"Lily stay behind me!" instructed James chivalrously, she shot him a look of disgust and instead drew her wand and moments later spells were flying through the air.

Harry watched in horror, he couldn't be seen without his one advantage over Voldemort being taken away but he couldn't just stand there and watch his parents, who were terribly outnumbered, get attacked. It seemed like an eternity as he sat there watching the masked men throw spells at his parents but he knew in reality it was only moments. Both James and Lily were putting up a good fight but were swiftly getting corralled back against the wall.

James dodged a spell that Harry didn't recognize and threw himself at one of the Death Eaters who was trying to curse Lily. The Death Eater pointed his wand at James and he was thrown through the air with a yellow blast and landed a foot from Harry's hiding place.

"James!" shrieked Lily as the masked men began advancing onto her. They had her corned and were jeering at her, not even using magic anymore now that she was so outnumbered.

"Who knew such a filthy little mudblood would put up so much of a fight?" said one of the Death Eaters, Harry thought it might be a younger Macnair but couldn't be certain.

"So, little girly, what are you going to now that your boyfriends gone?"

Harry didn't wait to hear anymore. He dragged the unconscious body of James around the corner, the Death Eaters had their back to him and Lily was too preoccupied to notice. Then, Harry jumped out from behind the rubbish bins and started stunning every Death Eater back that he could in the few seconds that he had before the men realized that they were being attacked.

"Didn't we already incapacitate this one?" shouted one of the 5 remaining Death Eaters.

Harry responded by throwing a volley of curses at them which they deflected with ease.

"Lily, run! Go get help!" he shouted looking over a stocky Death Eater's shoulder. He ducked a bludgeoning hex and countered with his standard "Expelliarmus!" The man's wand flew through the air and Lily caught it; without thinking twice she snapped the wand in half and the Death Eater screamed in horror. Lily kneed him in the stomach and quickly magically bound and gagged him.

"I'm not leaving you here, Potter!" Harry smiled inwardly for a second; his hopes that Lily would mistake him for James had worked out perfectly. He didn't have long to gloat however, he was now dueling two of the Death Eaters while the others had turned to face Lily, who was skillfully shielding or dodging their curses. She was darting between the rays of light so fast that Harry was slightly awed.

He heard one of the Death Eaters bellow "Somnium Cadit!" and Harry turned just in time to see Lily crumple to the ground. Harry felt a burst of rage and began shouting out hexes as fast as he could. His only thought was to keep these men away from his mother. The man who had attacked Lily was hit with Pertificus Totalus before he could turn around and the other Death Eater was stunned. The two whom were still attacking him seemed slightly fearful of his aggression. Two quick Expelliarmus's and he was holding both of their wands.

Keeping his own wand pointed at them he asked "Why were you sent here?"

"Why would we divulge the Dark Lord's plans to you Potter?" A familiar voice answered.

"Because if you don't you're buddy over here will get it" Harry said, trying to sound sure of himself as he nudged the tied Death Eaters with his foot. His heart was pounding, he was pretty positive that the Death Eater who was speaking was Crabbe; Harry prayed that he wouldn't be recognized.

"Potter don't be stupid just stand aside and give us the girl, she's the one we want anyway, you were just an added bonus. Let's just say that this girl is of special interest to the Dark Lord and his plans,"

The men were slowly inching forward and were obviously planning on grabbing Lily to Apparate away. Harry shot a stinging hex at the creeping Death Eaters.

"Don't move!" he shouted as bravely as he could. The Death Eaters halted and then fell face forward onto the ground. Harry stood there in shock for a moment. A stinging hex didn't knock people out.

Then, none other then Florence came out from behind the same alleyway that Harry had hidden James in. She looked terrified but her wand, which was still stretched out in front of her, was steady.

"Thank you," said Harry in complete surprise.

"Sure, anytime,"

They both let out a shaky laugh. "What happened here? Did you take down all these Death Eaters on your own?" asked Florence in wonder.

"No, Lily and James helped but they're both hurt. You make sure Lily's okay, I'll check on James." Florence nodded and headed over to where Lily lay on the ground. Harry walked to James who looked horribly pale. Harry revived him and James' eyelids fluttered open.

"Are you alright?" asked Harry in concern.

"Simply peachy," responded James. He pushed himself into a sitting position and then tried to stand. Halfway up however he decided it was probably better to stay sitting down. James surveyed all the bodies strewn across the ground and slurred "Well, that certainly was exciting wasn't it?"

"Oh, yeah it was a blast. Do you know what spell they hit you with?"

"No, but it was yellow!" James exclaimed excitedly and then began to giggle.

"Alright, you just sit here and don't move." James nodded obediently. "I am going to go check on Lily but I'll be right back," Harry felt like he was talking to a five-year-old.

"LILY!" James shouted and he leapt to his feet, he stood drunkenly for a moment or so before breaking out in shambling run towards where Florence was kneeling over Lily. Harry followed and they both crouched down next to her. She was breathing but no matter what they did they couldn't revive her.

"What's wrong with her?" asked James

"Not sure, they hit her with some weird spell; he said 'Somnus Cadit' or something like that,"

"I dunno what that is," said James looking worriedly at Harry.

"Yeah, me either," He looked hopefully at Florence but she shook her head as well. "Okay, well James, why don't you go bring Lily to the hospital wing, I'm sure Madam Pomfrey will have something to give you too, and then go get Dumbledore and tell him there are a bunch of Death Eaters in Hogsmeade, I'll wait for him here with Florence to keep an eye on the bodies,"

"Okay!" said James, jumping to his feet again, he then levitated Lily's body and started walking as quickly as possible back to the castle. Harry was mildly concerned by the fact that James was weaving back and forth and Lily's toes were dragging on the ground but he decided that James could manage at least until they got to the castle.

