
"Mummy, what's a Fallen? You talked about them before, but I don't think you've ever explained it." Kara asked. They were all in the dining room, sitting around the table. Harry looked up curiously, he too had wondered what it meant, but had been too afraid to ask. The Dursleys had forbidden him from asking any questions at all and although he hoped things would be different now, he didn't want to risk it.

The adults looked at each other, silently deciding who would be the one two explain everything two the children. After a minute or so, all eyes turned to Lily. She rolled her own eyes, but put down her fork to tell the children about the family secret.

"Well, a Fallen is a sort of a Demon. We have wings and different powers. I am a natural Healer, Maria is an expert with everything that has to do with the mind and memories, James can control shadows and move through them and Sirius can turn into any sort of canine at will. We don't know yet what your powers will be, but I can't wait to find out. Both of you have both parents Fallen, so you should be much more powerful than us, since were only first generation Demon." Lily explained. The children listened to her avidly, eyes wide. This was so cool, was going through both of their minds.

"There are many legends about how the Fallen came to be, but one is more popular than others. It is said that thousands of years ago, the angels who were exiled from Heaven came to Earth and had children with humans, wizards to be exact. The children of those unions are said to be the Fallen of today. However, there s no way for us to know for sure, because no one is left who remembers. The old scrolls have been destroyed or lost, so it shall forever be a mystery." James said. He had learned this from a book written by a Fallen in a time where there were so much more of them. The wizarding kind's fear of anything different forced them into hiding, however, and they were soon thought to be extinct. Until them. Luckily, no one knew about their secret, so they were safe on that front at least.


"Hey, does anyone know what happened to Alice and Frank?" Lily asked a while later. They'd been rather good friends in school and their son Neville was born at the same day as Harry.

Maria looked sad at that. "They were attacked by the Lestranges and tortured to insanity. They're in 's right now. It happened after I'd gone into hiding so I couldn't risk being caught while trying to heal them. Kara was so small back then and no-one knew where we lived so I couldn t leave her alone."

"Well, we could go now. James and I can stand guard while you and Lily heal any damage you can. Then, after that, we'll come back and port-key to Japan. Remmy can stay to watch the kiddies. He's rather good at it. Maybe he could teach them something new, or something," Sirius said. The others nodded and then went about preparing everything for the trip.

An hour later, they were hiding in the shadows of the Wizarding hospital, making sure that the ward was clear, before going in. The last nurse left and shut off the lights. Most of the patients were sleeping, though there weren't many. All had curtains drawn around their beds. The Longbottoms had one around the two beds, so it was easy to find them. Both women gasped at the sight of their old friends. Pale gaunt faces, wisps of gray hair...

Maria moved to Alice's side, while Lily went to Frank. They'd work in turns, one doing the mind and the other healing any physical damage. Lily finished with Frank quicker, since healing the body was far easier than healing the mind. You couldn't rush it, otherwise you could damage the mind, rather than heal it. Maria finished in a few minutes, a little shaken.

"It's so horrible, what they've done to her. Not only the torture, but someone has repeatedly tried to use Legilimency on her, and rather brutally. I healed everything I could, but there are some things she'll need to get over by herself." Maria said. She sat for a minute, drinking the glass of water Lily had conjured for her. Standing up, she vanished the glass and moved to Frank, while Lily went to work on Alice.

A while later they were both finished.

"I left a sort of a note in their minds, that'll become active once they're completely healed, and it's only accessible for them. I've explained everything that has happened in the past years and about Dumbledore and where we'll be, if they ever wish to contact us." Maria said as they met up with their husbands outside the curtains. The other three nodded and James transported them all back to the manor. They had a portkey to catch.


It was a few days later that young Neville Longbottom, son and heir of Frank and Alice Longbottom, went to visit his parents, accompanied by his grandmother. They were both expecting the usual blank stares and occasional gibberish. However, when they got there, both patients were asleep. The nurse currently checking their vitals said that they'd been sleeping most of the time for a few days now.

Neville went over to his parents and kissed both on the cheek, saying a quiet hello, although he knew they probably couldn't understand who he was. He dragged a chair between the two beds and sat down to tell his sleeping parents about everything that had been happening to him. Suddenly, both of his parents woke up. Neville was a little startled by this and looked to his grandmother, but she'd left with the nurse sometime. While his attention was away, Frank and Alice were sitting up and looking around. The healing had gone a lot faster than Maria had anticipated and they now knew everything.

