Just to Know the Truth
by: Serena-chan

A/N: Part six is here!

The next morning, Buster and Babs got up early to get a good
head start. They went down to the dining room for a big
breakfast before leaving.

"Brrrrr." Babs exclaimed as they walked along the snow covered
path, "It's so cold!"

"I know." Buster said, "Cherry said that it was ten below zero
this morning."

"Ten below! At this rate we may freeze to death before we
ever reach Goldenrod City."

"Calm down, Babs. We just have to keep up a good steady
pace, that's all."

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

"Buster, if we don't reach Goldenrod in another hour we're
going to have to stop and camp here. I don't think I can
walk anymore."

It was already getting dark and the two had been walking
for hours.

"Babs look!" said Buster excitedly, "There it is!"

Goldenrod City lay before them. It was a huge city with an even
bigger forest surrounding it. The city lights cast a warm golden
glow over the thin layer of snow that covered the city like a
protective blanket.

Buster raced ahead and into the city looking around and wondering
if his family was still out there somewhere in this city. He noticed
that Babs wasn't beside him and he turned around to find her far
behind him.

"Come on, Babs!" he said impatiently, "Hurry up!"

"I'm coming as fast as I can!" she said angrily, "I'm too frozen to
move any faster! Besides, it's too late to go looking now. We
need to get some sleep so that we'll be rested in the morning."

Buster started to protest, but knew she was right. Besides, Babs
didn't look so good anyway...

"Alright, Babsy." Buster said in a comforting voice, rushing up to
help her, "Let's go find someplace to stay."

"Buster, I don't feel very good." said Babs, clutching her stomach.

"Don't worry Babs." Buster said in a reasuring voice, "All you need
is a good night's rest and you'll be perfect in the morning."

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

The next morning, Buster and Babs met in the breakfast room of
the hotel they were staying at, the Sunshine Hotel.

"Feeling better this morning?" Buster asked.

"Not really." said Babs sneezing into a handkerchief.

"It's probably just a little cold." said Buster, "Do you feel good
enough to help me today?"

Babs sneezed again but nodded.

"Great!" said Buster, taking out the map and spreading it out on the
table, "Now, we should probably start where Bugs found me, which
means that we need to pay a visit to his aunt."

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

About an hour later, they were standing outside of Bugs's aunt's
house. They knocked but found that no one was home.

"Come on," said Babs, "We'll look around anyway." Taking the map,
Babs walked to a tree in the backyard, "Here. Here's where Bugs
found you."

Buster stared at the tree. This was where he had been found.
This was were he had started.

"What we have to figure out," Babs was saying matter-of-factly,
"is how you managed to get here in the first place."

Buster was still silently staring at the tree, so Babs continued,
thinking aloud, "Since no one in this neighborhood knew where you
came from, you must not have been from around here. There's no
way you could have crawled here. So that means that someone must
have brought you. But who? One of your family members maybe?
But why would they do that? Hmmmm...What do you think, Buster?"

Buster didn't answer. "Buster!"

"What?" he said, turning around to face her.

"Buster were you listening to a word I was saying?"


Babs sighed in discust and continued to think for herself, "The
trees are too thick on either side for an adult rabbit to safely
get through. That means that whoever brought you (assuming
that it was an adult) must have come from this general

Babs waven her hand vaguely off to the side, "I suppose we should
ask some of the neighbors if they saw anything suspicous. Come
on, Buster, let's go."

Babs pulled Buster away from the tree and off into the forest.
A/N: Soooo, what do you think of my story so far? I should be
able to finish it in another two or three chapters. That's all for
now! Thanx! ~Serena-chan~