"Why do you think Death Eaters attacked Lily and James?" asked Florence, leaning back against the wall of the alleyway.

"I don't know," Harry lied, feeling guilty not just about the lie but about how close his parents had been to being murdered because of him.

"It was really brave of you to jump in there and defend them like that, not many people would have."

"I'm sure that's not true, anybody would have done what I did." Harry said, grinning inwardly at the compliment.

"Well, it was still brave," she smiled at him, running her hands through her long blonde hair. "What do you suppose is going to happen to them now?" she asked, pointing at the bodies strewn across the ground.

"I'm guessing they will be heading on a one way trip to Azkaban. I mean they are obviously in league with Voldemort."

Florence flinched at the name and then whispered, "Harry, did the one on the left there just move?"

Harry looked up in alarm. The figure was perfectly still now but Harry got up anyways to inspect him. It was the man whom Lily had bound and gagged earlier, he was laying there with his eyes wide open in terror, looking straight at Harry. Harry was convinced that this man had seen both James and him together, so he decided some direct intervention was necessary. Quietly, so that Florence wouldn't hear him he whispered "obliviate" and erased the man's memory. He had never performed a memory charm before but had seen it done on several occasions and was pretty certain he had gotten in right. At least he hoped so. He then one by one cast the full-body-bind on the man to prevent him from escaping again; Florence took care of the last couple men once she saw what he was doing. Suddenly feeling drained and exhausted, now that the adrenaline was wearing off, he slumped back down besides Florence.

"So now what?" She asked, drawing her knees up to her chest and looking warily at all the bodies.

"Now we wait, I guess, I'm sure Dumbledore won't be long once James tells him what happened."

The two of them sat there in silence for several minutes. A thought suddenly struck Harry.

"Hey, Florence, where is everybody? I mean the streets should be crowded with people shouldn't they?"

Florence nodded uncertainly and then raised her wand. After a few moments she said, "There's a ward around this street. Nobody can see us here and so we can't see them. I think I know how to remove it." She was about to do just that when Harry stopped her.

"I'm not sure it would be the best idea to reveal a street full of bodies to the mass public so unexpectedly like that. Let's just wait a minute here for Dumbledore; I'm sure he'll be able to see us through the ward. Let's see what he has to say."

When Dumbledore did arrive about fifteen minutes later he rushed over to where the two of them sat against the wall. They jumped up and stood uncertainly, not sure what to say.

"Are you two alright? Are you hurt anywhere?" He asked instantly, there was no twinkle in his eyes as he scrutinized the situation.

"We're fine sir," answered Florence, "Are James and Lily going to be OK?

"James is fine, he got on the wrong end of a befuddling jinx but Madam Pomfrey has him all sorted out. Ms. Evans is still unconscious but we are sure she will make a full recovery." As he spoke he paced between the fallen Death Eaters. "Why don't you tell me exactly what happened here, I came the second I got the gist of what James was saying but I did not procure all the details from him."

"Well, I was just walking past the Three Broomsticks when I felt a really strange feeling in the air; I could tell there was some spell being put in place. Then I heard bangs coming from this alleyway, so I came running and saw Harry trying to take on two of those men in masks on his own. So I knocked them out and then we revived James and sent him to you." Florence explained this all very fast, she took a deep breath and then turned to Harry to have him fill in the details.

"Lily, James and I were coming out of the Three Broomsticks and then this group of Death Eaters just came out of nowhere and starting attacking us. Between the three of us we took down eight of them and Florence here took care of the other two."

"That is quiet a tale, I presume that the strange feeling you spoke of Ms. Mayers was the disillusionment charm that has been placed over this entire block. That's an impressive piece of magic, its no surprise you were able to feel it in the air. But what I am more concerned about is why Lord Voldemort would be interested in attacking three teenagers. Did they say anything about why they were assaulting you?"

"No, not really, just that Lily was of 'special interest' to him," answered Harry, looking down to hide his face from Dumbledore's knowing eyes.

"And that's all?" Dumbledore's face was unreadable.

"Pretty much,"

"Alright, why don't you two head back to Hogwarts, I've already notified the Ministry and they are on their way over right now to take care of things. Don't worry; I'll make sure they don't question you any further. Oh, and congratulations, you have both shown incredible strength and courage here today you should be immensely proud of yourselves. Fifty points to both your houses,"

Florence beamed at Dumbledore.

"And one last thing, I think it would be most prudent to not mention to Lily that the Death Eaters were specifically coming for her. No need to worry her until we have more details. There is no safer place for her than Hogwarts so there is really no reason to concern her just yet."

Harry nodded, completely agreeing with Dumbledore, Florence nodded as well, but a little more reluctantly.

That night, after Harry and Florence has both checked on Lily – she was asleep but doing fine, Harry found himself standing in front of the stone gargoyle guarding Dumbledore's office. The afternoon's attack had made it clear to Harry that he couldn't keep his vision, or the fact that Crabbe was in the past as well, a secret any longer. When Dumbledore had asked him if there was anything else he wished to say, Harry knew in his heart that it was time to come to grips with the fact that his past had caught up with him all the way in 1975. He hadn't said anything right then because Florence had been there, but now he knew he had to explain his whole story, if only to keep everyone in this time safe. He muttered, "Please," to the gargoyle, and was happy to see that the password had yet to be changed. The gargoyle jumped to the side, and Harry climbed the stairs slowly, trying to think of where to even begin explaining. Taking a deep breath he lifted his hand and knocked on the great wooden door.