Okay so this is what would it be like if the Cullen's were like the mythical vampires that everyone knew before Twilight. They are kind of a mix between Dracula vamps, and Vampire Diaries. You don't see much of the myths in the first two chapters, but there is a hint of things. It's different. A lot different from Twilight so don't even compare.

Bell drove to her new school, in her new car, with her new backpack; in it were her new books. She also had a new phone, a new ipod, a new laptop, a new home and new stepfather. Bella herself however remained the same. Long mahogany hair round brown eyes, a soft circular face. But of course you can't change these things without surgery. Her out-look on life hasn't changed either. She just wanted to live it because the other alternative was dying.

She didn't have a boyfriend. Bell never had a boyfriend; not even a crush. Though she might get lonely sometimes, she never resorted to the male species for support. Guys to here were friends and people to laugh at. She never felt the urge to fall in love with one. Even though her mother did bring her up properly, telling her stories of princesses locked in dungeons and the heroic prince that saved her and they fell in love and lived a happy ever after. Bell loved to listen to those stories growing up... but she thought the whole romantic love thing didn't apply to her. She was no princess. She wasn't that pretty.

Well, that's what she thought. But really she was gorgeous. She had that natural beauty going for her. Fake holly-wood pretty looks gross next to her.

The reason she moved to Tennessee was because her new step-dad wanted to coach little league baseball there in Mt. Juliet.

She had lived in Phoenix with her mother when she met Phil. Her new step-dad. They got married pretty quickly and Bell thought she would have to move to Forks with her real dad because Phil moved around a lot because of his base-ball career, and Bell didn't like traveling that much, and it would be hard seeing as how she was still in tenth grade. Even though Bell was smart it would be hard to transfer so much, or be home by herself.

But Phil got a coaching job in middle Tennessee. The only reason he did that was so Bell's mom, Renee would be at peace and not have to worry about Bell being by herself or struggling in school.

So here she is, driving to her new school. Wilson Central High School. [And yes this is also a real school... in a real place. hehe... this is fun Bell pulled off onto the road the school was on. She almost didn't swerve in time and barley ran into the man-made cliff. She had just gotten her license three months ago and had to get a new one since she moved to a different state. Bell was still working on her technique.

There were so many cars in the parking lot she felt like she was going to hyperventilate. Where on earth I'm I supposed to be going! I probably should find the office...

She rolled down her window to talk to a lady that was keeping the traffic moving.

"Um... can you point me to the direction of the... um office?" She stuttered.

The lady pointed to the very front of the long building where it was obvious the main entrance was there.

"Oh... ha-ha... should have guessed." Bell smiled. And drove into the little circle that lead to the main entrance. She was used to all the hustle and bustle of a fairly large school.

The breeze way had a door the lead right into the office so you wouldn't have to walk through the crowed hallways. They really were crowded, Bell wondered how she would ever find her new locker... or even get to class on time. Uh-oh. No one said anything about a dress code. Bell thought as she looked at all the teens in their solid-colored collard shirts and their kacky or blue jean pants. Oh, dang. She looked down at what she was wearing. Light blue skinny jeans and a button down silky floral top. Huh. I hope I don't get... arrested or... worse. Detention.

Bell walked into the office and came to the long counter that kept the student and the faculty on different sides.

"May I help you?" a petite skinny lady asked from behind the counter. Bell was surprised she didn't have a southern accent or anything. This was the first real person she had talked to down here. Well, there was the guys who helped them move into their new house... but they were Hispanic and weren't very chatty.

"Oh hi, I'm Isabella Swan, and I was told to come to the office." Bell asked unsure.

"Oh... okay. Isabella Swan..." She typed the name in to a computer. "Ah, this is your first day." She smiled... but underneath it she looked like she would rather grimace.

Bell just nodded.

"Well, okay. I'm printing out your schedule. Your father's already taken care of other details, so you don't have to worry about that." There was a whir and Bell watched as a piece of paper was being spit out of a huge printer machine.

"Now seeing as how it's your first day, we'll let it pass that you don't have the dress code. But from now and you have to be uniform." She handed a piece of paper that said all the rules about the clothing I wore. A few sentences were at the top that pretty much covered most of what all the other stuff said.

• all clothing must not have holes, be cut-off, ripped or see-through and must be size appropriate.

• Ornamentation such as sequins, glitter, beads, etc. on all clothing is not allowed.

• Pants must be worn at the waist.