When Neville turned back to his parents, he was faced with two stares, the brown eyes of his father and blue of his mother. But this wasn't the usual blank stare. Their eyes seemed alive, somehow. "Mum? Dad?" he whispered.

"Neville!" Suddenly, Alice was off the bed and hugging his son for all her worth and seconds later, Frank was hugging them both. Alice was muttering, "My son, my baby boy!" over and over again, tears streaming down her cheeks. Poor Neville was in shock. How many times had he wished that his parents would recover? How many times had he hoped for his mother to hug him, hold him after a nightmare, sing to him? For his father to play with him, teach him things? And now, they were both suddenly okay and hugging him and this couldn t be real. This had to be one of those really good dreams. Soon, he'd wake up and everything would be the same

The arms withdrew from around him and he sighed, thinking he'd be waking up any moment now. But then there were hands on his face, turning it upwards and he was looking at the smiling faces of his parents.

"Oh, Neville, you re so big already. I remember you were so little and cute. I'm so sorry that we left you like that. We'll never let anyone separate us ever again. They'll feel the wrath of a mother," Alice said. Oh yes, they'd pay.

"Is this really true? You're actually here and I'm not dreaming?" Neville asked, his voice trembling slightly. He hoped with every fibre of his being that this was true, that his parents really were healed.

"Yes son, this is real. We're together again and nothing will change this anymore." Frank said.

Neville looked at his parents and then leaped up, hugging them both. They all laughed, a little tearfully, the family together once again. Frank and Alice looked at each other and sent a mental thank-you to Maria and Lily, for giving them their sanity back.

Suddenly, the ward door opened and Augusta walked in, only to stop as she saw her son and his wife, both healthy, holding onto their son for dear life. She did the only sensible thing in that situation and fainted.


Albus Dumbledore was seething. Everything was falling apart. All of his best-laid plans destroyed. All because the Potter brat couldn t do as he should have and stayed at the Dursleys'. And damn those muggles for letting him escape. And then somehow the Blacks got out of Azkaban and then Lupin, the bloody werewolf disappeared. And to top it all off, the Longbottoms were healed and they wouldn't even let him talk to them! How dare they?! And now, Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom and Kara Black hadn't appeared on the Hogwarts student register, which meant they wouldn't be attending the school this year. Of course, Black probably wouldn't have come anyway. But Potter was too important to let him wander around unchecked.

Damn them all! Why couldn t they just understand that everything he did was for the greater good?! Oh, damn them all to Hell! He needed another lemon drop.


The years in Cado* village passed peacefully. After arriving, the Black family and Remus began building homes for themselves. They decided to do them as the traditional Japanese houses, as Lily and James had done when they first moved to the country. After Alice and Frank found them, they decided to build a second home for themselves as well. They spent a lot of time there, juggling between England and Japan. When the time came for the children to start school, it was decided that Harry and Kara would be attending the magical school in Japan, but as Neville hadn't quite managed to grasp enough Japanese yet and had some lingering issues with self-esteem, he would be going to Beauxbuttons.

The children were very close friends and had even found a way to charm Muggle cell phones to work on magic so that they could keep in contact easily. They spent all summers and Christmases together, and when Harry and Kara decided they needed to be trained, Neville joined in too. Soon they'd mixed different fighting styles to fit their personal needs, both in physical and with swords. As a Christmas present all three got their own swords, personalised and bound to them by blood. Harry named his the Nightwhisper, Kara's became the Morning Star and Neville, after some consideration, named his sword the Evening Star.

A while after being reunited, both Maria and Lily came out with the news of being pregnant. A week later, Alice too found out she was pregnant. The babies were due in April. After they'd heard the good news, the trio of seven-year-olds snuck away to their little dojo to discuss the news.

"This is soooo cool. I'm gonna be a big sister!" Kara said excitedly.

"Yeah, think of all the great pranks we could teach them." Harry said with a grin. The other two nodded. Under the influence of the infamous Marauders, the three were turning into pranking demons. That was what they decided to call themselves, after Maria shouted at them for a prank, calling them little demons, among other things.

"And they can have the childhood we never had." Neville added quietly.

