And I've started yet another fic which I do have intentions of finishing…eventually…. Along with the three others I have floating around on here-heh.

Ok, so this will be a betrayal fic- if you don't like them just click back, I'm not telling you to read this so if I get flames I will simply laugh it off and delete the comment. Secondly, this will be a femslash, so again don't like please go back to the page you just came from.

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon.


It had been three months since they had last seen her. Three long months where they had not laid eyes on the girl who had once meant their very existence- until they had turned their backs on her and tossed her into the gutter like a piece of rubbish. They had told her they did not care any more, had made her feel worthless and so tiny- and they hadn't cared in the least. So when it happened, the group had no idea about it until they had asked after her- only to find out she had gone.

No one really knew what had happened- her parents simply could not explain it. Their daughter had always been a happy and bright child, her smile lighting up the house with next to no trouble. She had always argued with her younger brother but they all knew she was fiercely possessive over him; she would never let him down and had always been there for him when he had needed her. She wasn't the best of students but they loved her for all of their nagging, and she was so aware of it. They were truly blessed so when this happened…well, they had simply been at a loss. Their precious daughter had slowly started to lose interest in life and had slowly cut herself off from the world.

The few friends she had left had tried to bring her out of her shell but none of them succeeded, not one of them could bring back the girl they all loved and it pained them to see her slowly cut herself off from everything. When they found out from her parents they had felt horror and anger- anger at the ones who had caused this and horror that someone so pure had become so defeated.

The light beeping was really the only sound coming from behind the door. God how Haruka loathed that damn beeping! Pushing the door open, she walked inside and made her way to the prone figure on the bed, sitting down in one the uncomfortable orange plastic chairs that had been pulled up next to the bed, shuffling slightly to try and find a comfy way of sitting. Taking the girl's hand, she brought it to her lips and lightly pressed her lips to the slightly cold fingers.

"Oh Usagi," She murmured as she brushed the golden blonde hair from the girl's face, "Why didn't you tell us it had gotten so bad?" Her eyes looked at the peaceful face, taking in the slightly gaunt features and the slightly black eyes before moving down her body- finally resting on her arms where pristine white bandages covered the skin from wrist to elbow. "Why didn't we know that you would do this? We were supposed to protect you dammit!" She tried to bite back the growl of frustration.

The outer senshi had had no idea that the inners had turned their backs on Usagi. Had had no idea that Usagi had completely broken down- they all knew that she held her friends so close to her heart that anything they did like this ruined her, broke her soul and made her feel like she was simply nothing to them. What had hurt the girl the most however, was finding out that her boyfriend had been dating behind her back- he was expecting his first child with a girl he had met in America.

Haruka's thoughts were broken as the door to the hospital room opened. Looking up she gave a small smile at the three other women who entered, before they too moved to take up position next to their princess.

They had been coming every day since Usagi had first been rushed here. After the betrayal they had all noticed the change in the girl who had brought them together- who had given them real meaning in the world away from their mission. When they had returned to Japan they had returned to a broken girl who had started to change. At first it was missing a meal every now and then, but it had slowly started to get more serious. Usagi had started to skip as many meals as possible, trying to starve herself- that had been the first time she had been brought to the hospital. They had thought she had recovered from it- she had started to eat again but what they had not known was that she had found another way to make herself hurt. It was when a hysterical mother was on the phone to Setsuna did they realise how bad it was. Usagi had been rushed to hospital after she had tried to take her life by cutting her wrists. She had lived, but only just and now….now she was still asleep. Three months and there was no change.

"She'll wake up right?" They looked at Hotaru who was lightly running her fingers over Usagi's soft skin. They all knew that the youngest of their group loved the girl more than she should do, but they would never tell her to stop- that it was inappropriate. The truth was…they all loved her more than they should do, but they weren't going to stop for anyone. They had been stopped once before by the queen, but now they had a chance to show their princess what she meant to them and they weren't going to let anyone stand in their way.

"Course she will," Haruka gave what she hoped was a reassuring smile. "You'll see, she'll wake up and look at us with that smile of hers and say 'Why are you here? You should all be looking after yourselves.' That's what she will say and then we'll tell her about what we have planned for her- for our princess." Hotaru gave her papa a smile before leaning down to brush a kiss against the girl's brow.

"Wake up soon," She whispered before she slipped from her chair and made her way out of the room- away from the white walls, the smells and from that constant beeping that reminded all of them that the girl was only alive because of a damn human machine! Hotaru fought to keep the tears at bay as she slumped against the corridor wall. Her princess had always been a fighter but when it came down to it, she had been a human girl afraid of being alone in the world. Hotaru swore to herself and to Usagi that she would show her what she meant to them. She jumped as a hand touched her shoulder and looking up she saw the other three behind her.

"Lets go, her parents will be here soon." Michiru led the way away from the room that held the girl that had captured all of their hearts.

As they left, a single thought floated through their minds at the same time- such a powerful thought it broke through the haze of her mind. 'I love you' came the single thought of four separate people- although each had a different level of love for the girl.

Thin fingers twitched slightly on top of the cover before stilling. As a nurse popped her head around the door, she gave a small yelp of surprise. Staring at her were dull orbs of blue.

Usagi was awake.


Well….that was short but it was the prologue so hopefully the chapters will be a little longer when I update. Let me know what you think- love it? Hate it? Let me know! Press that little review button and I'll give out cookies!