I was going to do these in segments of three, so this is something like a bonus chapter. It's a bit different than my others. Hopefully still enjoyable.

Integra spent as much free time as she could to explore the manor to its full extent. She found various extra rooms and storage areas in the sub- basement. In those rooms she found pictures and she found old clothes. The final room she encountered seemed colder than the others, and larger. She ventured in, the light from the hallway the only light in the room. In the room she saw only a chair and a box covered by a cloth. She moved toward it curiously. She was sure now that this room belonged to the vampire and surely he would be upset at her investigation.

Integra uncovered the coffin and looked at the polished black surface. She could see herself in the coffin and it unnerved her a bit. She found it odd that the man she saw so often slept in this box. She read the inscription quietly to herself and ran a hand over the coffin.

Then, suddenly, Alucard's gloved hand reached out and stopped her from doing much else. She looked up frightened of the vampire for a moment, but quickly regained her composure and tried to pull her arm away from him.

"Alucard, let go," she ordered her vampire and glared with as much anger as her thirteen-year- old face could manage. "Alucard!"

"This is something important to me, Integra," he said to her leaving the words 'Sir' and 'Master' off. He sighed and glared at her with red eyes, holding her arm tightly in his grip. "You should have more respect for people's things."

Integra gulped. Now he was angry. She wondered if he would hurt her or if he would simply tell her to run along and never to come back. She opened her mouth to speak when she heard a creak and turned to see the lid of the coffin opening.

"If you're interested in it, then why don't you try it out?" The vampire gave an insane smirk and pushed the girl into the coffin and she screamed landing inside the soft coffin and then he shut the lid. Inside the coffin the girl screamed and banged on the lid, but to no avail. The vampire sat, legs crossed, on top of it.

Alucard left her in the coffin indefinitely. Integra had finally lost track of time when Walter saved her, screaming at the vampire as the coffin opened up to reveal light.