• Sagging/Bagging is not allowed.

• Belts are required for clothing designed for belts in grades 6-12.

Bell looked at the bottom of the page. Oh phooey. I can't wear my trench coat. She joked. It was the same rule she had in Phoenix.

Handing Bell the schedule, Sandra, the lady at the desk, looked at the time on the TV monitor.

"You're going to be a couple minutes late to your first class. Hmm, you're probably going to get lost too. Everyone does their first day" Sandra handed me another piece of paper. "Give this to your English teacher, Mrs. Carney she'll understand and won't beat you up for being late." She smiled playing around. But Bella didn't think so and paled more.

"Huh, you know you don't look like you're from Phoenix. Maybe the computer's wrong. You look too pale." She bit her lip, not liking the idea that the computer might have had incorrect information.

"Oh, I am. I just don't tan." Bell grinned. She was kind of proud of it for some reason. "You don't sound like you're from the south. Did you move here?"

"Ha-ha, no. I've lived here all my life. Not every southerner has an accent. You'll find that out pretty quick." She laughed with me and pointed me to the direction of my first class that started three minutes ago.

I quickly ran to my class almost forgetting which hallway to turn at. But I saw big letters saying 'Mrs. Carney's amazing English' written in blue and gold. The schools colors.

This place really isn't that different from back home. Bell thought as she opened the fake wooden door, interrupting the class.

"Do you need something?" a tall woman looked from her perch on what looked like a director's chair. I was thinking that people would have been expecting me? Huh, I guess it's just too hard to keep track of all these kids. That must be why Sandra smiled the way she did when she found out I was new.

"Um, I'm new here. And this is my first class." It sounded more like a question. Bell looked at the kids sitting down. The chair/tables were all arranged in a disordered fashion. The kids in them looked the same way and looked rather older than herself.

"You don't sound so positive that you're new." Mrs. Carney grinned. The class giggled a little.

So did Bell. She could tell that Mrs. Carney was fun.

Bell handed her the slip that Sandra told her to produce to Mrs. Carney.

"Well, have a seat wherever you like. My name is Mrs. Carney, but you can call me Shannon. We are studying Shakespeare and his general effect on today's literature. You won't mind me asking, but how old are you Isabella?" Shannon was questioning Bell's maturity level and how advanced she was.

"I'm sixteen, but I was in all honor's at my other school. Top of my class actually. And please, call me Bell." Bell smiled just a little, trying not to be to prideful.

The kids in the class seemed to huff when they found out she was smart.

"Great. So what do you know of Shakespeare?" Mrs. Carney asked in a husky voice. Bell just realized that she had a handkerchief over her head like a doo-rag. But it wasn't because Mrs. Shannon was gangster; she was covering up her baldhead from chemo treatment.

"Well, I know that John Smith was actually a much better writer and more famous back in that time. But with the uproar of the era Shakespeare became better known. He also had a fresh start when he left his home town to avoid the plague that was going around." That was only a fraction of what Bell knew.

"Great. You'll be fine. Now class..."

Shannon went on with what was happening before Bell arrived.

"Rosalie, when was the evidence clear of the decline of morals in the fifteen hundreds?" Mrs. Shannon asked a gorgeous looking girl. Her long golden hair cascaded down her back and over her shoulders. She wore a light blue colored shirt that would probably be overlooked if anyone else wore it. But Rosalie made it pop. What is she doing in Tennessee? She should be in Los Angeles modeling or acting or something! Bell thought as Rosalie answered the question. Bell had still seen people prettier. But Rosalie didn't look as fake as the others.

Bell found herself still staring at Rosalie and the guy sitting next to Rosalie smiled at Bell like he knew what thoughts were going through her head right now.

The guy was lean but muscular, had blonde hair similar to Rosalie's. They must me siblings.

A Bell rang and everybody got up quickly and almost ran to the hall.

Shoot! I missed what was said.

"Excuse me Mrs. Carney." Bell strolled up to her desk. "I'm sorry but I kind of fazed out at the end. What did you say our homework was?" She was such a goody-goody.

Shannon rolled her eyes and bobbed Bell on the head. "Pay attention next time. But I'm glad you asked me all the same. Good showmanship. But you're trying a little to hard." Shannon grinned.

"All you have to do tonight is read pages sixty to sixty-four." She pointed to the book in Bell's hand.

"Oh really? Great. Thanks." She looked at the next class she had. World History. "Um, would you happen to know where Mr. Cheney's class is?"