"Yes." Harry said, immediately serious. Memories of what he'd been through at the Dursleys house were still fresh in his mind, although he was getting better. "We will not let anything happen to them. These three will be the light of this family, and I'll fight anyone who tries to harm them.

"Me too," added Kara with a nod.

"And me!" Neville said confidently.

It was after that discussion that the three decided they needed to be trained, so that they could protect their families. Their mothers were against the idea at first, but then Kara pointed out that they would eventually have to face Dumbledore and Voldemort, they'd need to be ready. After that, there was nothing they could do.



Last night, on September first, the new school year began, the year that Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, was supposed to start at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. However, the boy never showed up. In fact, he wasn't even on the Student Registry list. What happened? Is the Boy-Who-Lived a squib? Or has he decided to attend some other school? Maybe he is even dead? Who knows. In light of Sirius Black's recent escape, things aren t looking so good.

Headmaster Dumbledore of Hogwarts said that Harry Potter is alive and well, but his location is currently not known. "I am doing everything in my power to find Mr Potter and to bring him to Hogwarts, where he belongs. It was what his parents would have wanted."

We managed to contact Frank and Alice Longbottom, whose son started school this year, although he also isn't attending Hogwarts. "We decided after consulting with him and some of our closest friends that it would be best for him to be as far from Hogwarts as possible. The reasons why are our own. As for Harry, he's safe and sound where he is and will never be attending Hogwarts, so Dumbledore should just give up already. He's been searching for the boy for four years now." said Alice. Four years? Why hasn't he told anyone that Harry Potter went missing four years ago, I ask of you. When asked if the Longbottoms had anything to do with the Boy-Who-Lived's disappearance, they said no and refused to give any further comment.

So, what is going on? The people who have the answers aren't talking.

Rita Skeeter, Daily Prophet.


In their new schools, all three Demons had made new friends, although none came to be as close as the three were. They spent their summers together in Japan, and Neville invited some of his friends from France over for a few weeks, so the other two Demons could meet them, and was in turn introduced to the people Harry and Kara had met. They were rather quickly forming an international network of friends.

The three new additions to the family were born on April 21, almost at the same time. Maria had a baby boy, who was named Erian Sirius Black, and Lily and Alice both gave birth to daughters, Ailyn Lilyana Potter and Alexandra Alice Longbottom, respectively. All three babies were healthy and the large family very happy.

The Demons continued their training, learning fast. They were determined to protect their little siblings and be the best older brothers/sister they could be. The Demons adored the little ones and they in turn almost hero-worshiped the three older kids. Harry, Kara and Neville taught them every prank they knew and the little ones began to make up their own, playing them with the help of the Demons. On their seventh birthday, the three teens decided that it was time to give Erian, Ailyn and Alexandra their own name. Since the two groups were very close, it was decided that the little ones would be named the Demonicas. The little ones were ecstatic, and when the time came for the fourteenth birthday of the Demons, they presented the birthday-children with a book they'd compiled, with the help of Remus. It listed every prank ever pulled by the Marauders, the Demons and the Demonicas.

"It has a self-updating charm on it," Alex said. She was the group s researcher, just like Kara was for the Demons.

"This is sooo going to be placed in the honour spot in the dojo. And we'll need to ward it, so nothing happens to it." Harry said, clearly in awe of the book. Kara and Neville nodded.

The Demonicas were nearly bursting with happiness at being able to make a gift that would get such a reaction out of their three heroes.


Since Alice and Frank had decided to spend most of their time in Japan and children were very close, it was decided that Neville would transfer from Beauxbuttons to Japan. The kids were ecstatic at that and decided to celebrate it with a big prank.

After much prodding from Harry and his father, Neville decided to ask Kara to the school Christmas Dance, in their fifth year. Kara agreed readily, and after that the two started a steady relationship. They were at first worried that Harry would feel as the third wheel, but he asked a girl he'd liked for quite a while to the dance and as with Kara and Neville, they were still going fine over seven months later.

It was time for the sixteenth birthday of the Demons. It was both awaited and feared, because Harry and Kara would get their Fallen powers. They were afraid that since Neville was a regular wizard, he'd feel left out, but the 31 of July brought a surprise with it. Not two, but three Fallen awakened.

"Well, it's possible that we have a Fallen in our family line somewhere." Frank said.

