I own nothing Harry Potter or related.

"Ms. Granger, will you stop waving your hand this instant and allow someone else the chance to answer." Snape growled

"If they knew the answer, they would have their hand raised already..Professor." she snapped, not in the mood to deal with him.

"Mind your cheek Ms. Granger...30 points from Gryffindor." he shouted


The entire class turned to stare of Hermione who slammed her book and stood, walking over to his desk, " I have a question professor, Do you know of a potion that one can drink and be able to resist the unforgivables, with the exception of the Avada?"

"Don't be stupid girl, no such potion exist." he replied, "Now get back to your seat this instant."

Hermione leaned down, close to his ear so no one else could hear her, "The potion does exist, I created it myself, I'm actually quite good at potions you see, however, you wont give me the chance to prove myself." She walked back to her desk to gather her things, not looking at the shocked expressions of her fellow classmates. "Oh and professor, You seem a bit tense, do us all a favor and get yourself laid, maybe that will loosen you up a bit." She added before storming from the room, leaving everyone in to much shock to say or do anything...Including Snape.

Later that day at lunch...

"What the hell was that Hermione?" Ron asked, "Snape looked like he was going to pass out."

"I'm just not having a good day and Snape was the last straw, I didn't mean to snap at him but the man really irks me."

"Well, what ever you whispered to him got his attention, his eye brows disappeared into his hairline." Harry laughed.

"Good, maybe I got his attention then." she smirked, "Maybe now he will realize there are people out there with a brain besides him."

Professor Snape was watching her from the staff table, "Did she really create such a potion? Is it even possible?" He thought to himself.

"Listen guys, I've got to go, I have something I need to do before my free period is over." she announced, grabbing her bag and leaving the hall. Severus watched her leave and stood to follow her as soon as she was out of the hall. He was already a little behind her and didn't want her to see him following so he placed a charm on himself to make him invisible where he could follow her closer. Hermione looked around, making sure no one was watching before pushing the doors open and heading for the forbidden forest.

"Where the hell is she going?" he thought, staying about ten feet behind her as she walked closer to the edge of the forest. Hermione pushed on, taking one final look around before entering the dense tree line. They walked for about 5 minutes before Hermione stopped at an awkward looking tree. She tapped the trunk three times while saying a password. Severus was shocked to see the bark of he tree open, allowing her entrance. He moved closer to her, making sure he could get inside before the bark closed as he wasn't able to hear the password.

When they got inside, his mouth dropped. Hermione had created her own lab for brewing. Six cauldrons were set up, brewing different potions. The walls were lined with books of every subject, a desk sat in the corner of the dark room, piled high with notes and off to the side, he noticed she had a bed set up along with spare clothes hanging from hooks on the wall. He continued to walk around, careful not to touch anything as she busied herself with the already brewing potions. She walked over to a supply cabinet and pulled out two bottles of ingredients, setting them on the table next to her notes.

"Alright, add Three spider legs, stir clock wise until potion turns dark blue, then add four drops of newts blood, and stir counter clockwise 5 times." She said to herself. Severus watched silently, never seeing that particular procedure for any potion he recognized. She added the three legs and stirred until it turned dark blue, then added the newts blood.

"Perfect" she said to herself, turning the burner down to low so it could simmer. She walked to the final cauldron, frowning at its contents.

"Still not exactly right, what the hell am I missing on this?" She asked herself, quickly vanishing the simmering potion, leaving the cauldron sparkling clean. Realizing she sill had an hour before her class, she walked over to the bed, stripping her robes and pants off so she could take a quick nap.

Severus watched in shock as she stripped down, only leaving on her knickers and tee shirt. It only took her a few minutes before she fell asleep, leaving Severus to take a closer look at the potions she was brewing and her notes. He was intently studying everything he could find, amazed at everything he was reading. The girl was smart, he knew that,, but never expected any of this, this was borderline genius. He quickly realized the first potion she worked on was the one she had mentioned to him, if it actually worked, she could make a killing from the profits. The second potion she was brewing was another original, it was designed to cleanse the body of any venom that one could come in contact with, from any kind of animal. The third was a potion for relaxing hair, the forth was a potion for growing back fingers and other small body parts, another original. As he reached the fifth, the door slid open again and a young man around 6'3" with dark hair and blue eyes walked inside. Severus quickly recognized the boy as a Slytherin that graduated from Hogwarts three years earlier, his name , Samuel Hartsley. He remembered the boy being overly intelligent, yet not as smart as Hermione, but he also spent a lot of time socializing with girls where Hermione mostly studied and read.

Severus didn't know of his intentions and pulled his wand silently, prepared to hex the boy if he tried to hurt Hermione or steal her ideas. Samuel walked over to the bed where she was sleeping and crawled in next to her.

"Hermione, wake up."

She stirred a little a smiled, "Your not supposed to be here until tonight."

"I know, but I was anxious to see if my little Gryffindor was successful at creating that potion."

"Your little Gryffindor? If I remember correctly, we broke up three months ago." she replied

"Maybe, but I can still call you that. Are you ready to test the potion?"

"Yeah, I finished it earlier. Let me get dressed and we'll give it a try."

"The girls not going to try that potion is she?" Severus thought, watching the pair crawl out of the bed. Hermione quickly dressed and walked to the first potion, the one that would protect against the unforgivable's, scooping some into a glass.

"Now remember Sam, and sign of pain, lift the curse immediately."

"Hermione, I know the drill."

Hermione quickly drank the potion, giving it a minute before giving Sam the nod to start. Severus kept his wand out, ready to hex Sam if the potion didn't work and continued to use the curse on her. He wanted to stop her from trying, but his potions master side kicked in and he was very curious to see if it worked. Sam stepped back, lifting his wand towards Hermione, "Crucio" he shouted, as he shot the curse in her direction. Hermione trembled a little when the curse first hit, but showed no other sign of pain. Sam removed the curse a minute later and waited for her to speak.

"Well?" he asked

"It's not perfect yet, but the pain was very minimal compared the the first try a few weeks ago. Come back next Wednesday, that will give me a chance to work the bugs out of it."

Sam nodded and walked over to her, circling his arms around her waist, "You ever going to forgive me and take me back?"

"Not in that way, but I'm more then happy to continue our friendship." she replied with a smirk

Sam sighed, "I understand, but hey, At least your still talking to me."

Hermione nodded and looked back down to her watch, "Shit, I've got to go Sam, My next class start in five minutes."

"Alright, see you Wednesday" he leaned over, placing a kiss on her cheek before leaving the room. Hermione quickly threw on her robes and bolted through the door, Severus on her heels. Severus ran silently in front of her, wanting to catch her coming out of the forest.

As Hermione bolted from the forest, she ran straight into Professor Snape, who appeared to be waiting for her.

"Care to enlighten me as to why you are breaking school rules by going into the forbidden forest?" he asked, knowing damn good and well.

"I was, I thought I saw something and went to investigate." she answered, hoping he didn't catch her slip.

"Detention with me tonight Ms. Granger, starting at 8. Don't be late." He ordered, walking away from her in a brisk walk, he'd get her to admit to him about the lab, one way or another.

A/N: This was going to be a one shot, but then a story developed in my mind, so lets see how it goes shall we?