"Hey, Jasper! Show Bell where her world history class is. Don't you have the same class?" Mrs. Carney called to the blonde haired boy with a caramel tan that was about to leave the room.

"I don't but my, um...Alice does. Sure, I'll show Bell her class." Jasper spoke... now he had somewhat of a southern accent. It sounded old fashion though and more British. But it would do.

"There you are Bell. Now don't mind Mr. Cheney. He is al right of a teacher when you have two aspirin in your pocket." Shannon joked as Jasper motioned for me to follow him.

"She's cool isn't she?" Jasper talked to her after we got out of the room.

"Yeah, I like her."

"But you have to be careful to not get on her bad side or do anything stupid. I've seen many a people have to go to the front of the class and do twenty push-ups."

Bell gulped.

"Don't worry. I can tell she likes you though." Jasper smiled. He had very strange looking teeth. Bell would have liked to look at them longer and found out what it is. "Let me introduce myself." He pulled out a hand in front of herand Bell shook it as he said. "My name is Jasper Hale. That's my sister Rosalie." He pointed to the girl with golden hair in front of us. "And this is Alice." He nodded to a short girl that was bouncing towards us.

"Jazz!" She smiled as she took his hand and kissed him on the cheek. "Oh! -Who's this."? She looked at Bell..

"This is-"

"Bell Swan." Bell held out her hand to shake Alice's.

"Yes, you guys are in the same class together. I was just showing her the way…. Mrs. Carney asked me to show her where it was."

He sounded like he was explaining something Bell didn't get. Alice started laughing.

"Oh, okay. Silly Shannon." Alice shook her head and grabbed my arm pulling me out of the crowded hallway and into world history. "I'll see you at lunch!" She said above the talking that seemed to be reverberated around the whole school.

"Ah Jazz." She said dreamily. Then she turned to look at me. "So! What do you think of school so far!" She asked enthusiastically.

"Confused." I said bluntly.

"Oh, well, it only gets harder."

"No, not that the school work is confusing or anything. I'm just confused with being here and I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. That's all." Bell spoke as Alice walked her over to her seat.

"We can help you learn the ropes. We've only been a here a few years of course... go on sit down." She ordered Bell and she sat down in a desk next to hers.

"Um, who exactly is. 'we'." Bell asked tentavily.

"Oh my family. Rose, Em, Jazz, me and Edward."

"That's a big family... wait, I thought you and Jazz were going out?"

"Oh, we are." Alice smiled.

"Oh..." That didn't seem to answer Bell's questions. "So how long have you guys been dating."

An odd smile touched her lips. "A while." was all she said.

Bell just nodded.

"Well, Jazz and Rose are siblings. Emmett and I are twins. And poor Edward. He's an only child."

This information only made Bell more confused.

"It's kind of funny that Emmett and I are twins. The only thing that looks the same is our hair. You haven't seen him yet. His huge!" She giggled and finally noticed the confused look on Bell's face. "Well, we are all adopted you see. Esme and Dr. Carlisle, our parents, couldn't have children so they adopted all five of us at a young age. Edward was first. Then Rosalie and Em... I mean Jasper... siblings ya know, and then Emmett and I. Let's see. Edward is a freshman. Emmett and I are sophomores, Jazz is a junior and Rosalie is a senior."

"Wow." Was all Bell could muster.

"Ya, so me and Jazz are together and so are Emmett and Rosalie." She took a breath finally.

"What about Edward?"

"Oh... well he's going out with this girl named Jessica."

Bell nodded not really interested anymore. Bell just wanted to understand their family. "You tell that story a lot don't you?"

The time on the clock said nine forty nine. World history started at nine fifty one.

"Not really." Alice stared into space. "Actually, your the only one I've told."

That surprised Bell a little.

"What lunch do you have?" Alice asked Bell.

"Um..." She checked her schedule. "4th, I guess. One fifteen to one forty five?"

"Yup that's forth." Alice smiled. "We have the same lunch time! Great! You can meet everybody then." She was beaming. "I like you." She said more like an observation.

"You've only just met me."

"Yeah, but I think your... cool." An odd grin graced her face. It was mischievous though and for a brief second her eyes held a wicked glint...

Bell couldn't help but smile too. "Thanks. I think your interesting too." She was studying Alice's teeth. They were sort of the same as Jasper's. The canines were unusually large and looked sharp.