Title: A Conversation
Author: Jiele
Rating: G/PG
Pairing(s): None, really.. maybe a little 38/83 if you tilt your head at a 38-degree angle and squint really hard...
Warnings: Sanzo ;), OOC Hakkai (a bit)
Disclaimer: I don't own Saiyuki, I don't make any money from writing this.

A Conversation

One night, in an inn somewhere...

"Ne, Sanzo..."

"What is it now, monkey?"

"Um, well..."

"Spit it out already! I'm trying to sleep!"

"Okay... well... um..."


"Uh, I was... just... wondering why you never hit Hakkai with that fan thingy you've got..."


"Yeah, uh, well, it's ok Sanzo, nevermind... I mean 's probably just b'cause he never does annoying stuff like me an' Gojyo anyways right?..."


"Well...anyway... g'night Sanzo..."


It was a few short minutes later, when Goku's breaths had softened, evening into the slow rhythm of sleep that Sanzo finally answered.

"Because he hits back, stupid monkey..."