Me: I'm getting tiered of you people always putting Sprx down! You all should be ashamed! He hasn't flirted that much, hasn't loved but one girl, hasn't ran after but two girls, and is so very loyal to his team mates! YOU PEOPLE SHOULD BE ASHAMED!!!!!!!!!!!! SPRX IS NOT A FLIRT!!!!!!!

I know I'm not perfect, but I don't always flirt…it's kinda like to get Nova's attention. Her beautiful pink eyes mesmerize me, he yellow fur, her sweet smell. I just can't get enough of her presence.

I don't mean to seem like a flirt, I'm sorry if you're mistaken. But please understand my predicament.

I just got taken over by the dark side and was relished back, I'm still loyal, but I'm so unsure of myself. So please don't give me a hard time. I fight like the fighter I am, I fly like the pilot I am, I try to do my best, and especially after the fire of hate. So please don't hate me!

I am S-P-R-X 77, A.K.A Sprx, the misunderstood red robot monkey of the Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go.