Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in Resident Evil…boo.

Chapter: 15 Breathe

The car jerked to a stop. Cammy opened her eyes in a flash. They had reached their destination. Well almost at least. The group couldn't just park right out in front of the facility, they had to walk. They had about a mile walk ahead of them through woods. Much like the last facility, this one was also concealed. It was expected to be under even more surveillance than last time, considering the fall of Umbrella and its most recent incident.

Billy hopped out of the front seat and popped the trunk where the guns and supplies were located. They had to travel light, but since the team was much bigger this time around they had more people to carry things. He handed a lighter bag to Cammy, taking into account her small size. She assumed she was being held responsible for the medical supplies. The rest of the vehicles pulled up behind Billy and began unpacking as well.

"Ok, so we have about a mile to walk. Once we reach the facility we have to be on the lookout for any funny business. We can't take any unnecessary risks here." Chris said looking in Kevin and Allison's direction.

Kevin was too busy looking at his own reflection in his combat knife, but Allison looked appalled.

"Why are you looking at me? It's this buffoon you have to worry about." She said nodding at Kevin.

"Sweetheart you always should have to worry about me." He said without even glancing away from his reflection.

"Ugh!" she replied

"Listen this is serious, I don't want anybody getting hurt. We are not losing anybody this time. The security is going to be crazy to get around so we have to see what we are up against before we come up with a definite plan." He finished. The group nodded in agreement.

"Let's get my sister back"


Sherry sat in her bedroom with her long legs dangling over the bed. The lab equipment sat in front of her. She may be thirteen, but she was wise beyond her years.

Albert came and went, and she knew what he really wanted. Paul was the only one that was really nice to Sherry, just to be nice. Not because he had to be. For that she appreciated him. He was cute too, which helped a lot. She had to admit that after being locked up in this prison for so long, she had developed a crush on the first guy that was nice enough to stop and talk to her. Too bad he was about fifteen years older than her.

All she wanted to do was get out of this room. She needed time to think. She walked over to the panel on the wall next to the door and punch in the code.

It was denied.

"Huh that's weird." She said out loud. She tried the code again.


Something wasn't right. She knew she hadn't forgotten the code, she had put it in just a few hours ago when she went to eat breakfast. The crackle of the intercom made Sherry jump.

"Miss Birkin. I am afraid I cannot allow you to leave the room." Paul's voice boomed through the speaker.

"What are you talking about? Paul what's going on?"

"Sherry…its time." He said simply.
