked, confused.

"File "prophecy.spt", Sally."

"A file? Nicole, when was file created?"

"File downloaded from unknown host and created unknown. Modified

December 17th, 3236 21:19."

"Display file, Nicole." Nicole spoke out most of which.

"It is said that one day, the true Queen of Mobius and her 3 children

will return, to form the Council of Four, and restore the soul of the one

who has usurped the throne from the queen, for he was possessed by evil.

'A life for a life, the 4 will return, and the one will be restored, for

this is the Prophecy of the Ancients.'"

"'Prophecy of the Ancients'??? Nicole, what do you mean? My mother is

gonna come back or something?"

"Negative, Sally. All information regarding 'Prophecy of the Ancients'

is placed under a level 7 security block."

"Level 7?! What in the world-"

A shout from the hall interrupted the two. Sally closed Nicole and

looked outside. A fox and two hedgehogs she did not recognize ran down the

hall. She turned her head in the other direction, where 3 guards were tied

and gagged.

"Hurry up Sonic!" Sonia cried, kicking down the down. "20 seconds!"

"Ugh! I'm trying!" Sonic cried, ramming against the glass. "The tube's


Sonic finally went into a super spin, burst in through the glass,

grabbing Manic's left arm, flying by Sonia and grabbing her arm, and ran

out of the room and building before it exploded in a huge fireball.

"Sally, I am detecting energy behind this door," Nicole informed.

Sally, was stalking in the palace, making sure that whoever was taking

over the place wouldn't catch her.

Sally decided to check it out and creeped down the stairs.

The first thing she saw was NOT a room, but a huge CAVERN! Seeing no

one around, she grabbed a nearby torch and walked in, and studied the

wall. A tile mural was created on the wall. It looked like a map of the

land of Mobotropolis, but where Castle Acorn stood was a Crystal Castle.

On the North-Eastern section of the tile map was a picture of a ghostly

demon. It made little sense to Sally. The a picture on the far right of

the wall grabbed Sally's attention. It was a piture of four hedgehogs, all

wearing royal clothing. A picture of a crest stood in the background.

Studying the picture carefully, she slowly put the puzzel together. Every

minute, her eyes grew wider, until she suddenly sank into unconciousness.

Chapter 10:

It wasn't until Max reached his throne room did he realize that has

palace was being invaded. Shayne had did some pretty heavy damage to the

room. The place was dripping in splatted tomato juice and rotting

vegitables. He quickly was surrounded by Resistance members, as Freedom

Fighters were thrown into the room, captive. A fox mix with red har

stepped forward.

"I am Captian Shayne Ranay of Queen Aleena's personal guard.

Maxamillion Acorn, you are under arrest for high treson against the Throne

of the Hedgehogs!"

A snowball smacked Sally in the face. She woke up to find herself in

the middle of a snowy courtyard, with a huge beautiful Crystal castle in

the background. 2 little hedghogs were playing in the snow. The blue

hedgehog waved to Sally.

"Hey Sally! Come play with us!" Little Sonic called. Sally giggled and

ran up to the trio.

"Hey! What's going on?" she asked in her child-like voice. Sonic got

quiet all the sudden.

"Manic had an ax-e-dent," Sonic said quietly.

"Uh oh! What happened?" Sally asked.

"He fell down the stairs in the castle," Sonia said. "He said his arm

and legs hurt real bad."

Sonic huffed. "I wish I wasn't so little. I coulda opened the door and

get him fast before he ever fell down outside my room!"

"Hey Sonic?" Sally asked.

"Yea Sal?"

"Didja throw that snowball at me?"

Sonic snickered and smushed one in her face, then ran off in a blur

around the courtyard.

"Sonic Hedgehog, you are SO in trouble!" Sally teased, imitating Sonia

and chasing after Sonic.

"Hey! That's MY line!" Sonia cried and chased after Sally. This went on

for a few minutes until a familiar voice called out.

"Hey guys!" Manic called. Everyone looked up and looked at the pitiful

but cheery Manic. His right arm and both legs were encased in metal:

appartently Doctor Quack found Manic's limbs damage beyond healing.

Artifical limbs were a medical breakthrough these days. Sally knew this

because her friend Bunnie had a similar accident some time ago, only her

left arm was replaced.

"Manic, does it hurt?" Sonic asked, a little fear sounding in his voice.