Alice nodded and said, "Being around Harry and Kara, who were both going to be Fallen, might have brought out the recessive genes. Oh, I m so proud of him! I wonder what his power is?"

As it turned out, Neville was a plant controller. He could make anything grow almost anywhere, with a little experience of course. Kara was a healer like Lily, so it was decided Lily and Maria would be her teachers. Harry, however, was a Manipulator. He could use any kind of magic without a focus and could even use it to imitate the powers of those around himself.

After that the three threw themselves into training, including Harry's girlfriend Yuki, when it became apparent that she too was a Fallen, capable of controlling a person's thoughts and feelings, although she promised to never use her powers on any of the family.

A year later, the Demons had expanded to include Yuki and the four were extremely close. The Demonicas still worshipped them and had even started some training with them, though not too much. Harry and the others wanted the little ones to be able to protect themselves, but not to turn them into fighters like they were. They never wanted that light of hope and dreams to disappear from their eyes, the lights that shine even in the darkest of nights. Alex, Ailyn and Erian were the light of the Demons, when everything seemed too much, one of them would always appear with a way to make them smile. None of the older teens had had an easy life. All four had lost their parents, but Yuki never regained hers. They'd died when she was four and she had no other relatives. She'd been living in an orphanage until Remus and his wife decided to take her in and later adopt her. She'd been living in Cado village for over two years now. Her and Harry were planning on building their own home, making plans and discussing their dreams. Building a house took quite a bit of time and the two wanted to do it by themselves. Neville and Kara were thinking the same way.

However, not long after the seventeenth birthday of the last Demon, Yuki, news came from England. Voldemort had been slowly getting more active in the past few years, gaining followers, making a few smaller attacks. He was now planning on attacking Hogwarts. Since it was already September, the school year had begun and that would put a lot of innocents in danger. The news had come from a spy deep in the Dark Lord's circles, so it had to be accurate.

It was decided that Alice and Remus wife Emma would stay behind to watch Erian, Alexandra and Ailyn, while the rest of the family went to Britain. They needed to be there as soon as possible, as the exact time of the attack was unknown. The huge time-difference would be a little inconvenient, but they'd manage with it. Everyone was packed and ready to go, but the three youngest seemed a little reluctant to part.

"We want to come too!" Erian said. The girls nodded.

"I know you do, but you need to stay here and help Aunties Alice and Emma guard the village while the rest of us are gone. Think of what might happen if you left them here alone." Harry said.

"My plants need to be watered and taken care of." Neville added.

"And someone will need to look after all the animals. Alice and Emma couldn"t possibly do all of this by themselves, now could they?" Kara finished.

"We ll do it!" the three shouted together.

"When we get back, we'll show you pictures of all the pranks we pulled on the Brits. I've got the notebook with the ones you helped us pick out." Yuki said, further lifting the mood of the ten-year-olds.

"Okay, kiddies, time to say good-bye," James called. They did as told, Lily and Maria telling the kids to behave themselves with Alice and Emma.


Word of the pending attack on the school had reached the Headmaster's ears, too, and he was more than a little worried. There hadn't been a word of Harry Potter in over ten years, and he'd searched everywhere in Europe. He didn't think that the boy had somehow miraculously found his parents, there would have been word of it, but it was possible that he was with his godparents. That would lessen the possibility of getting to the boy even smaller. Damn them all, he needed the Potter brat here to defeat Voldemort! But now was not the time to think about such things. He was in the Great Hall, he needed to appear as a kind and caring old man to these sheep.

The children and teachers were chatting with each other loudly, unaware of what went through their old Headmaster's head. They'd most likely run screaming, if they knew

Suddenly, the doors to the Great Hall flew open and ten people walked in, all dressed in black clothes and hoods covering their faces, all carrying swords, some on their backs, others at the hip. The Headmaster and the teachers rose to their feet, wands in hand.

"Who are you and what do you want?" the Headmaster asked.

As one the people threw back their hoods, revealing the faces beneath. Many of the teachers gasped, looking horrified. The Headmaster, too, was shocked, but quickly covered it, as the ten marched to the front of the room.

"I am James Potter."

"My name is Lily Potter."

"Frank Longbottom. My wife Alice had to regrettably stay behind to watch the children."

"Sirius Black, as you all know. I'm completely innocent by the way."

"Maria Black, James' sister and Sirius' wife."

