The Doctor and Rose had just left Jackie's flat. The Doctor breathed in the mid-morning air as they got down the streets below and looked at Rose.

"So where next, hm?"

Rose looked up at the Doctor, biting her lower lip.

"I know this sounds a bit boring for you but I don't know. Could we maybe just go out to the shops for a bit?"

The Doctor looked down at Rose's hopeful face and rolled his eyes while shoving one hand into his pocket and grabbing Rose's with the other.

"Oh alright. God when did I become so domestic?"

Rose smiled up at him tongue between her teeth.

"About the same time you first took me out for chips."


The Doctor and Rose had been out for a few hours and the Doctor was amazed at how once again he had ended up somehow carrying all of her bags. Trudging along beside Rose the Doctor suddenly perked up as they got closer to a large hospital by the river. Rose looked over at the Doctor questioningly as he sniffed the air, reminding her of a dog.

"What is it Doctor?"

The Doctor didn't reply he just kept sniffing until he was standing at the front of the hospital.

"I'm not sure. But there seems to be some kind of plasma coil build up surrounding this area. In particular this hospital. Something's going on in there." He turned around and grinned at Rose. "I think it's time to check in."

Immediately they walked back to the Tardis, which had parked in the same spot it did when they traveled to the Parallel world. When they had first landed Rose couldn't help but look for either the zeppelins or Mickey. Once inside Rose quickly headed off to her room to dispose of her bags, and then jogged back to the Doctor to see if he had a plan.

The Doctor held a small purple tablet and glass of water towards Rose.

"Swallow and drink. This lovely tablet here is what every bored child dreamed of when they wanted to get out of school. It sends a message out through your body telling it that it's sick, but here's the good part, once the tablet wears off… Poof no more signals and your feeling better again. Just long enough for you to be admitted overnight but it wears off in ooh about four hours after consumption so long enough for me to have a look around, stop whatever's going on if need be and then for us to get out of here after your amazing recovery."

Rose took the tablet and stared at it before swallowing it carefully.

"So what your going to do is shove poor sick me into the hospital and let me be their pin cushion while you get to go wondering off."

The Doctor flicked a couple of switches and then lent up against the console smiling.

"Yep that's about it."

Rose rolled her eyes jokingly.

"You just don't like the thought of having to fight aliens in your pajamas again."

The Doctor folded his arms forcing himself not to smile back at her.

"It just makes things a bit easier for both of us. You know that tiny little fact about you being human and me being all not. Might make things a bit easier for the doctors to have a patient with the same amount of organs, and blood that they're used to working with."

Rose rolled her eyes again and then looked at the Doctor seriously.

"Yeah ok I get your point. But hang on don't they need like a family member or something. You know to fill out the papers and stuff. I don't think it would be a great idea for them to call mum down here in the middle of whatever you think is going on. Probably wouldn't be too good for you either. She's always paranoid I'm going to get sick with some alien virus or something."

The Doctor's brow creased in thought for a second before bouncing off the console as he pulled open some small draws on the console that Rose had never noticed before, looking for something.

"Hmm… Good thought Rose. Oh and you can tell Jackie that you wont get sick, the Tardis pretty much disinfects you each time you step through the door. Hang on if I can just find… Aha! Problem solved."

The Doctor stood up grinning holding up two identical gold rings. He walked over to Rose and bent down on one knee in front of her seat.

"Rose Tyler will you be my unlawfully wedded wife for oh I don't know about the rest of the day a little more possibly?"

Rose grinned trying unsuccessfully not to laugh as she put out her hand.

"I do Doctor. Yes I do."

Rose looked down at the ring on her finger as the Doctor put the Tardis closer to the hospital. Rose sighed happily to herself as she repeated the Doctors 'proposal' in her head wishing it had been real.

Yes, I do Doctor. More than you know.

With a thump the Tardis landed pulling Rose out of her day dream. The Doctor looked over at Rose from the other side of the console; Rose couldn't help but look at the matching ring on his finger.

"Ready for your appointment Rose?"

She smiled weakly at him, feeling the tablet take effect.

As the Doctor walked, half carried, Rose into the hospital he looked around and shuddered slightly.

"Have I ever mentioned how much I don't like hospitals?"

Rose nodded slightly and whispered trying not to fall asleep on the Doctor's shoulder.

"Yeah just a few times on New Earth."

He looked around the waiting room for a seat. Thankfully the room was almost empty.

"Ooh look this one has a shop. Come on sit down here and I'll be back in a second."

The Doctor looked back at Rose as he walked up to the nurse behind the desk. He felt guilty about making Rose sick but he knew that it could have been even worse for both of them if he was the one admitted.

The nurse looked up at him bored.

"Can I help you?"

The Doctor looked at her worried, slightly showing off the ring as he tapped the desk.

"Hello, yes um you see it's my wife Rose," the Doctor felt an odd happy sensation go through him as the last two words came off his tongue. "We were out shopping and she suddenly became really ill. I'm a bit worried about her she never gets sick and it came on so quick. Could you just get a doctor to have a look at her please?"

The nurse just looked at him unfazed by his outburst, she had obviously heard similar stories time and time again from worried family members. She handed him a thick pile of papers.

"Fill them out and we'll have a doctor look at her as soon as possible."

The Doctor smiled at her and walked back over to Rose. It had worked.

Half an hour later the forms were done and Rose was in a bed in one of the hospital's wards. The Doctor held her hand in comfort as a doctor with almost half a dozen medical students surrounded her bed. One of the medical students, the doctor had called her Martha, lent over with a stethoscope and checked her heartbeat. Rose looked over to the student and muttered deliriously.

"At least you don't have to check two hearts."

The Doctor squeezed Rose's hand harder in effort not to laugh as the medical students looked at her and then to him, obviously wondering about her mental state."

The Doctor looked up at the doctor and smiled apologetically.

"Sorry, err, family joke."

The Doctor raised his eyebrows at the young husband in front of him.

"Right, come on no time to waste talking nonsense. Next patent you lot."

- We all know what happened on the moon. Rose is asleep for most of it because a doctor put her on some medication without the Doctor's consent and so that's where Martha comes into the picture with helping the Doctor. -

Hope you enjoyed this, reviews would be great so I know I'm not wasting my time continuing. :) The Second part to this would be after they get back, it's my favorite.