"Just a little, but not really!" Manic smiled. "Hey! Let's build a


The children spent a few minutes to build a perfect snowhog. Sonia

added buttons she had in her pocket, Sally put her scarf around the

snowhog's neck. Sonic gave the snowhog a happy face on the snowhog, and

Manic used his crown to give the snowhog a hat. Sonia giggled. "He looks

like a prince now!"

"Or a king!" Sonic said excitedly.

"You guys are lucky." Sally said quietly. "I wish I was a princess."

"Don't worry Sally!" Sonic said. "When I'm king, you can be a QUEEN!"

"Ooooh! Little brother likes Sally!" Sonia teased.

Sonic blushed and threw a snowball at Sonia. "Quit that! Yer

embarrasing me!"

Then everything faded to black.

Sally woke up back in the cave. She knew the truth now. And it was time

to make things right.

Chapter 11:

"Come on y'all! Let's teach these here ruffians a lesson!" Bunnie said,

getting into a fighting stance.

"Stand down!" a voice cried. 3 cloaked figures ran up and the

Resistance let them through.

"The fighting has to stop!" one said. It, he, turned to Max. "We know

now that you are a demon possessing Maxamillion Acorn, and we're gonna

stop you!"

Bunnie huffed. "The tha most silliest thang ah evah heard! Demon?"

"Bunnie! Guys!" Sally cried, running into the room. "He's telling the

truth, LISTEN to them!"

"Sally! Have you gone MAD? This is the Resistance! Are you siding with

the enemy?!" Max cried.

"I'm helping my friends, especially since YOU LIED TO ME, demon!" Sally

spat. "I was never a princess as you say! Elias was never a prince!"

Everyone stared at Sally. She's not a princess?

"And least of all, YOU'RE NOT THE KING!" Sally cried.

"Sally-" Max started, but the leader cloaked figure spoke to everyone.

"Your 'king' tried to do the VERY same thing to my brother that we had

fought against so many months ago-"

Manic took off his hood, revealing his form to all. Everyone gasped and

looked at him fearly. Manic's legs and right arm were robotisized. Most of

all shocked was Bunnie.

"MANIC!" Shayne cried. Manic turned to Shayne and gasped. "Shayne?!"

Shayne ran to Manic and gave him a big hug. "Manic, what HAPPENED to


Manic glared in Max's direction. "HE did this to me."

Max watched all eyes turn upon him.

"It's a lie!" he said. "All a lie!"

"Wanna bet?" The leader asked, pulling out medallians and tossing them

to Manic and the other figure.

Antione freaked out first. "Zee royal medallians! Zey are ROYALTY!"

Sally nooded. "That's right, Antoine. I'm not the princess, SHE is!"

Sally pointed to the second figure, who took off her cloak, revealing Sonia.

"Say! Yer that girl who attacked us on the boat earlier!" Bunnie noted.

"Wait a minute, I thought there were twins here. What's with the third

child?" Max demanded.

"Oh, THAT's a technicality I can explain," The leader spoke. "For you

see, they're not twins..."

The leader took his cloak off, and everyone gasped in suprise. The last

person they EVER expected to see was standing there.

"WE'RE *triplets*." Sonic spoke in a loud, clear voice.

Chapter 12:

"SONIC! You miserable street rat!" Max growled.

"That's PRINCE Sonic to you, Max!" Sonic yelled. "And we're gonna stop

you once and for all!"

"Hah! Not when I'm in my TRUE form!" Max growled. Then, an awful thing

happened. Max suddenly dropped into unconciousness as a huge black demonic

form rose from his body.

"Sally! Get your father and these guys OUTTA here!!!" Sonic cried.

The palace was quickly evacuating as the demon set the room afire.

Manic and Shayne were lagging behind, making sure everyone was getting

out. Shayne tripped over a cable and fell.

"Shayne!" Manic cried, running back to her and picking her up. "I


It was only Sonic and the demon now, as fire quickly surrounded him.

Sonic was forced up the stairs, trying to fend off the demon long enough

to figure out what to do.

"What's the matter, Sonic? Run outta JUICE?" the demon taunted.

"This isn't over yet," Sonic said, gasping for air as the smoke and

heat of the fire stole pecious oxygen from his breath every second.

"Face facts, rodent. Evil has won. And you have lost." The demon spat,

and his face shifted into a form Sonic prayed he'd NEVER see again.

"Goodbye, Prince Sonic!" The Robotnik shaped face said.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Sonic screamed, and he felt himself being lifted by

the throat into the air.

The demon started lifting him high above the castle, choking him and

robbing him of his life.

