1Emmett Gets a Job

a lovely dream

DISCLAMER: As hard as I try, Stephanie still refuses to sell me the characters from


"ALICEEEEEEE!" Bella cried.

"Be quite, Bella, or I won't buy you anything." Alice scolded her

"I can only hope, can't I?"

Alice shot Bella one of her say-whatever-you-want-were-shopping-all-day-anyway looks.

Bella sighed, "But why do we have to come in here?" she asked while gesturing at all the


Alice rolled her eyes before whispering, "Bella, you're getting married to a sexy vampire,

then you're going to be a sexy vampire, so let me buy you sexy clothes to wear on your sexy

self, with your sexy husband!"

Bella began to laugh, "Fine, just stop talking about how sexy my fiancee is," she paused

before saying, "and how sexy I'm going to be, because im not going to be sexy."

"Pshh," Alice said with a roll of her eyes, "You will be when I'm done with you."

Bella rolled her eyes in response as Alice paid for what she bought her.

"So, what did we get?" Bella asked while trying to peek in the bag.

"Can we wait until we can get home, and I cut off the tags so you don't try to return it on

me?" Alice asked.

"Who me? Honestly Alice, I'm insulted" Bella joked.

When they got home Alice called Edward down into the dining room, "Want to see what I

bought your soon-to-be-wifey?"

Edward smirked, "I suppose I don't have a choice, do I?"

"No you don't," Alice told him.

"She's right," Bella chirped.

Bella and Edward sat on the couch, Alice ran into the bathroom, "You ready?" she asked,

"Okay, count to twenty," she said to whoever was in the bathroom.

Then while she took a seat at the table Edward turned to her, "If bella's not modeling it,

and you're not modeling and I'm not modeling." he paused, "I'm not

modeling right?"

"No silly!" she told him.

Edward relaxed a little bit before asking, "Then who is modeling?"

At that moment a voice came from the bathroom, "TEN, ELEVEN, FIFTEEN, TWENTY-


Emmett came running into the room wearing a bra, and underwear. They were pink, lacy,

and at least 2 sizes to small. Bella and Edward's jaws dropped, Alice giggled, "You counted

all wrong," she told him, "But at least you look great."

Bella and Edward looked at Alice, "Bella, darling is that what you like wearing that?"

"NO!" she shrieked.

"Oh, I see because if Emmett looks great, I was wondering what you looked like in that.

It's quite a relief it's nothing like that."

"You're just jealous that you don't have my body," Emmett told Bella. Then turning to

Edward, "And you're just jealous that A. Your wife doesn't look like me, and B. That I'm not

gay, 4. That Rosalie gets this body and you don't."

As if on cue, Rosalie walked into the room, "What the hell is going on in here?" she yelled.

Emmett smiled, "I just got a job! Sexy, aren't you proud of me?"

"A job? As what a professional lap dancer?" Rosalie asked

"Well no, but if you want one, you can have on for free." but if you want one you can have

one for free he said with a wink.

Rosalie rolled her eyes.

"Sexy, look, I was just kidding, well not really, you can have one for free. But Alice

promised me 5 dollars if I modeled for her."

"No I didn't!" Alice told him.

Emmett sighed, "What do you want a lap dance, too?"

Alice rolled her eyes, "Go put normal clothes on, and go find a job I'm not giving you 5


Emmett pouted his lower lip, and walked back into the bathroom. When he came out he

walked past them all and into the garage.

Rosalie looked at the others, "I think I should follow him," she said, and with that she took

off after him.

An hour later

Emmett walked into victoria's secret, and up to the cashier, "I'd like to speak to the

manager, please." he told her.

"I am the manager, how may I help you? " she asked him.

Emmett smiled, "I was hoping to get a job." he said.

"Well, I'm sorry but we don't have any openings here, but if you fill out a form, we can get

back to you soon. Do you have any experience?"

"Well, sort of, you see, I modeled for my brother and his fiancee."

"OH," The lady said, "You want to be a model?"

Emmett, nodded eagerly.

"I'm sorry but we don't have any male clothing for you to model,"

"Who said anything about male modeling?" Emmett asked.

The lady raised her eyebrows but before she could ask Emmett ripped off his clothes

revealing the lacy bra and underwear.

"What do you think?" he asked her.

The manager looked away, "Security?" she called.

But before anyone could come Rosalie came up to Emmett and grabbed him by the ear.

"Ready for your lap dance?" he asked her.

"No," she told him "I'm just saving your sorry ass from prison."

Emmett looked at her, a dazed expression on his face, "I-I just wanted five dollars." he


"FOR WHAT?" Rosalie screamed.

"Um, well... I don't remember, but I'm sure it's important." he said.

Rosalie rolled her eyes, "Let's go home."

"But what about that five dollars?" he asked.

Rosalie shot him a death glare, "Maybe if you could keep a job for more than one day."

"Maybe if you let me get a job."

"A NORMAL JOB!" Rosalie roared.

"Sorry," he said, "But for that, I'm going to have to charge you for that lap dance."