Permanent Disclaimer on anything I don't own!!!!!

Ok it's obvious I'm never gonna finish this, or even start it. So I ask that anyone who comes across this story, by chance or by interest, adopt it. I'll put all details in now; hang on because this info is a doozy.

Now, for Naruto to obtain Ebony and Ivory (Dante's guns from devil may cry), have Kyuubi drag him to hell to train, meet Dante, and get the damn things.

How to have a young Tsunade. Simply make that seal on her forehead work in reverse. For those of you who don't know how it works, I'll explain. The seal on her forehead stores healing chakra, tons of it, and releases it on her command, healing her instantly, and, in theory anyway, re-growing bones by rapidly replicating her cells to an extent where it is unnatural, but the side affect is that she grows older each time she uses it, because as your cells age, so do you . Now that you know how it works, this is how you reverse it, have Naruto become a seal master, and transfer the age into a small tree, giving it the age and taking it away from Tsunade, but make her close to the same age as Naruto, possibly older, so she can be as powerful as she is now.

Fem Gaara, I have a slight idea, just make her born a chick, but hide it under her sand shield and chest bindings.

About his swords, the one that says 'whirlpool' is made from his soul, like the zanpakto from, bleach, because not only was Naruto's mother (Kushina) born in whirlpool country, but his last name, 'Uzumaki', means whirlpool. The one that says 'nine' is obviously made from the soul of Kyuubi, like the devil arms from "devil may cry", but Kyuubi is still locked up in him, how, you figure it out. The one that says 'darkness', have fun, I'll let you come up with this.

Fem Haku, just have them not die, I can come up with something, but this will be your story, you gotta come up with something.

The tattoos, they are summoning contracts, use your imagination.

Yugito Nii, is the container of the Niibi no Nekomata, the two tailed cat, just have them meet in hell, once again use your imagination, she is from the village hidden in the cloud.

This was meant to be a romantic comedy so go wild, and as stated before, use your imagination.

Give credit where credit is due, a lot of these are my own personal ideas. Mention my name many times.

HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!