"Remus Lupin."

"Neville Longbottom, son of Alice and Frank."

"Kara Black, Neville's girlfriend."

"Harry Potter, also known here as the Boy-Who-Lived."

"And I am Yuki Lupin, Harry's girlfriend and Remus' adopted daughter."

"We're here to clean up your mess, Dumbledore." James said.

A lot of people in the room had fainted. Dumbledore looked as if someone had killed his pet phoenix.

"Perhaps it would be better if we took this up to my office?" he offered. He needed to do some serious damage control. There were things that couldn't come to light, the fact that three supposedly dead people had walked into the school, along with a convict, four teens and an ex-patient of 's long-term care ward, was bad enough.

"I don't think so, old man. You see, we're here for a reason, and it involves all the people here." Harry said. By now, most of the people who had fainted were conscious again. "Voldemort is going to attack the school soon, and we're here to make sure he doesn't take over the school, killing you all. He should be here pretty soon. We'll be leaving again after we've made sure he's dead and not coming back this time."

"Why would you care to show up now?! Where were you when he started attacking? someone from the Gryffindor table shouted. The red hair pointed towards a Weasley.

"Believe it or not, but we do have our own lives to live. We don't even have to be here to clean up your mess, but we came to protect the innocent. Besides, Voldemort was a rather large factor in why our families were torn apart. Dumbledore was the deciding thing." Sirius said.

Before anyone could say any more, a loud siren blared. "The wards have been breached!" McGonagall shouted.

"Get the students down to the dungeons, they'll be safest there. Any who want to fight, follow us outside." Harry shouted and him and the rest of the group started running towards the doors. Seeing no one moving, Kara yanked a first-year up and shouted, "Move!" After that everyone got up and started running. Most went down to the dungeons, but some followed Harry and the others outside.

They had to fight through the Death Eaters, cutting through them like a knife through butter, but Voldemort was at first no-where to be seen. Then they noticed the snake-like man moving towards Dumbledore, and the four Demons gathered together. The adults, seeing this, moved to protect them. The Demons had, after a long period of research and experiments, created a spell that would send Voldemort's soul straight to Hell and trap it there. But it took quite a lot of energy to cast such a spell and it needed a bit of a preparation.

"This ends tonight for you Dumbledore. After you're dead and Hogwarts is under my control, there will be no one to stand in my way. The Potter brat is missing, most likely dead, and if he isn't, he will be soon." Voldemort said.

"I won't let you take the school! You will be the one to fall today, because Ha..." Dumbledore answered. While he was distracted, looking around to spot Harry, Voldemort shot off the Killing Curse, effectively cutting off whatever the other old fool had been trying to say.

"Hah! So much for him. Now, the school will be mine!" Voldemort cackled.

"Guess again, snake face!" Harry said, and as one, the four Demons started the incantation to kill Voldemort. After about half a minute, Voldemort let out an inhuman screech as his soul was ripped from him. Soon the empty body fell to the ground and Neville set fire to it. And that was the end of the second rise of the Dark Lord Voldemort.


A few years after the 'British fiasco', as they called it, the Demons had a double wedding, Harry and Yuki, and Neville and Kara tying the knot. Just before, they'd finished building their dream homes and the ceremony was held in the new village centre of the Cado Village. They went on their honeymoons together, to a small secluded island off the coast of Japan.

A year later, both Kara and Yuki gave birth to twins, both sets with a boy and a girl.

Over the years, the Cado Village grew as the Demonicas got married and built their own homes. Soon, other families of the Fallen from around the world started to come to live there, making it larger. Remus and Emma had had a child of their own, a big surprise for the couple.

All in all, they had the Happily Ever After they deserved and the Demons kept their promise. The light did not fade from the Demonicas eyes.

The End.

AN. I know that I promised this a few days ago, but I had other more important things to do on Sunday. Family business. And then school started. Right now, I should be studying, but I wanted to finally finish this, so that I could focus on other fics and my book. Sorry, if you wanted something more detailed, but I really can't write more to this right now. It's a miracle I managed to finish this. This is the longest chapter I've written yet, I think. Okay, reviews are really appreciated. I might someday even write more to this world. Who knows.

Bye, Ann.

PS. I fixed the grammar. For some reason my laptop can't upload the chappies without erasing the quotation marks and some words. Sorry about that.