Sonic vaguely remember his destiny, who he really was, and why he was

here. Hot tears streamed down his face as his medallian started glowing


"You will NOT win this, monster," Sonic gasped. "For the honor of love,

by the power above, I HAVE THE POWER TO DEFEAT YOU!!!!"

The medallian dispersed the energy.

Sally and the others watched as a great white energy bursted over the

castle. Little sparkles dropped down over the castle and then a rumbling

trembled the entire ground.

The metal that once was the sides of the castle fell away into rubble,

as if shedding. Beneath this metal, a bright Crytal Castle shone against

the night sky.

"Sonic DID it!!!!" Sally cried. All cheered loudly. Max stirred and


"Goodness, what a headache I have," Max moaned.

"Daddy? Do you...remember anything?" Sally questioned.

"Anything...and everything," Max said quietly. Sally just hugged him.

"Come on you guys, we're heading to the castle to find Sonic!" Manic

called, then took off head on his strong legs. He and Sally were the first

to arrive at the castle. Everything was beautiful, now that it was

restored. The palace shown with a soft glow. All was quiet as Manic and

Sally walked around the palace, trying to find Sonic. Sally was walking up

the stairs when she stopped short. "MANIC!!!!"

Manic heard Sally call and ran to see what she suddenly freaked out

about, then he, too, saw it. Sonic was lying slumped on the stairs,

glowing softly. And he was dying.

Chapter 13:

"Sonic!" Sally cried, holding his fallen form. "Oh Sonic SPEAK to me!"

Sonic just layed in her arms. He could vaguely hear her, but he was to

weak to even speak or open his eyes. He let out a sad moan. He was in

major pain.

"Sonic..." Manic spoke, his eyes watering up. "Hold on just a bit

longer. Shayne said Mom was coming here soon.

Sonic let out another soft moan. He was slipping away.

"Manic! Where are you?!" Sonia's voice called.

"Up here, sis!" Manic called.

Sonia arrived on the scene, with non other than Queen Aleena following.

Sally looked at them through tear streaked eyes. "He's dying. You have

to save him..."

"I...I don't think we can..." Aleena's voice trailed off.

"YOU HAVE TO!" Sally shrieked furiously. "You have the power!!!!"

Manic looked at Aleena, pain stricken. "She's right, we DO have the


Aleena nodded slowly. "Yes....I think you're right....quickly! Everyone

hold hands!"

Aleena, Manic, Sonia, and Uncle Chuck, who had just joined up with

them, joined their hands around Sally and Sonic.

The circle concentrated their love and power onto Sonic as the circle

glowed a white light. A single tear fell from Sally onto Sonic's cheek. As

the tear slipped down his cheek, he stopped glowing as did everyone else.

His eyes slowly opened. "Sssssally?"

"SONIC! You're ALIVE!!!!" Sally cried, holding him tightly. Everyone in

the room cheered even more loudly as they gathered around him.

All of the kingdom cheered that day. The spell that was casted 13 years

ago had faded from everyone's minds, and Queen Aleena was back on the

throne. Sonic, Manic, and Sonia were by her side, as the crowned princes

and princess of the New Crystal Kingdom, their city known as New

Mobotropolis City. The whole city was in celebration, holding a party in

the Hedgehog's honor.

Nicole suddenly beeped. "Sally, requested information now available.

Level 7 security block removed."

"Wha-who removed it?!" Sally asked, confused. Sonic came up from behind

her and kissed her cheek. "I did, Sally. Nicole needed my DNA reconization

to activate it."

Sally smirked. "Why Prince Sonic, I didn't know you could do such a


Sonic looked upon the people celibrating. 3 hours ago, they were Max

Acorn's subjects. Now they were his mother's subjects, soon to be HIS

subjects. He turned to Sally and kissed her hand.

"Would my lady have this honor of dancing with me?" he asked.

"Certainly, your highness," Sally smiled. Sonic was becoming more of a

gentleman every minute, and still treated her as a princess.

Manic watched the two start dancing and he sighed happily. EVERYTHING

was right again. And he was glad for that.

Shayne stood near his side. "Look at them, they're so happy to be

together..." she sighed.

Manic gulped slowly. He been meaning to ask Shayne something.

"S-shayne?" he stuttered.

"Hmm? Yes Manic?" she asked.

"Uncle Chuck said he needed to look at my new systems later, but until

then....w-would you take a walk with me?" he asked.

She smiled a warm smile. "Of couse Manic, of couse."

Queen Aleena sighed happily. The nightmare, as it were, was finally over.